
Living Standards in China: Indicators, Comparison with Other Countries

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Living Standards in China: Indicators, Comparison with Other Countries
Living Standards in China: Indicators, Comparison with Other Countries

Video: China - Relative Living Standards 2024, June

Video: China - Relative Living Standards 2024, June

Citizens of many states see China as a promising country to relocate to. It opens up new opportunities for doing business and finding partners, work and study. Naturally, most people think about living conditions before emigrating. You can read more about the standard of living in China and in Russia, a comparative analysis of the quality of life in the country in this article.

A bit of history

Chinese civilization has always occupied a special place in the world. It has been around for five thousand years and is considered one of the oldest cultures in the world. China has always attracted travelers and explorers, but for a rather long time it developed separately and did not particularly like foreigners. It was only in the 20th century that an active trade and economic communication with the country began, which enabled many curious people to get to know this country better. Starting a conversation about the history of China, one cannot mention the many talents that were born in this country. Philosophers of Confucius and Lao Tzu, mathematician Zu Chun Zhi, emperors and generals - the people of the Celestial Empire have something to be proud of. For many millennia, dynasties of monarchs ruled China, succeeding one another until 1911. In 1949, China became a socialist republic, which it remains to this day. In this regard, Chinese folk traditions were held in high esteem only until 1966, and then the cultural revolution began, led by Mao Zedong. It was directed against the development of capitalism and was created in order to help establish a socialist state in China.


Currently, China is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The number of people living in China is 1.4 billion. Among the Chinese, there are several ethnic groups that speak different languages. The main treasures of modern China remain culture and traditions. The Great Wall of China, mastery of construction, respect for elders, calligraphy, extensive historical heritage - these are what unite the Chinese, despite differences in lifestyle and even in language. In China, there are more than 10 dialect groups that differ in spelling and pronunciation. In order for people from different parts of the country to communicate with each other, a simplified Chinese was created, which contains unified hieroglyphs.


The standard of living of the population in China directly depends on the degree of development of the country's economy. Everyone knows that the Republic of China is developing rapidly, but is this enough for the normal life of 1.4 billion people? At the moment, the economy of this country has developed so much that it can compete with its main opponent - the United States. China's purchasing power index has long been much higher. Everyone knows that in the production and consumption of goods this republic has no equal. Many international companies have production bases in China, as this significantly reduces costs and allows you to get more profit. This is very detrimental to the ecology of China. For a long time, its inhabitants suffer from smog and air and water pollution. On the other hand, it strikes specialists from other countries, as they lose jobs and profits.

Almost half of China's GDP is construction and industrial production. High-rise buildings are being actively and successfully built in the country, which cover an increasingly large area of ​​the country. At the same time, high trading volumes make China less dependent on energy resources. There is enough oil in the PRC, but things are worse with gas and water. Therefore, during the long winter months, which are quite frosty, houses are heated with coal heating. What is the standard of living in China today? It is gradually starting to grow. In 2015, China’s GDP for the first time in many years yielded an increase of 5% and since then has only increased.


Living standards in China

Despite GDP growth, many media outlets report a catastrophically low population. So is it or not? To understand, you need to understand what part of the country we are talking about. According to the latest data, the quality of life has improved markedly among the population of large cities, which can not be said about the inhabitants of villages and agricultural regions. They still lack quality medical care, food and work. The following cities are considered the most promising for life:

  • Beijing - GDP equals $ 60 billion;
  • Shanghai - GDP is $ 67 billion per year;
  • Tianjin is a coastal city with annual GDP of 34 billion;
  • Hong Kong is a separate administrative center, often referred to as the “country in the country, ” with a GDP of 334 billion dollars.

At the same time, the rest of the cities of China, which are located in the center of the country and are poor agricultural areas, have gross domestic product significantly lower. Sometimes the difference can reach tens of billions of dollars. For example, in the city of Harbin, located in the north, GDP is already $ 12 billion. The richest areas are traditionally considered coastal sites and cities, especially south. They are actively developing tourism, including international tourism, and the service sector is booming. In the northern regions, the emphasis is on industry and production. The Chinese standard of living also depends on the sphere of human activity. The following industries are considered the most paid:

  • Private business, real estate and other forms of ownership.
  • Science, mining.
  • Programming, computer science.

As you can see, the same competencies that are popular all over the world are well paid in China. Recently, special attention has been paid to science, therefore, they have attracted scientists from different countries, offering them very favorable living conditions.

