
Walter Samuel: sports achievements and biography

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Walter Samuel: sports achievements and biography
Walter Samuel: sports achievements and biography

Video: The 12 Best Biographies Everyone Should Read | Biography Recommendations 2024, July

Video: The 12 Best Biographies Everyone Should Read | Biography Recommendations 2024, July

Time is merciless. Yesterday's eminent athletes are gradually disappearing, giving way to the younger generation. One of the brightest representatives of the old guard is Walter Samuel.

The famous Argentine defender was born March 23, 1978 in the town of Laborde. He was raised by a single mother. Fortunately, soon she was lucky enough to meet a decent man, and little Walter Luhan learned what fatherly love is. In gratitude for this, he took the name of his stepfather - Samuel. Parents from childhood supported his passion for football and tried to create all the necessary conditions.

The beginning of a professional career

Footballer Walter Samuel embarked on a professional sports track when he was 18, signing his first contract with Newells Old Boys. Playing for this team in the 1996-1997 season, showed such stunning results that the coach constantly put him in the starting lineup for each match. His ability to drive the ball greatly delighted the fans and attracted the attention of elite clubs in Latin America.

Soon, the Argentine club Boca Juniors drew attention to him, which provided the defender with the opportunity to sign a contract for a long-term game. He agreed without hesitation, because he always sought to grow as a professional. From 1997 to 2000, he honestly played for his new club. Thanks to good performances, he was always in the starting and main line-up of the team. During these three years he played over 70 matches and scored 4 goals.

Million Player


What could be better proof of success in the football world than the fact that you are bought for 20 million euros? That is exactly what Walter Samuel cost the Italian club Roma. He became one of the most expensive Argentine transfers at that time. Cooperation with the "Romans" lasted until 2004. Already in the first season, the footballer entrenched in the place of a defender, on which he spent all 4 years. On behalf of this club, he performed at 120 matches and scored nine goals.

Perhaps this contract would have been valid until today, but the famous Madrid Real Madrid paid attention to the football player.

The era of Real Madrid


Officially, he became a player on this club on July 2, 2004. It was planned that the contract would be signed for 5 years, and Walter would appear at number 19. By the way, this is the exact number that was shown on his T-shirt in Roma. The management of the Madrid club was worried that the player would have to miss training because of the performances of the Argentine team at the America's Cup. But he received a good permission to refuse to participate and with all zeal set about a new job.

Oddly enough, but such a good start to cooperation did not bring the expected results. Only one season was played, 30 games were held and Walter Samuel scored only two goals. Real Madrid was furious. Having paid about 25 million euros for it, the club expected that the defender would not only show an unsurpassed game, but also be able to correctly set up defensive moves in the team. Having not received this, the leadership without regret sold the Argentinean to Milan Inter.

Reputation restoration in Milan


In 2005, the player will become a member of the Inter club. It did not take him long to convince the new bosses of his high qualifications. The head coach, Mancini, unconditionally trusted the newcomer and put him on the starting teams. This is what helped the team gain confidence and lose the fear of relying on their colleagues. Everything went like clockwork, but the unexpected happened: the main defender was injured. But what an example of courage and professionalism Walter Samuel showed everyone! Photos and videos of this heroic deed flew around the world. Despite the hellish pain, he brought the game to the end and left the field on his own. Having lost it, the team rapidly began to fall down in the ranking table.

With the return of the Argentine and the arrival of a new coach, Jose Mourinho, Inter began to slowly rise from his knees. These two football titans are developing a new strategy, which helps bring the team to the Champions League, where they conceded only 3 goals. Fragments of new defensive tricks did not look unless lazy. Walter Samuel gave this club 9 years of his life, played over 150 matches and forgot more than 10 goals.

In 2014, he leaves the team and on the terms of a free agent goes to the Swiss club Basel. Recently, the press received information that the football player intends to end his career, citing fatigue and age.