
Vadim Mikheenko: biography and personal life of the actor

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Vadim Mikheenko: biography and personal life of the actor
Vadim Mikheenko: biography and personal life of the actor

Vadim Mikheenko was born on February 4, 1952 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). He is a Soviet theater and film actor, as well as a poet, teacher and theater figure. He writes prose and poetry under an assumed name - Dima Kerusov. There is a son - Yegor Beroev, who is also involved in acting.

Biography of Mikheenko Vadim Ivanovich

There is no information about the artist’s early childhood. It is known that his father worked in the KGB in the finance department. Vadim studied at a theater university, and then continued in graduate school. From 1972 to 1973, the young man worked in the Krasnoyarsk, and then the Riga Youth Theater. After some time, Vadim Mikheenko moved to the theater. Moscow City Council, and a little later in the theater of the Soviet Army.


A talented actor directed the theater of dance and pantomime "Terra Mobile". In addition, Vadim helped those wishing to learn acting not only in Russia. In many interviews, Mikheenko said that before moving to Moscow, he was seriously interested in tourism. He even managed to live in datsan, and then changed his worldview and became a hippie. At this stage, the biography of Vadim Mikheenko roll is not for the better. The young man began to use drugs, but managed to stop in time.

Creative activity

In 1970, Vadim Mikheenko began acting in films. His first works were: “The Color of White Snow” and “Salute, Mary!” But, the actor came to fame in 1975. Then Mikheenko played in the film "To the End of the World …". He got used to the image of Volodya, who, in the story, decides to escape from home, tired of parental total control. A distant relative of Simka reacted positively to his undertaking. She also wanted to run away from everyone in the world. Throughout the adventure, the young understood. that they love each other.


After a while, Vadim played major roles in films such as Double Overtaking and The Jackal Trap. You can also note the popular work of the actor: “Torpedo bombers”, “Serving the Fatherland” and “The Life of Klim Samgin”. In the mid-1980s, Vadim Mikheenko decided to complete his acting career.

Personal life

In his interviews, Vadim said that he was married many times. But with only one woman he had a sea of ​​emotions, both good and bad. At one time, Vadim was married to Elena Beroeva. Together, the couple in love lived a little - nine months.


In his revelations Mikheenko mentioned that the mother-in-law did not like him at first sight. He was a former hippie who did not have his own housing. The woman wanted another husband for her daughter. If not for the pregnancy of Elena, then her mother would have done everything so that they divorced.

Mikheenko said about this marriage, that give them time to reflect on the relationship, then everything could have turned out differently. But Elena’s mother invaded their couple, and the romantic relationship came to an end.

However, Vadim Mikheenko and Elena Beroeva continued to meet secretly even after the divorce. Everyone around understood everything perfectly. He and Elena had a crazy affair. Vadim himself spoke of Beroveva as a wonderful woman and mother. On the ninth of October 1977, the couple had a son, who was named Egor.

Vadim Mikheenko and Egor Beroev

Vadim said that their son Yegor was often ill. Elena tried to treat him at home as prescribed by the pediatrician. But one day he still had to be put in a hospital. On this day, little Egor shouted incessantly. When Vadim came home from work, Elena fell down from exhaustion. He told his wife to go to bed, and he himself began to sit with the child. At night, Vadim realized that his son was worse and called an ambulance. Doctors prescribed antibiotics and sent them to the hospital.


At one time, Vadim went on tour. Once again, Mikheenko came from a tour and was unable to enter home. His belongings were on display at the door. The actor wanted to talk with Elena, but she only shouted that he cleaned up to Katka Durova. Mikheenko immediately realized that this was the work of the mother-in-law. For several months Vadim lived with his friends. He met with his wife and son in neutral territory. Elena left Vadim and Egor alone to spend more time together. Egor missed his father very much.

Soon, at the insistence of her mother, Elena filed for divorce. Egor's court left to live with his mother. After that, the actor decided to return to St. Petersburg and entered graduate school. Vadim tried to visit his wife and son as often as possible. After a while, Mikheenko was shouted into the phone so that he would not come again. Elena said she was married and would not let her see her son.

When Yegor got older, Vadim dared to call their house. However, the son was not thrilled and hung up. Mikheenko said that Elena was very angry with him and set her son against him. And for some reason he blames only himself.