Benchmarking Living Standards


The statement that China is a poor country with cheap labor that can only produce low-quality goods has long ceased to be relevant. Currently, the Celestial Empire has already bypassed many developing countries, and is starting to catch up with such "monsters" of the economy as the United States and Europe. What is China's standard of living compared to other countries? According to the GDP rating compiled by the International Monetary Fund, China is currently in first place. And this despite the fact that in 2013 his position was 89 on the list! What is GDP? This is the total product produced by the country and divided by the number of inhabitants. The GDP rating of countries reflects quite reliable information on the standard of living of countries' residents. China's GDP in 2016 amounted to $ 21 billion, and in 2017 - $ 23 billion. The United States in this ranking goes immediately after China, not far behind. India receives significantly less, and Russia with other European countries is only in 6th position.

However, many experts are inclined to believe that the position in this rating does not at all reflect the real standard of living of the nationalities of China. The population is constantly growing, while many people live in contaminated and poor areas, do not receive proper education and medical care. Many Chinese people complain about inflation and constant price increases, as well as mismatch in store prices and wages. To understand whether the Chinese really live well, just look at the costs and income of a resident of an average city in the Middle Kingdom. Beijing's average salary is around $ 950 a month. Most of this goes to housing - $ 723 is worth renting a one-room apartment. Transport takes about $ 20. Food in China is not cheap - about $ 200 a month goes for food for cooking at home, and that’s without any frills. As you can see, there is practically no free money left for a working person in China. Although the data are somewhat simplified, it becomes clear that with the standard of living of the population in China, not everything is so smooth.

Russia and China: where to live better

Recently, China has repeatedly issued official reports that indicate that the standard of living of the population in China is much higher in comparison with Russia, and is approaching European countries. However, whether it is true or not, many cannot understand, since the People's Republic of China is known for some "exaggeration" of facts. Perhaps only the inhabitants of the country themselves can honestly answer this question. But some numbers may help clarify the situation. So, according to a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit, about 40% of Chinese people currently earn less than 10 thousand rubles. True, in the near future this figure will decrease significantly, but so far many Chinese people cannot afford a good education and even a kindergarten for their children. By the way, free kindergartens in China do not exist as such. All accessories for a child are very expensive, so the birth and upbringing of children in the PRC is a very costly task.


And yet, the standard of living in China compared to Russia in 2017 cannot be called bad. It all depends on the place of residence of a person in the Middle Kingdom. Food prices in Shanghai and Hong Kong are many times higher than prices in Moscow. Many goods familiar to Russians are simply not produced in sufficient quantities, and therefore are overpriced. For example, dairy products in China are several times more expensive than in Russia. The quality of the food also leaves much to be desired. In China, social security is much less developed. A pension in the Celestial Empire will be paid only if you have worked for at least 15 years in the public service and deducted a significant part of your salary to the fund. Therefore, often the elderly are provided by their sons and daughters. You should not count on social insurance in case of loss of job or disability. In China, the law reads: "He who works, he eats." Moreover, the level of wages in Russia and China is approximately the same.

Living Standards in China in 2017

According to the latest data, in recent years, China's economy has experienced significant growth. In this regard, the welfare of the population is slowly but surely growing. The standard of living in China compared to Russia in 2017 is already slightly higher. Salaries in the PRC, especially in large cities, are equal to the levels in some countries of the European Union. Of course, if we compare the average profit of people in China and, for example, in Moscow, then the level will be approximately the same. But compared with other cities of the Russian Federation, the Chinese are winning. The welfare of the country is gradually being leveled, and it begins to need qualified personnel who are attracted from abroad. In this regard, Shanghai and Beijing have long become a kind of "haven" for foreigners, in which they are provided with favorable working conditions and high positions in international companies. Recently, a lot of immigrants among Russians. As a rule, scientists and programmers go to the Celestial Empire, because it has long been known that it is in China that they produce the latest technology and the most famous smartphones.

To understand what standard of living in China is in 2017 and how it differs from other countries, just look at the minimum wage that the state guarantees to every working person. In different regions, its level is from 1000 to 2500 yuan, which is equivalent to 158 and 400 dollars, respectively. In Russia, the minimum wage a person can count on is 9, 500 rubles a month, or 150 dollars. As you can see, the difference is not too big, but much depends on the region in which the person lives. If we take the average figures, it is clear that the standard of living in China is higher than in Russia, but not by much. At the same time, do not forget that in China, products and clothes are several times more expensive than in our homeland.


