
The line is ordinary: edible or not, description. Mushroom picker

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The line is ordinary: edible or not, description. Mushroom picker
The line is ordinary: edible or not, description. Mushroom picker

Video: How to identify the difference between an edible or poisonous mushroom 2024, July

Video: How to identify the difference between an edible or poisonous mushroom 2024, July

Spring is the time when the first mushrooms appear. A real holiday is coming for every beginner and a quiet hunt professional with experience. An ordinary line is one of those mushrooms that appear just in the spring days. It is quite interesting not only in its form, but also in how it is prepared. But do not run ahead. First things first.


Mushroom line: description

A bizarre form stands out this mushroom. His hat, like two drops of water, looks like a brain. She herself is brown, with a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters. It is as if glued to the base of the leg. The latter usually reaches five centimeters in length. The color of the legs is grayish. Another feature of this fungus is its fragility. Therefore, it must be collected very carefully. Otherwise, you can break the mushroom. His smell is neutral. That's all there is to say about how the line looks like a mushroom. Further it will be told where this delicacy grows.


Where does the mushroom line grow?

Handbook of mushroom picker says that this mushroom grows in coniferous foxes or in deciduous plantings. Rotting wood is another excellent location for these forest products. But most often the ordinary line is hidden in the pine trees. When do you need to start searching for this mushroom? As mentioned earlier, the line is a treat that appears in the forest with the first warm rays. After all, it was not just that he was given a name - an ordinary spring line. Such a mushroom can be easily found in the month of March. Handbook of mushroom picker says that most often it grows in April-May.

Poisonous mushroom or not?

Is the line edible or not? It is not possible to give a definite answer to this question. And all because the mushroom itself is very poisonous. In its composition, it contains a substance such as gyromitrin. It is quite toxic. When ingested, it can completely destroy the liver. In addition, abroad there are quite a few examples of death with careless use of this fungus.

Fortunately, there are no such examples in Russia yet. The peculiarity of gyromitrin also lies in the fact that even with heat treatment it does not break down. An ordinary line is a poisonous mushroom, but you can still cook it without harming yourself. And how to do this will be described later.


Signs of ordinary line poisoning

If you prepare the line incorrectly, the likelihood that a person will recover is as much as 99%. It is very important to know what signs of intoxication may appear. After all, if you find them on time, you can save your life and your loved ones. So, what are the symptoms of intoxication?

Signs of poisoning include: diarrhea, severe vomiting, and shortness of breath or light-headedness. All this is accompanied by severe pain in the stomach and liver. Most often, signs of severe poisoning occur five or six hours after taking the mushrooms themselves. Basically, intoxication is observed for one or two days. If a person has problems with the cardiovascular system, then a fatal outcome is likely.


Mushroom line: how to cook?

As mentioned above, the line is a very poisonous mushroom. With its improper preparation, you can die. Therefore, the next part of the article will tell you about how to prepare an ordinary line at home without harming your health. Here will be shown the most popular and simple recipes for making an amazing mushroom. So, it's time to start.

Fried stitches

This is the perfect dish. Your relatives and guests will appreciate its aroma and taste. What will be needed to prepare this dish? Of course, these are mushrooms, as well as one onion, several lettuce leaves and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Rinse the lines thoroughly before cooking. After that, they are filled with water, in which a spoon of salt and vinegar was added. In this mixture, the mushrooms should lie for at least thirty minutes.

Next, the lines are cut and placed on a pre-heated skillet. Mushrooms are fried in vegetable oil. In addition, during cooking, a finely chopped onion can be added to the aromatic mass. After a little frying, the pan must be closed with a lid, setting the fire to medium level. Mushrooms should be stewed for fifteen minutes. Ready-made stitches can be served with lettuce.


Potted lines

Another recipe is lines in a pot. This dish has more ingredients, and you will have to spend more time. But, it's worth it. So, for cooking, you need to have 100 grams of butter and sour cream, 200 grams of cheese. In addition, you need to buy onions, dill, garlic, salt, pepper, and, of course, the mushrooms themselves. The latter will need about five hundred grams. When all the ingredients are on the table, you can proceed to the preparation itself.

For starters, you must thoroughly rinse the forest with water. At the same time, do not forget that the line is rather fragile. Therefore, this procedure must be done carefully and carefully. Next, you need to put a pot of water on the fire and wait until it boils well. And in a boiling liquid you need to lower the mushrooms for five minutes. Then pull them out and drain the water. Then rinse again and re-dip in boiling liquid. And then repeat the washing procedure again.

