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How many monuments are there in Moscow? Famous and unknown monuments of Moscow

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How many monuments are there in Moscow? Famous and unknown monuments of Moscow
How many monuments are there in Moscow? Famous and unknown monuments of Moscow

Video: Moscow's Top 15 Monuments To Visit in Russia's Capital 2024, July

Video: Moscow's Top 15 Monuments To Visit in Russia's Capital 2024, July

The history of Moscow begins in 1147. It will take years to find out about all the events that took place in this city. Start to replenish your knowledge by studying Moscow monuments, because they can tell a lot: about the epochs of development, and about the heroes. And how many monuments are there in Moscow? Currently, the capital has about three thousand monuments. This figure is not accurate, since many modern works of young sculptors are not taken into account. Even a native of the capital will not be able to answer the question of how many monuments are in Moscow. Even experts are not able to do this, so we will consider the most iconic sights.

The main monuments of Moscow, which everyone should see

  1. In the first place, of course, is the Kremlin. This is a symbol not only of Moscow, but of the whole of Russia. The building is located in the city center. Almost every excursion begins with it. It is also worth noting that this is the oldest monument about which there are more than a dozen legends.

  2. Immediately after getting acquainted with the visiting card of Moscow, you should take a walk along Red Square. In the old days, it served as a crossroads from all nearby settlements. The richest people lived in this place, so each house is an architectural value that demonstrates the scope and wealth of the noble and merchant classes.

  3. The monuments of Moscow, a list of which should be called a must, are presented:
    • The Grand Kremlin Palace;

    • Senate Palace;

    • Spasskaya Tower.

By the way, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower shows the most accurate time, since it is equipped with an atomic mechanism.

Cultural attractions

The cultural monuments of Moscow are represented by many monuments to great personalities who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the city. Among the most significant are the following:

  1. Massive statue of Yuri Dolgoruky, installed on Tverskaya Square. This prince founded a small settlement with wooden houses and a small church, which in a few years turned into the capital of the Russian Empire.

  2. Monument to Cyril and Methodius on Tverskaya Square. It was these two enlighteners who introduced the modern writing system and significantly accelerated the development of the Russian people.

  3. Monument to Alexander Suvorov on Suvorov Square. It is to this great general who, by achievements, can be compared with Caesar, Alexander the Great and Sultan Suleiman, Russia owes its territory and authority.

  4. The triumphal gate created in honor of the victory of Mikhail Kutuzov over the French invaders. Few people know that this monument changed its location three times. Initially, it was installed on Tverskaya Square, then on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, and now it adorns Victory Square.

  5. GUM is the main monument of the Soviet era. This is the first hypermarket in the Union and the only place where at that time it was possible to purchase absolutely any product. Located on Red Square.

  6. The last religious building should be considered a monument to Vladimir Vysotsky. It is set on Strastnoy Boulevard.


The cultural monuments of Moscow, the list of which, naturally, is not complete, personify not only individuals who influenced the course of history, but also the greatness of our country.

Famous Monuments of Moscow

There are such monuments in the capital that have become famous not only in Russia, but also around the world.

  1. In the first place in this list should be a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which is installed on Red Square. The militia headed by them, consisting of citizens and peasants, smashed the color of the Polish gentry to smithereens.

  2. No less famous is the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl". It symbolizes the communist idea and is a cultural heritage not only of Russia, but of all countries that shared or still adhere to the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

  3. One of the main attractions of the entire Orthodox world are considered the Arkhangelsk, Annunciation and Kazan Cathedrals.

  4. Monuments symbolizing the greatness and power of our state are the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon.

  5. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the victory over the Nazi invaders on Manezhnaya Square, another famous monument appeared. This is a monument to George Zhukov. Thanks to his talent as a strategist, he managed to stop the “brown plague”.

