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Day of the Russian Army. Day of the Russian Army and Navy

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Day of the Russian Army. Day of the Russian Army and Navy
Day of the Russian Army. Day of the Russian Army and Navy

Video: Russian Navy Day Military Parade in St. Petersburg 2020: Full Parede - День Военно-Морского Флота 2024, July

Video: Russian Navy Day Military Parade in St. Petersburg 2020: Full Parede - День Военно-Морского Флота 2024, July

February 23 marks the feast of those who have served or are still serving in the Russian Army and the Air Force. A significant date is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other states: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, etc.


What is the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

Just before proceeding to the description of such a holiday as the day of the Russian Army, it is necessary to clarify what the term itself means. This is the state military organization of our country. It is intended:

  • to repel aggression against the country;

  • for the armed defense of the territorial integrity and inviolability of the country's territories;

  • to fulfill tasks of international importance in accordance with the treaties.


What is a navy?

This is a view of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Its purpose is as follows:

  1. The conduct of hostilities at sea and in the ocean.

  2. Military protection of their shipping and the interests of the country.

The Russian Navy is capable of:

  1. Destroy enemy military groups at sea and bases.

  2. Disrupt adversary’s sea communications.

  3. Deliver nuclear strikes on enemy targets on land.

  4. All kinds of assistance to the ground forces, etc.

As can be seen from the above, the army and navy are closely interconnected. Sailors and soldiers, warrant officers and warrant officers, officers, generals and admirals … Day of the Russian Army is their holiday. The current generation should say thanks for a calm life and a peaceful sky above your head and be thankful to those who fought for their homeland in those years.


Modern Russian Army

It is rightfully considered that the Russian Army is the strongest in the whole world. According to one of the magazines, the armed forces of our country occupy an honorable second place in terms of combat power after America in terms of a combination of parameters. The Russian army surpasses all world armies in the number of tanks and nuclear weapons. The mobilization resource of the Russian Army is estimated at 69 million people. The percentage of staffing of our Armed Forces in the spring of 2015 is only 82%, that is, the shortage of military personnel is relatively small - about 200 thousand people.

The modern Armed Forces of Russia were created on May 7, 1992 on the basis of the former Armed Forces of the USSR. At that time, the number of personnel of the Army was about 2 million 900 thousand people. The staffing of the Russian Federation at that time is established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Armed Forces or the Russian Army today have the world's largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.


History of the creation of the Russian Army

January 15, 1918 (28th of the old calendar) V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. After the Red Worker-Peasant Fleet was created. February 22 of the same year, during the onset of German imperialism, a decree calling was issued. It sounded like "The Socialist Fatherland is in danger."

On February 23, 1918, in large cities of Russia, such as Petrograd, Moscow, rallies were massive. The working masses were called upon to defend the Soviet state. This date was marked by the massive entry of volunteers into the Red Army. Also this day was the beginning of the broad formation of its units and units.

February 23 is the Day of the Russian Army and Navy. Previously, it was the day of the Red Army (until 1946), then it became the date of the Soviet troops. This holiday is celebrated in honor of the numerous rise of the Soviet people to defend the country of the Soviets and the courageous resistance of the Red Army to enemies.

During their formation, the Russian troops became much stronger, they were by no means a whole armada of interventionists, or their accomplices. It was the Red Army that was able to win the Civil War. The secret of all victories is a high moral spirit of the people. Soldiers and officers guarded the peace of their fellow citizens, and during the tests went on the attack for the future and their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

It was February 23, 1918 that the Red Army received baptism of fire near Narva and Pskov. Therefore, Defender of the Fatherland Day (formerly the Day of the Russian Army) is a well-deserved main holiday of the Russian Federation. This does not mean that February 23 is a symbol of the militancy of the Russians. This is a tribute to those who defended the peace, freedom and independence of their homeland.


Heroism of the Russian Army

During the war, the Soviet Union, thanks to its Armed Forces, remained the winner in a deadly battle with world fascism. The Red Banner of Russia soared under the defeated Reichstag. Songs and poems for the Day of the Russian Army are composed, in which the heroic deeds of the defenders of the Fatherland are glorified.

During the Second World War in 1941-45. twenty-six soldiers of the then Red Army repeated the same feat of fighter pilot A. Maresyev. During the war years, soldiers and officers committed about 600 air, 16 naval and 160 tank rams. Throughout the war, not a single ship, not a single submarine lowered its flag in front of the enemies. They were strong in spirit and were not afraid of the enemy. Such a massive heroism did not know and still does not know a single army of other states.

Over the years of honoring the defenders of the Fatherland, more than one holiday script has been written. Day of the Russian Army is widely celebrated in the Russian state. The exploits, revolutionary and fighting traditions of the peoples and warriors of Russia are captured in numerous films, sculptures, paintings, literary works, etc.

February 23

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the State Duma of the Russian Federation on February 23 decided that in Russia this date is considered a day off. Previously, this day was ordinary, like everyone else. The Day of the Russian Army began to be celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day only after the adoption of the law "On Days of Military Glory (Victory Days)" in 1995.
