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Signs of the Meeting of the Lord

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Signs of the Meeting of the Lord
Signs of the Meeting of the Lord

Video: The Lord of the Rings - At the Sign of The Prancing Pony (HD) 2024, July

Video: The Lord of the Rings - At the Sign of The Prancing Pony (HD) 2024, July

We are taught from the cradle to analyze information. Sources, however, are different for everyone. But in the old days, every person knew that it was necessary to intuitively feel the world around us, and also to use the wisdom accumulated by the ancestors. This in modern times will not be superfluous. Here, let’s take for example folk signs for the Meeting. Do you know what they are? No? Let's figure it out.

A little bit about the meaning of the holiday itself

Before you study the folk signs for the Meeting, you need to say a few words about this great day.


He is, so to speak, autonomous, not connected with other church dates. He is honored by representatives of various religious faiths. Each people, by the way, had their own signs for the Meeting of the Lord. On February 15, believers remember the righteous old man Simeon. His bright face can now be seen on the icons. The elder had many trials. But he believed and knew that his life path would end when he saw with his own eyes the baby Jesus. The scene of their meeting is captured on the Icons. On them, the old man smiles happily, holding the baby on his lap. His life path comes to an end, interrupting suffering and torment. In this triumph of true faith lies the deep meaning of the holiday. The idea is also embedded in folk signs for the Meeting. Most of them relate to natural phenomena and religious attributes. People tried to discern signs related to worldly life in the Divine manifestation. And seeing the pattern, passed from mouth to mouth. This is how popular signs were born for the Presentation of the Lord.

What is important holiday

People used to be much more dependent on the vagaries of the weather. From this, by the way, omens were so appreciated. The Meeting of February 15th marks the very beginning of the period of awakening of nature. The cold began to give way to the spring. Earth came out of hibernation. Peasants were preparing for field work, the success of which directly depended on their lives.


So they tried to make out on this symbolic day hints and tips from the Almighty. And by the way, there were a lot of them. They watched the sky, noted the direction of the wind, precipitation. It was also customary to pay attention to water, as well as the candles that were lit in the Temple. All this had a special meaning, was filled with secret information. The omens of the Meeting are diverse. But, as knowledgeable people claim, they are the most faithful. They are almost always performed. You just need to be attentive and patient.

Meeting of the Lord: omens of spring

Warmth brought with it new chores and worries. The peasant had to determine the time of sowing and other field work. It was here that people came to the rescue to help on February 15 (Sretenie). The owner went out into the courtyard the night and raised his eyes to the stars.


If they are clear, not covered by clouds, to know that frosts will soon give up their positions. Spring still has no strength. With sowing, you still have to wait, not to go out with a plow into the field. It's too early. Spring will be late. Yes, and sheepskin coats with boots still have to be vilified, early to hide them in chests. The omens of the Presentation of the Lord relate to precipitation. If this day is marked by snow, know that in spring the sky will be generous in rains. It is good for the crop. And such a regularity was also noticed: the more angry and snowy the snowstorm, the more water will pour from heaven in April and March. The change in weather on the evening of this significant day told the peasant about the imminent arrival of a severe cold. February was expected to be fierce, frosty. Peasants rejoiced in warmth on this day. The spring sun foreshadowed them with good weather during the arable land. However, it also predicted a couple of weeks of severe cold weather, after which gentle warmth would certainly come.

The Meeting: Folk Signs on the Future Harvest

To provide for the whole year - this is the main problem of the cultivator, deprived of the current high technology. Therefore, questions of the future harvest he was constantly worried about. He advocated about him, put his strength into him. He could get some clues from the snowfall that went to the Presentation of the Lord. Popular signs claimed that morning fluffy rainfall foreshadowed an excellent harvest of early loaves. If he gets ready for dinner, then the middle grades will be more generous. The evening snowfall hinted that it was necessary to put forces into later breads. They will be the most fruitful. In addition, gardeners (and current summer residents) watched the Meeting. Popular signs indicate that trees are very useful exposure to air masses. A strong wind blows away all evil from their branches. If he arrives on this holiday, the trees will bear fruit notably. A calm air predicted a meager harvest of fruits and berries.


Ancient Slavic customs

These people also paid close attention to natural phenomena on this significant day. It is believed that an important sign in this period is a thunderstorm. It was she who foreshadowed an abundant, calm life for the family. At first, to summon her, a huge bonfire was laid out outside the settlement outskirts. It symbolized lightning. Much later, his bonfire was replaced with a thick candle. The customs and signs of the Presentation are now associated precisely with this church attribute. It is believed that this candle (thunder) is a powerful talisman. They made it from wax collected in several farms. All together lit at the Meeting. Then it was decided to carefully store it behind the images. The thunder was handed over to relatives and neighbors who had an important event. It was lit only in those cases (in grief or happiness), when the parish priest was required. This candle was cherished like the apple of an eye. She could work miracles, as the people believed. It was used to expel dark forces, treat people and living creatures.


Sretensky candle

From those ancient times, faith in the power of the thunderbolt passed to us. Today a candle is accepted that was lit in the Church that day, kept at home. It is lit in moments of anxiety or anxiety. It’s just that they don’t get the candle. Only when they feel unwell or other signs of negative impact. They say about this state: "the soul is tormented." It is believed that pure energy enters the candle lit at the Meeting. Popular signs indicate the need to follow the very process of its burning in the Temple. Itself goes out accidentally - to be in trouble or unhappiness. If it is strong, it means that the evil eye is in the person holding it in his hands. When the candle crackles, shoots with sparks, there are secret enemies nearby. But an even, cheerful light is considered a good sign. Ahead is a period of prosperity. Blue reflections in its flame portend a certain disease, most often associated with internal organs.

Signs on the Money Present

On such a bright holiday, believers more and more thought of the soul. Naturally, they did not forget about earthly affairs. It is considered a good omen to suffer a monetary loss on this day. Of course, you don’t have to adjust it. The trick is not a sign. But if you find that a certain amount has disappeared in an unknown direction, then do not worry. Such an event, on the contrary, is a wonderful sign. All year you will not have material problems. It is forbidden to leave notes and coins on the table on this festive day. They say they will begin to leak out of the house, offended by disrespectful behavior.


What portends luck?

Rejoice in good events and the fulfillment of all desires will be the one to whom the stray dog ​​will be beaten to the Meeting. In no case should the animal be driven away. On the contrary, it should be fed. The dog will open the way to your house to true friends or a faithful chosen one (if one is not already there). Still taken on this day pancakes bake. However, you can enjoy them only "after the first star." As you will see, take a piece of sretensky pancake and make a wish. It will certainly come true. Of course, there is a condition. Need to treat pancakes to other people. It can be friends or relatives, neighbors or random people. The generosity of the Meeting is another sign of good fortune. Do not spare anything, share with others. Then fate will pamper you with gifts.
