men's issues

Dismissal in the army: what is it, the order of receipt, timing and duration

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Dismissal in the army: what is it, the order of receipt, timing and duration
Dismissal in the army: what is it, the order of receipt, timing and duration

Video: Deltek Costpoint Training Video: Setting Up an Employee 2024, July

Video: Deltek Costpoint Training Video: Setting Up an Employee 2024, July

Many of us have probably heard such a word as “osval”. They call it a geographical object, namely, the Kurgan microdistrict, as well as an elongated hill, which has a convex peak and gentle slopes. Also used is the word "dodger" in the army. What it is? What does this term mean? For those who have served, it has a pleasant association. The reaction to this word in civilians, for whom it is tantamount to dismissal from work. Shoot in the army - what is it? The information in this article will help answer this question.

About the concept of "stumbling"

To someone who is interested in the idea that this is a fool in the army, experts explain that by this term they mean dismissal.


This concept is applicable in two cases:

  • The soldier receives a leave to go from the military unit to the city. In this case, the time of withdrawal in the army is set by the military commander. A soldier is obliged to return to the location in the evening for verification. Also, this period can be extended, but this is done at the discretion of the command.
  • For those who are interested in what the meaning of stumbling in the army, there is another interpretation - this is a discharge to the reserve. A soldier receives it after the expiration of his service in the army.

In order not to get confused in the concept of “bump”, synonyms are used in the army. In the first sense, the obstruction is a city dismissal, and in the second - a demobilization. The fact that this is a fool in the army, later in the article.

About the first meaning

You can understand that this is an oversight in the army by familiarizing yourself with the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and more specifically with Article No. 240. It says that each draftee once a week can leave the unit’s location and go on leave. However, this is available only to military personnel without disciplinary sanctions imposed on them. In order to avoid confusion in the soldiers' combat duty and daily subsistence allowances and not to reduce the combat readiness of the military formation as a whole, the army command clearly regulates the dismissal between different units. Therefore, only 30% of conscripts are released from one unit into the dismissal. Responsibility for this lies with the company commander.

Leaving period

Often, conscripts ask questions - how long can a military stint last? How many days will it be possible to stay outside the military unit? According to experts, on Saturdays and holidays, the duration of the leave does not exceed 24 hours. On Sunday and on holidays, the ridge ends in the evening, the soldier, upon expiration of the deadline, is obliged to return to the location of the military unit for evening verification. Young people who are being called up will be able to get fired only after a military oath.


According to eyewitnesses, immediately after the festivities, the rookie passes "under the control" of parents or an official wife. There are times when military personnel at the end of a ceremony leave the unit together with close relatives.


Whoever meets the young man after the oath, the immediate commander must be notified of his future plans.

How to get a bump in the army?

Those who want to go on leave must first write a report addressed to the commander of the military unit or deputy commander of the platoon. Further, this document will be considered for some time by the company or battery commander. The leadership of the unit resolves this issue taking into account the situation in the military formation. There are rare cases when the command decides not to let anyone go on leave. They will unconditionally refuse city dismissal if the soldier received the outfit the day before the exit. Before a young man is outside the military unit, he is carefully checked. You can leave the unit only after examining the foreman's appearance of the soldier. It is important that there are no form irregularities. If a person who wants to go to the ridge looks untidy, for example, army equipment is smeared with dirt or torn, then they will not let him out of the gate. Also, a soldier must know his duties and rules of conduct in hardship. Is it really so clear after an interview with the military leadership. If the commander sees that the soldier in this topic is poorly oriented, then he can refuse him leave. If the issue is resolved positively for the serviceman, he is handed a dismissal note. To do this, it is enough to present a military ID.

Who picks up the dismissal?

Only moms and dads can pick up soldiers in the bunker. The official wife can also do this. Other options are not excluded, however, they are previously agreed with the company commander. Arriving at the soldier, one of the parents must present his passport. After a receipt is written in the name of the relative, according to which, he takes the soldier out of the military unit on his own responsibility.

What is forbidden to a soldier to do in a bastard?

There are a number of limitations in the bump. Those who are fortunate enough to leave for a leave are prohibited from doing the following:

  • A soldier must not drink alcohol. Also prohibited are drugs and various psychotropic drugs. Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, if in a state of intoxication a patrol gets caught, then an unfortunate soldier is in big trouble. The following oversight may be a big question.
  • A serviceman is forbidden to drive any vehicle, even with a driver’s license.
  • You can not swim and go on the ice.

What do experienced military men advise?

In addition to the above restrictions, old-timers advise newcomers to avoid military police and patrols, since they will always find something to complain about. There are many stories when, after checking the documents, the patrol released the serviceman without any complaints, and when he returned to the unit, the commander was already notified of the violations committed during the dismissal. Therefore, having arrived in the village, the young man should be very careful. It is advisable to leave the military unit in civilian clothes so as not to stand out among the local population.


On the actions of a soldier upon arrival at the unit

The young man must return to the location of the military unit exactly by the time indicated in the dismissal note. The soldier must come to the duty officer in part and report that he has arrived. Then he should come to the company on duty. Then a dismissal note is presented, in which, in case of irregularities, comments are indicated in the bump.


After the soldier needs to go to his commander. From this moment on, the young man continues to serve, as before, waiting for another opportunity to officially leave the unit.

About the number of dismissal

Often recruits are interested in how many bumps are in the army? If you believe the promises of the command, it turns out that for the service, each soldier can receive at least 40 dismissal. However, judging by the numerous reviews of eyewitnesses, this is not always true. It happens that for the entire period a person can go out of the gates of the military unit only a couple of times. The reason for this is his poor relationship with direct management. Therefore, as the senior staff advise, it is better to get along with the commander. Those young people who serve in their hometown are more likely to get rid.