men's issues

Military unit 33877 in Chekhov: address

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Military unit 33877 in Chekhov: address
Military unit 33877 in Chekhov: address

Russian military units deployed both in Moscow and near the capital. And taking into account the status of the city and its global significance are the main indicator of the combat readiness of the country's army. Military unit 33877 became one of them. The address, as well as information on the location, service and living conditions, is contained in this article.



Military unit 33877 is a budget institution of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Part refers to the engineering troops. Located near the capital near the city of Chekhov. In military unit 33877, the following tasks are being implemented:

  • the military security of the state is ensured;
  • in part, employees receive a military education;
  • military units pay attention to health care activities.


There are three locations of military unit 33877: Chekhov-3 (the former village of Sanatorium), Chekhov-4 and Gorki-25. According to experts, all these villages are located in the city of Chekhov.

About the village

Chekhov-3 is a closed urban-type settlement. Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, it is a very beautiful and neat village and has a fairly developed military industry. The town has the General Directorate of the unit. In addition, infrastructure facilities are conveniently located in urban settlements. The most important attraction is the Air Force Museum, located in the open. Soldiers and employees of the military unit can get there for free, since visiting the museum for this category of residents is considered mandatory. Another attraction of the village is the Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy. Today, repairs are being carried out in it.

About Service

Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, the presence of a Moscow residence permit and higher education is the main criterion in the selection of draftees, who are guided by the command of military unit 33877. Nevertheless, young people registered in other regions can also get into the military unit. Service in this military unit, as in others, is standard, with early hikes, exercises, breakfast, classes, lunch and dinner. Military personnel before retiring have a short free time.

About accommodation

Barracks were provided for military personnel with a standard set of furniture: a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe. Soldiers eat in the dining room three times a day. Judging by the numerous reviews, the opinion about the quality of food is contradictory. Some people don’t like food. According to this category of military personnel, we can conclude that they are fed exclusively with frozen rice and cold baland. Nevertheless, most of the dining room responds in a positive manner. Those who are not satisfied with the dining room can buy food in a store located on the territory of the military unit. However, the prices there, according to the military, are too high.

The disadvantage in nutrition is that sweets are not provided for soldiers by the military command. This nuance should be taken into account by the mothers or relatives of the military serviceman when processing the parcel.

There is a bathhouse on the territory of the unit, which can be reached from the barracks in half an hour. This fact is considered by some soldiers as a flaw. In part there is a library that a fighter can visit on his day off. In your free time you can watch TV or play sports. Especially for this purpose, a sports complex has been provided to the services of soldiers. There is a hospital in the military unit.

Traditionally, Saturday in military unit 33877 is considered a parental day. At the request of mothers can come to the military unit, where they will be met by the command, show the territory and give answers to all questions of interest.


About monetary allowance

To receive a salary, each soldier is issued a bank card. Mostly these are VTB, Sberbank and Bank of Russia. According to eyewitnesses, at the very beginning of the service, there are slight delays in payment associated with the processing of documents at a clearing center. It is not worth worrying about this fact, since this situation does not last long and after two months everything will normalize. The soldier is paid in full. Payments are made twice a month. Received cards are also suitable for receiving transfers. Also, parents can apply an alternative option, namely, use the Golden Crown system.


How to get there

Those who decided to visit a relative serving in military unit 33877 (Chekhov-3) can be reached from Moscow by electric train, following in the direction of Tula and Serpukhov.


You need to sit at the Kursk station at the Kalanchevskaya station. Also, the starting point is the Tekstilshchiki, Tsaritsyno and Komsomolskaya stations. Judging by the reviews, the trains run regularly. You can also get to the town by direct and transit buses from the Yuzhnaya station. Upon arrival in the town, the next point in the journey will be the station square. Here you must use the route number 26, which goes to Vaulovo. To military unit 33877 (Chekhov-3) he arrives in about 30 minutes. You need to exit at the final. There is also a checkpoint. Judging by the reviews, some citizens go by taxi.

Relatives from other regions of Russia can be reached the Chekhov station by any suitable train or bus, and then follow the above instructions.


How to send a parcel to military unit 33877?

The address of the military unit: 142303, Moscow Region, Chekhov-3, ul. Central, 1. Next, the parent should indicate the unit number, unit, and full name of the soldier. When making the transfer, you should be aware that the package is carefully checked by an officer or contractor for the presence of alcohol, drugs or other prohibited things. By the way, these include medicines. All necessary medicines are available in the hospital on the territory of the unit. Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, prohibited things are considered a rarity. Mostly in the packages they put various sweets.

What should be sent to the military?

Those who have already served recommend to complete the packages with the following:

  • cloth for footcloths;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • laces and shoe insoles;
  • threads, needles and buttons;
  • shaving accessories, comb and handkerchiefs;
  • GOI paste.

You can also send watches and stationery to the transfer.

About telephone

Moms whose sons serve in this military unit should be aware that they can only be reached on weekends and after six in the evening. It was at this time that the command of the unit issued fighters mobile phones for exactly one hour. After this time, the phones are removed back. If any unforeseen circumstances have occurred in the family, parents can contact the fighter by calling the call center.