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What city is the cathedral in? How is it remarkable?

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What city is the cathedral in? How is it remarkable?
What city is the cathedral in? How is it remarkable?

Video: Books about Cathedrals and Monks 2024, July

Video: Books about Cathedrals and Monks 2024, July

Many cities have beautiful cathedrals. How do they differ from ordinary ones? Everything is simple here: in the cathedral there is always a pulpit - a throne or a chair for a bishop (in Orthodoxy - for the ruling bishop). But in the ordinary it is not. Such a throne is a symbol of power.

Many people are interested in which city the cathedral is located. This question is mainly asked by those who do not understand that he is not alone - there are many of them around the world.

Cathedral of the Holy Cross and St. Eulalia


But let's move on to specific examples. In Barcelona there is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and St. Eulalia. Every tourist walking in the Gothic quarter must visit it without fail. This truly amazing building, striking in its grandeur. It clearly shows the Gothic style. The temple is simply huge, looking at it, you involuntarily start thinking about how it was built and how much time it took. Barcelona Cathedral is notable for various nice elements, for example, high columns, turrets with spiers that rush into the sky itself. However, the most interesting details are inside - this is a statue of Jesus, thirteen geese and much more. And from the dome offers a gorgeous view of Barcelona.

The interior of the temple

Having entered the cathedral through the front door, a person finds himself in a huge, unlimited space. Impressions are enhanced by a choir singing beautiful religious songs. In the center is a large nave, and on two sides of it is a pair of aisles with amazing columns. A delighted tourist is unable to take his eyes off all this splendor. But many do not even know in which city the cathedral of extraordinary beauty is located. Imagine how much they lose …

Sculpture of jesus

The most interesting attraction of the cathedral is the wooden statue of Christ of Lepant, standing on the main ship of the Spanish Navy, when in 1571 the battle with the Turks took place.


Looking closely, you can see that the sculpture is uneven. She was damaged due to the fact that she protected the ship from shells.

Sarcophagi of the Berenguer and St. Eulalia

What else interesting can be seen in the cathedral? For example, the sarcophagi of Count Berenger and his wife, located quite high. Graceful choirs made of wood and decorated with the Order of the Golden Fleece also attract enthusiastic looks. They are in the middle of the nave. Here you can also admire the sarcophagus of St. Eulalia made of alabaster. It is believed that this woman, brutally murdered by Roman persecutors, now looks from the sky at Barcelona and protects her from troubles.

The magnificent Omsk temple

If you are interested in which city the cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in, then this question cannot be answered with one sentence. There are many such temples throughout Russia. Omsk, Biysk, Astrakhan, Veliky Ustyug, Valdai, Vologda - this is not a complete list of cities in which this cathedral is. Each temple can rightfully be called a real masterpiece, all of them are magnificent.


Consider the Omsk Assumption Cathedral. It undoubtedly stands out from the rest of the city’s buildings and attracts attention. Services are regularly held in the temple, to which many believers come. It is located in the heart of Omsk - on Cathedral Square. In the Soviet period, the temple was in very poor condition, it was almost destroyed, but after some time funds were collected for restoration, and the cathedral received a second life. Today, the Assumption Cathedral is considered the main attraction of Omsk.

Temple construction

This cathedral was decided to be built in the 19th century. Initially, it was planned to place it on the site where the city grove used to be, and call it Voznesensky. However, later an Orthodox diocese was founded in Omsk, and after that it was a pleasant decision to give the Cathedral the name of the Assumption.