Monuments to the Leaders

Monuments to state leaders and politicians in the capital are erected everywhere. Especially a lot of I.V. Stalin, V.I. Lenin and his wife N.K. Krupskaya. So how many monuments to Lenin are in Moscow? According to various sources, about 80-100 monuments remained in the capital. The most famous are located on Oktyabrskaya Square, near the Oktyabrskaya metro station, at the Ploshchad Ilyich station, near the Yaroslavl Station, on Tverskaya Street. The monument to Ulyanov-gymnasium student is installed in front of the Palace of Pioneers, Nadezhda Krupskaya and Vladimir Lenin - at the intersection of Krupskaya and Leninsky Prospekt. Answering the question of how many monuments to Lenin are in Moscow, one should not forget about the main of them - the Mausoleum of the leader.


Immortalized in granite poets and writers

How many monuments in Moscow dedicated to poets and writers? It is very difficult to name the exact figure, as there are official and home-made sculptures. Among the busts of the great classics, the monuments to Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky on Vozdvizheniya street, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol on Gogolevsky Boulevard, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin on Yeseninsky Boulevard deserve attention.

The list can be continued long enough, but what is the answer to the question of how many monuments to Pushkin are in Moscow? There are at least five of them. The young poet is depicted near school number 353, which was named in his honor. Another full-length monument was erected in Pushkin Square. Together with her lover, the genius is immortalized in front of the apartment on Old Arbat, in which the young family lived. A small bust is installed in the courtyard of library No. 112. A full-size monument to the poet is also located on Spasopeskovskaya Square.


Speaking about how many monuments to Pushkin are in Moscow, one should not forget about the rapid expansion of the city. Now Zelenograd is considered the eighth microdistrict, and there is its own "bronze Pushkin". If we examine the issue in more detail, then we can count more than two dozen monuments.

Little-known creations of architects

Unknown monuments of Moscow are also interesting:

  1. The monument depicting the main characters of the works of Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson - is a modern work. It was presented to the audience in 2007.


  2. “Fasting Uncle Styopa” is a statue of the hero of the famous children's poem by Sergei Mikhalkov.

  3. Buddha Monument - at the embassy of Sri Lanka.

  4. Monument dedicated to processed cheese "Friendship".

  5. Monument to Baron Munchausen.

Monument "Frivolously resting Pushkin", located on the street. M. Molchanovka will undoubtedly attract the attention of the audience with its ambiguity, because in this composition the great poet was presented very non-standard.

Monuments to actors

There are a lot of sculptures and busts of famous actors in Moscow. The monument to Yuri Nikulin stands near the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, in which the famous clown worked, and subsequently led him until his death. The monument to Eugene Leonov was erected near the building of the Mosfilm studio. The actor is represented in the image of the recognizable protagonist of the film "Gentlemen of Fortune".

How many monuments to actors in Moscow are difficult to calculate, since all the iconic personalities of Soviet cinema are immortalized on the streets of the city, and some of them even several times.


“Walk of Fame” of the great scientists

Great scientists, inventors, design engineers are not forgotten and forever inscribed in the city landscape. The place for this was the Alley of MSU scientists on the Sparrow Hills. Here are represented N. N. Zhukovsky, M. V. Lomonosov, D. I. Mendeleev, L. I. Lobachevsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, V. V. Dokuchaev, A. S. Popov, I. V. Michurin, I.P. Pavlov and other outstanding personalities.

Moscow giant monuments

Giant metropolitan monuments also attract attention, among them:

  1. Monument to Peter I on the artificial island of the Moscow River, whose height is 98 m.

  2. The memorial in honor of the Great Victory in World War II stands on Poklonnaya Hill, the height is 141 m. It is presented as a bayonet, on top of which the goddess of victory Nick is located.

  3. Monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on Leninsky Prospekt 42 m high.

Memorials - Symbols of Events

Monuments dedicated to tragic events and wars make you think. For example, the symbolic memorial “First Satellite” near the metro station “Riga” built in 1963. It is dedicated to space exploration.


Another iconic place is the memorial ensemble “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” in the Alexander Garden. It was erected in honor of the soldiers who gave their lives for their homeland and did not allow the Nazi occupiers to destroy the elderly, women and children in concentration camps.