men's issues

Looking once again in the mirror, the fat dad of three children was determined to change. After 6 months, he turned into the "dream of all women"

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Looking once again in the mirror, the fat dad of three children was determined to change. After 6 months, he turned into the "dream of all women"
Looking once again in the mirror, the fat dad of three children was determined to change. After 6 months, he turned into the "dream of all women"

Video: The Volcano Inside of Me: Autoethnographic Documentary 2024, July

Video: The Volcano Inside of Me: Autoethnographic Documentary 2024, July

Scientists believe that the secret of health and energy lies in a slim figure. Nevertheless, many of us try unsuccessfully to fight excess weight, failing after failure. That was the case with one Englishman, who once, looking in the mirror, clearly decided to radically change his life, because overweight has already begun to stop him from taking care of his own children. Therefore, the man began to keep a diet that made him simply unrecognizable!


How a man decided to become the dream of all women

The guy who decided to completely change his daily habits is thirty-nine years old. According to him, they were driven by the desire to become the best father for their children. Six months later, according to the man, his friends on the street stopped recognizing him.

Once, Jeremy Peterson posted a post on social networks about how he went camping with his beloved three to get away. He writes that all that remains of him after this event is arrhythmia and fatigue. According to the guy, this should not be. A loving dad writes that he is not going to be at the mercy of his appetite and to miss the best moments of growing up his children because of his excess weight.