The advantages of living in China

If you are considering moving to China, you will probably be interested to know what “pitfalls” lie in life in this country. All the advantages that can be obtained after emigrating to China have long been known:

  1. The main advantage of living in China for foreigners is that they will be accepted with open arms in language schools or in other positions, if they have certain knowledge. Since China has been an isolated country for quite some time, people of European appearance are always welcome here.
  2. The Chinese are very good-natured and hospitable people. Despite the difference in mentality, Russians in China feel very comfortable, as the inhabitants of this country are welcoming and friendly.
  3. The high level of wages for foreigners is compensated by the poor ecology and overpopulation of the country. True, to get a worthy profession, you still need experience and knowledge, it is better if they are in the field of science or programming - such specialists are most appreciated in China.
  4. A rich millennial culture will accompany you throughout the country. In every major city you can find and visit monuments and temples, whose history spans several hundred years.
  5. A large area of ​​the country, although it cannot be compared with Russia, is nevertheless disposed to travel. The transport system of China is very well developed, so getting from one point to another is not difficult. And the variety of climatic zones and monuments of architecture and culture will give the journey its charm.
  6. The economy of China. What place does this country have in terms of living standards compared to others? Recently, China's annual GDP has surpassed the economies of all countries of the world, even the United States. And in the future, judging by the forecasts of specialists, this gap will only widen. Therefore, China is a very promising country for life.



Despite the large number of pluses, minuses for foreigners living in China, there are many.

  • Low speed internet. The Great Chinese Firewall restricts visits to sites such as Google, Instagram, Facebook. To circumvent restrictions, you have to use a VPN, which may not be convenient for everyone. In addition, foreign sites in China load very slowly, which can be a test for people who are accustomed to the fast Internet.
  • Smoking in China is a kind of indicator of social status. Women in China are practically not affected by this bad habit, but men smoke always and everywhere. In China, there is no ban on smoking in public places, so tobacco smoke will accompany you in elevators, restaurants and even on playgrounds.
  • Most foreign cards do not work in China. Yes, even if you have an international MasterCard, it is not at all necessary that it will be accepted at a store or at a payment counter in a hotel. As a rule, inside the country they use their own plastic cards, so immediately after arrival it is recommended to attend to their production.
  • Low level of culture and hygiene. If you see a Chinese child who decided to go to the toilet right in the middle of the street, do not be surprised - this is in the order of things. Also, visitors may be shaken by the habit of spitting or burping after eating. What to do if in China in this way they express the pleasure of the food eaten.
  • The lack of culture applies not only to everyday life, but also to driving. On the roads of China, drivers everywhere do not follow the rules and constantly honk, and driving into a red light or turning in the wrong place is a common thing.
  • Junk food and junk food. If you are told about delicious and wholesome food in China, then you most likely mean expensive premium food that can not be found everywhere. Basically, the Chinese eat offal from potatoes and rice, which are rich in sugar and fast carbohydrates. Since the country is overpopulated, agriculture is simply not able to provide all residents with vegetables, meat and dairy products.

A look at China: what Russian emigrants write


A comparison of living standards in China and in Russia can best be made by those people who managed to live there and there. What do Russian emigrants write? Most people leaving Russia are looking for better living conditions, so they do not move to the "outback" of the country, but to big cities. And then the deepest shock awaits them. In the view of many Russians, China is a dirty and cheap market for low-quality goods. But in fact, cleanliness, prestigious cars and high skyscrapers of megalopolises immediately appeal to themselves. In China, people have much more abilities - they can easily open their own business or get a job in a prestigious company. But, having left to live in China, people are faced not only with positive things. Differences in language, culture, and way of doing business can make mental health worse. It is almost impossible to learn a Chinese language for a foreigner, since he has many dialects and tones. And without his knowledge, doing business is rather difficult. Another big drawback of Russian emigrants is the lack of an opportunity to get a Chinese passport or residence permit, even if you have lived in China all your life.

Russian pensioners are surprisingly comfortable in China. For a military pension or accumulated money in China, it is quite possible to purchase housing, and rent an apartment in Russia or leave it to children. Although in China they do not issue citizenship to foreigners, you can live comfortably in it for 20 thousand rubles without denying yourself anything. In addition, the Chinese still respectfully respect the elderly. In China, they do not sit in their apartments, but travel, walk, arrange flash mob dances in the open air and enjoy life. To summarize, we can say that China is an ideal country for short-term residence for leisure or for business. Resettlement for life in the Middle Kingdom is hardly possible, the gap between the mentality and lifestyle is too wide. The limited social circle, lack of cultural activities and poor ecology sooner or later force emigrants to seek another place of residence. At the same time, China is an ideal country for getting an education and creating its own business.