Next comes the onion. It needs to be cut well, but not finely. Dill should also be chopped. Ready onions must be fried in vegetable oil. It should be remembered that it should have a slightly golden hue. Now it's time to return to the mushrooms. They must also be cut, but not finely. Next, add the lines to the bow. Mushrooms should be fried for about five minutes, even less. The process lasts depending on how quickly the water evaporates.

While mushrooms and onions are fried, you can do cheese. He is rubbed on a grater. But the garlic needs to be crushed using a knife. Now mushrooms can be stacked in a pot. Next is added sour cream and dill. All contents mix well. And then you need to pour cheese on top. Now the closed pot is sent to the oven, where the dish is baked at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees. Cheese is unnecessary to bring to a golden crust. And all because mushrooms can lose their special taste. Everything! The dish is ready! It tastes great with white bread.


Lines in sour cream

First you need to rinse the mushrooms (500g) in cold water. After that, we collect clean liquid into a medium-sized pan, adding a spoonful of salt and vinegar to it. Then this water must be added to the mushrooms for thirty minutes. After half an hour has expired, they must be boiled for ten minutes in salt water. After completing the process, we draw the stitches out of the water: they should cool. Then they can be cut, but not finely.

When the mushrooms are finished, it is time to chop one onion and three potato tubers. Mixing the chopped vegetables with mushrooms, put the mass in a refractory dish. Now you can add salt and pepper to your taste. The final step is to make the sauce. it is done simply.

Three tablespoons of sour cream are mixed with the same amount of water. It is necessary to mix everything until a homogeneous mass is achieved and boil. When the sauce is ready, they need to pour mushrooms. Now you can put the mushrooms in the oven. A dish is prepared under a closed lid at a temperature of one hundred and sixty degrees for forty minutes. That's the whole recipe for this wonderful and delicious dish. Such mushrooms will be a great addition even to the festive table itself.

Line casserole

Another recipe worth paying attention to is a delicious casserole and lines. So, it's time to start cooking this wonderful dish. First you need to soak the mushrooms in cold water for about fifteen or twenty minutes. Now they should be well cleaned of any dirt. Next, cook them in plenty of water for fifteen minutes. Ready mushrooms are sent to a colander and drain well in it. Next, you need to cut very large lines with a knife into several parts for better cooking. And now you need to send the mushrooms cooked already in new water for fifteen minutes. After that, they are again sent to a colander.

Without removing the mushrooms from the container, thoroughly rinse them under cold water. Then you need to cut the mushrooms into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Add salt and pepper to your liking. Then we continue to fry the mushrooms until a good golden crust appears, after sprinkling them with flour. In the end you need to add a couple of spoons of sour cream. It is necessary to simmer until the oil evaporates from sour cream. Then the mushrooms are removed from the fire and sprinkled with cheese. And now it's time to send the pan to the oven, preheated. She stands there until the cheese turns into a ruddy crust. The whole dish is ready! It is served with dill. Enjoy your meal!


Medicinal properties of the fungus

In addition to the fact that the line is used in cooking, it is also actively used in medicine. In the old days, mushrooms were used as a strong and effective analgesic. Toothache or muscle pain was easily relieved with this amazing mushroom. Nowadays, tincture of mushrooms is used. This drink helps with arthrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis and other similar diseases. In addition, by rubbing the tincture, pneumonia and a long cough can be cured. How to cook it? It's time to figure it out.

Preparation of therapeutic tincture from the lines

First you need to clean the mushrooms very well from mucus and dirt. The hats are neatly separated from the legs and chopped well. Then we send them to the storage tank. It is worth remembering that ramming or shaking a jar with chopped hats is unnecessary. Next is added vodka. You need to pour it so that it covers the mushrooms a little. Insist the remedy for exactly two weeks by putting it in the refrigerator. Everything! The tincture is ready!

In order to get rid of colds and strengthen immunity, it must be rubbed into the human body. Then you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket for a stronger effect. As you can see, although the line mushrooms are poisonous, they can not only be cooked deliciously, but also used as an effective medicine against diseases. The most important thing is to be careful and do everything clearly according to the prescription. Another tip: be sure to consult your doctor about the specific use of this tincture for treatment purposes.
