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Bioexperimentanium "Living Systems" in Moscow: description, tours, reviews

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Bioexperimentanium "Living Systems" in Moscow: description, tours, reviews
Bioexperimentanium "Living Systems" in Moscow: description, tours, reviews

Any child seeks to know the world around him. As world pedagogical practice shows, whether a child will be engaged in future science or not depends largely on whether his parents can interest him in childhood biology, physics, chemistry, anatomy, etc.


In recent years, unusual scientific interactive museums have begun to open all over the world, where schoolchildren and preschool children can see with their own eyes the various processes taking place in living organisms, or feel themselves in the role of researchers. One of such modern educational institutions is the bio-experimental "Living Systems". This article will tell about its exposition, opening hours, ticket prices.


The Living Systems Museum in Moscow is located on the lower 2 floors of the building, which is located in the center of the capital. His exposition is dedicated to the structure and functioning of the human body and the capabilities of his body.

In total, visitors can see about 100 interactive exhibits displayed in the thematic halls: Cardiovascular System, Measure Yourself, Respiratory System, Musculoskeletal System, Regulatory Systems, Digestive System, Reproductive system ”, as well as“ Evolution ”and“ Perception ”.


Ground floor

There are ticket offices at the entrance to the bio-experiment Living Systems where you can buy a ticket for a child or adult and get a paper bracelet. It will allow you to leave the museum for a short time, if, for example, you need to have a bite or go on business and return to participate in a master class.

Each bioexperimentarium hall is dedicated to different topics. In the section "Reproductive systems" you can see all the stages of development of the embryo. Everyone can climb into a special wheel to understand how an unborn baby in his mother’s stomach feels or to try himself in the role of an ultrasound diagnostics specialist. It will be interesting for both adults and children to watch on the monitor how the fetus behaves, while they drive the pregnant woman’s dummy with a special device.

In the section “Musculoskeletal system”, tourists will see many skeletons. Using their example, they can see how successfully and thoughtfully connected the bones of the human body. To do this, they will be offered a ride on a bicycle simulator. All buttons on it can be pressed, and all levers can be pulled. When riding a bicycle, you need to be prepared for the fact that a double-skeleton will appear nearby on a dark glass, zealously twisting is great.

In addition, on the ground floor you can study cells, find out how many children fit in a glass cube, literally visit the shell of a turtle, compare the sizes of the human brain and various animals. And also boys and girls will be able to try themselves in the role of real archaeologists. They have to dig the bones of an ancient person from under the yellow sand layer. In this case, you need to be prepared for any surprises. After all, a Neanderthal may well turn out to be a mermaid with a tail instead of legs!


Second floor

Climbing the stairs, visitors to the museum fall into the hall devoted to vision problems. They have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of various living creatures, as well as people who have certain problems that prevent them from seeing the world as it really is (myopia, farsightedness, etc.). In addition, sightseers will learn how the genes of their parents affect the color of a child’s eyes.

A lot of interesting things awaits schoolchildren and toddlers in the hall dedicated to human perception. Everyone can experience whether he can walk along the rope stretched between two skyscrapers and see if flocks of bats scare him at the gates to Dracula's castle, which can be accessed only by using the staggering glass bridge.

A separate stand of the interactive biological museum is dedicated to the sense of smell. Visitors to the bio-experiment “Living Systems”, tickets to which can be purchased at the ticket offices located right at the entrance to the museum, are offered to “taste” various pleasant smells. Many of them are familiar to everyone, but there are those that children can hardly recognize.



Modern schoolchildren best perceive information in an audio-visual format. The bio-experimental “Living Systems” offers colorful shows during which a wonderful world of biology and anatomy will be revealed to boys and girls.

They can become a member of the programs:

  • "PRO nutrition." Nutrition is an important part of our life, therefore, children and adolescents need to know how to organize it properly so that the body receives a sufficient amount of protein and other useful substances. The program of the show is an experiment to clarify the answer to the question of how much sugar is contained in powdered sugar, the race of proteins and drawing on milk.
  • "PRO space." A quiz with fairly difficult questions will determine what boys and girls know about space. They will witness incredible experiments and receive original prizes for their knowledge.

"PRO cage" (soap bubble show). All living organisms are made up of cells. The guys will be able to find out what is in their composition, how they interact and other details of the structure of our body during an entertaining performance, part of which is a colorful show of soap bubbles.

Bioexperimentium "Living Systems": excursions

The interactive biological museum comes in whole classes. In this case, it is best to book group interactive tours. Bioexperimentarium offers the following options, of varying lengths:

  • "Mysteries of the brain." A 40-minute tour designed for students over 12 years old will let you know how the senses are connected to the brain, what is the reaction rate to our perception of the world, etc.
  • "All about perception." This thematic tour will help you understand whether to trust your feelings. It is recommended to primary school students. The time is 40 minutes. With the help of optical illusions and various imitations, children are shown that our eyes and other senses can deceive us.
  • "Mythical creatures". Most children love fairy tales and science fiction films. In the bio-experiment "Living Systems" you can find out everything about zombies, trolls, fairies, unicorns, as well as about unusual organisms that really inhabit our planet.
  • "Fears and phobias." Children from 12 years old are invited to get acquainted with the most common phobias and find out where they come from and how they can be overcome.

Guided tours in English. For foreigners and for those who take every opportunity to improve a foreign language, sightseeing tours are offered by guides who are fluent in English.


Master classes

In every child, a creator is hidden. This is the secret of the popularity of various master classes. Students are encouraged to learn how to correctly experiment and show experiments in subjects such as botany, anatomy, zoology, genetics.

How to get on the subway to the bio-experimental "Living Systems"

Getting to the museum is quite simple. The address of the bio-experimental "Living Systems" is Butyrskaya St., 46. It is located very close to the Savelovskaya metro station.

By the way, you do not have to go there at all. The Living Systems Museum in Moscow offers on-site programs. You can order:

  • show “PRO nutrition” or “PRO water”;

  • master classes “Digest this”, “Sense of taste”, “Digest this”, “Your DNA”, “Do not touch your hands?”.



Children under 4 years old can visit the museum for free. All other children and adults will need tickets, the cost of which will depend on the day of the week. The most expensive visit to the Living Systems bio-experiment (the exposition is described above) will cost you on the weekend (650 rubles for adults, 550 for children). Mondays and Wednesdays (if it is weekdays) are declared “Happy”, and tickets for these dates are much cheaper than on weekdays and especially on weekends (for children - 350 rubles, for adults - 450). On weekdays, a ticket for a child costs 450 rubles, for an adult - 550 rubles.

Shows, lectures and master classes can be ordered for a fee. And you will definitely have to buy a ticket to the museum.
