
Vasil Sukhomlinsky: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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Vasil Sukhomlinsky: biography, creativity and interesting facts
Vasil Sukhomlinsky: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Vasil Sukhomlinsky is known as a Soviet teacher, writer, publicist, creator of folk pedagogy. Having served almost all his life in a rural school, the teacher managed to make a scientific institution out of it, as well as a laboratory of pedagogical methods.

The childhood of a talented teacher

The great teacher was born on September 28, 1918, in the village of Vasilyevka, Kirovograd region (Ukraine). Vasil Sukhomlinsky was born in a poor family. His father, until the start of the October Revolution, served as a carpenter and joiner. And after the political event, he began to lead the collective farm, served as an agricultural commissar and taught children labor in school.


The childhood of the Soviet teacher fell on a difficult time: revolution, devastation, hunger, hatred. Already at that time, as a child, Sukhomlinsky began to think about how to make childhood the happiest period in the lives of children.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky: biography, books

At the age of 7, Vasily went to study in the village seven-grade school, where he was always referred to as a hard-working and gifted child. After school, Vasily took preparatory courses at the Kremenchug Pedagogical Institute, then entered the Faculty of Language and Literature. However, due to illness, in 1935, he was forced to stop training.

At the age of 17, the future creator of folk pedagogy had to start teaching. For three years, Vasily taught children the Ukrainian language and literature in the rural schools of Vasilyevka and Zybkovo.


In 1936, Vasil Sukhomlinsky returned to school. He continued his studies at the Pedagogical Institute of Poltava in the correspondence department. Two years later, a talented teacher graduated from the university, having received a specialty. After graduation, Sukhomlinsky Vasil Oleksandrovich - teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature in schools in his native land. At about the same time, Vasily Alexandrovich married his fellow teacher. However, during the war, the girl remained in occupation and, being pregnant, died.

Sukhomlinsky became the author of more than 30 books, 50 monographs, more than 1, 500 fairy tales for children and about 500 articles that were devoted to the upbringing and training of adolescents. The teacher considered the book “I give my heart to children” to be his main achievement, for which he was posthumously awarded the USSR State Prize in 1974.

Vasily Alexandrovich devoted his whole life to raising children and manifesting personality in them. A talented author tried to instill in children a personal attitude to the surrounding reality, to an understanding of his own business and a sense of responsibility to loved ones, and most importantly - to his conscience.


The beginning of World War II

When the war began, Sukhomlinsky Vasil Oleksandrovich went to the front as a volunteer. He went into battle with the rank of junior political officer on the Western and Kalinin Front, took an active part in the battle of Smolensk and the battle of Moscow.

In the middle of the war, a talented teacher was seriously injured by a shell fragment under the very heart. From the front sent to the Ural hospital. After discharge, he became the director of the village school of Uva, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Post-war time

In 1944, when the Nazis left Ukrainian territories, a talented teacher returned to his native land, took the post of head of the district department of public education in Onufriyevka.

At the end of the 40s of the XX century, Sukhomlinsky decided to return to teaching practice, heading a secondary school in his native district. Until the end of his days, the great teacher Vasil Sukhomlinsky served as director in the village of Pavlysh.


Biography and quotes of Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Vasily Alexandrovich shared the ideas of pedagogy of cooperation. Creatively reinterpreting the works of such great figures as Aristotle, Korchak, Skovoroda, Ushinsky and Komensky, the teacher was engaged in development, deepening and research. He reached new ideas and thoughts necessary during the upbringing of personality in a child.

Sukhomlinsky has a huge number of quotes and aphorisms that have survived to this day and have not lost their former relevance. His statements are devoted to the norms of life and behavior, education, the formation of the personality of the child and family life. And this is not the whole list of preserved wise and so necessary in our days thoughts of a great teacher.

Together with Makarenko, Vasil Sukhomlinsky was recognized as the best in the field of the development of pedagogy not only in his native state, in the entire Soviet Union, but throughout the world. However, his teachings were not infrequently criticized, for the simple reason that they did not fully correspond to the ideology of the Soviet era (they were imbued with the spirit of Christianity). The teacher was an atheist, but in nature he saw the beginning of the Creator.


Creation of folk pedagogy

The innovative pedagogical system, which was created by Vasily Alexandrovich, is based on the principles of humanism, on the recognition of the personality of children as the highest value that the process of training and education should be oriented to. The key idea of ​​this education was that the teacher must believe in the possibility and existence of a communist ideal, is obliged to measure his work with the measure of the ideal.

The great teacher tried to build the process of education and training as a work that would bring joy.

Sukhomlinsky paid special attention to the development of the students' worldview, assigned a large role to the teacher’s word, the artistic style of presentation, and the invention of children's tales and works of art together with the children.


Also, the innovative teacher created a complex of aesthetic programs called “Education of Beauty”. In the pedagogy of that time, he developed the humanistic traditions of domestic and world pedagogical thought. His program opposed authoritarian upbringing and succumbed to criticism in official pedagogical circles for "abstract humanism."

The meaning of life Sukhomlinsky

Projects and work with children were the meaning of the life of a great teacher and his vocation. Without children's voices and emotions, Vasily Alexandrovich could not imagine his life. Over the years spent at work, Sukhomlinsky brought many new innovative ideas to the methodology of raising children.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky collected his worldview of pedagogy as a science in publications that were published in periodicals. In addition, a talented teacher created 48 separate scientific works devoted to the rules of education.

His work, teaching activity is evidence of an innovative approach to the emergence and solution of important problems of modern education. The most important value are the development and ideas of Vasily Alexandrovich, which relate to the formation of the creative personality of children.

There are introductions and innovative methods of a talented teacher, which the Chinese and residents of European countries at the moment use for educational purposes.

Achievements of the great teacher

At the age of 37, Vasily Alexandrovich defended his thesis on the theme “The headmaster is the organizer of the educational process”. And three years later he earned the title of Honored Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR.

Vasily Alexandrovich developed a unique pedagogical system, which is based on the principles of humanism. In his work, the author recognized the personality of the child as the highest value that all processes of upbringing and education must be aimed at.


At the end of his life, a talented teacher was awarded the titles of the Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of the Red Star. Selected as a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

Sukhomlinsky died in September 1970.