
Albert Makashov: biography and photos

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Albert Makashov: biography and photos
Albert Makashov: biography and photos

The nationality of General Albert Makashov often becomes a subject of controversy. According to some reports, he is Russian, others consider him a descendant of Jewish blood, but people live in Chechnya who claim that his real name is Aslanbek Makhashev and that he is a representative of the Chechen people.


Makashov Albert Mikhailovich, biography: beginning

In official sources, the date of birth of General Albert Makashov is considered June 12, 1938, and his small homeland is the village of Lev Rossosh, which is located in the Voronezh region. For the Soviet period, his name was unusual, and, of course, many had the question: why Albert Makashov? The general himself has his own version, according to which his mother named him just like that at the insistence of the Zemstvo doctor Natalia Vasilievna, who, in turn, was the governess of Albert’s mother. This name belonged to one of the characters in the novel “Consuelo” of the famous novelist Georges Sand. At the time when the boy was born, the doctor read this book, and when it came time to give the newborn a name, she recommended the newly minted mother to call her baby by the name Albert. Mikhail Makashov, the father of the boy, was a little surprised, but he liked the name as a whole … Later, speaking of his name, the general joked: “It’s good that they didn’t name Adolf.” By the way, there is another version in the media, according to which he was named Albert in honor of the great scientist Einstein.


Albert's childhood coincided with the post-war difficult years for the whole country. There were hunger, and cold, and deprivation. A loaf of bread sprinkled with sugar or sprinkled with sunflower oil was considered the greatest delicacy. His mother was a nurse, and his father was a military man, and he was practically not at home. The boy was brought up on the street. Mom had to work in two places. At that time, there was a street committee in the yards. The chairman of the Makashov’s place of residence was a very wise and learned person. He made a great contribution to the education of little Albert. There was a large library in his house, and his daughter introduced local boys to reading, helped them in choosing books.



Young Albert especially liked books about the seas and travels. And so, when he was 12 years old, he wrote a letter to the Leningrad Naval School named after Admiral Nakhimov, in which he asked the director to accept him into the ranks of cadets. However, he was told that he needed a Leningrad residence permit for admission, and offered to enter the Suvorov School in the city of Voronezh. He took the advice and was soon enrolled in the Higher School of Economics. Here he studied with all zeal, as they say, tirelessly. In his spare time, he could be found either in the stadium or in the library.

After graduating from college, he continued his studies at the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School, then with a gold medal he graduated from the Academy. M. Frunze. Thus, from 1950 to September 1991, Makashov Albert Mikhailovich served in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. During this time he was in Germany, Poland and other allied countries. By 1979, he had risen to the rank of major general.


Military career

In the early 80s of the last century, Albert Makashov was appointed commander of the Twentieth Guards Combined Arms Army in the GSVG (Germany). Then he was the first deputy commander of the ZakVO, from the beginning of 1989 until the fall of the same year he was the commander of the troops of the Ural Military District, and after the unification of this district with Volga became the commander of the Volga-Ural Military District, whose headquarters was in the city of Kuibyshev, now Samara.


Political career

Since 1989, he was elected People's Deputy of the Soviet Union, and in May 1991 he ran for president of the RSFSR, eventually receiving about 4% of the vote. During the August coup, he supported the GKChP, for which he was removed from the post of commander of the troops and dismissed from the Armed Forces, but continued political activity, joining the ranks of the RKRP.

In 1992 A.M. Makashov received membership in the Organizational Committee of the Federal Tax Service, soon becoming its head. For some time he was an adviser to the president of the Transnistrian Republic. In February 1993, Makashov was among the supporters of the restoration movement of the Communist Party, was elected chairman of the KNS (National Rescue Committee), participated in the defense of the building of the Armed Forces, in the assault on the Moscow City Hall and the Ostankino television center.

On October 4 of that year, Albert Makashov was arrested on charges of organizing anti-government sentiments and imprisoned in Lefortovo prison. Here he spent 4 months and was released under an amnesty, according to the decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Since 1995, he was elected to the State Duma from the Samara region for one term. In 1998, he was charged with anti-Semitism and inciting ethnic hatred. But due to the lack of corpus delicti, the charge was dropped. The second time he was elected to the State Duma in 2003 and worked until 2007. In 2005, he signed under Letter 5000.

Makashov Albert Mikhailovich: where is he now?


In 2014, high-profile headlines appeared in the press, stating that the country's main "anti-Semite", the nationalist convinced General A. Makashov, was a representative of the Jewish people and was going to emigrate to his historical homeland, to Israel. There was also information in the media that he had already submitted an application to the Israeli embassy in Moscow about his desire to change his citizenship and permanent residence.

A photocopy of his birth certificate was also published, where he was recorded as Makashev Abram Moishevich, indicating the nationality of both parents - Jewish and Jewish. And this meant that he automatically fell under the law of Israel on his return to his homeland. But was his historical homeland ready to accept such a person who was implicated in anti-Semitic moods and who in the late 90s called Jews Jews and creeps and called for "knocking on their door and pissing their windows." Did his country of ancestors accept him, of course, if it is such, because after that a lot of interesting things surfaced?

His sister, Esther Makasheva (Libkind), who had already acquired Israeli citizenship and lived in the promised country, explained her brother’s behavior in this way: “Abrash, being a military man, was always afraid and embarrassed of his origin, so he made demonstrative attacks on Jews in order to conspire … “Could such arguments justify his attacks against“ his own "people?” Hard to tell…


New biography details

If you noticed, before the photocopy of his birth certificate surfaced in the press, there was no information in any source about the parents of General Makashov. And here you are, it turns out, an ardent supporter of the anti-Semitic movement and the nationalist himself is a Jew. At the same time, other information appears that offers a completely different version of its origin, according to which Albert Makashov is a Chechen. According to other information, the surname Makashov is Jewish and comes from the Hebrew word “מקש” (“makash”) - “pedal, key”. By the way, in Israel there are a lot of people with this name, however, after all, the general was not Makashov, but Makashev.

New - Old Relatives

While the general’s Jewish origin was being discussed in the media, Sadibek Khaidarbekovich Makhashev, a Chechen by birth, who claims that Albert Makashov - Aslanbek Makhashev is his younger brother, is looming on the horizon. The newspapers publish his open letter to a famous relative, where he presents some biographical details of his family. Further in the article we present the most interesting of them.


Chechen story of General Makashov

According to the story of Sadibek Makhashev (brother of Albert Mikhailovich, in his words), they were born in the Vedeno region of Chechnya into a large family, but in 1944, as a result of the deportation of the long-suffering Chechen people, they ended up in Kazakhstan. Their parents - Khaidarbek Makhashev and Takhov Murtaeva - died shortly after arriving in Kazakhstan. After their death, five children of the Makhashev family, including Aslanbek, remained in the care of their neighbors. However, they were soon sent to an orphanage.

After some time, Aminat and Aslanbek were taken away from the orphanage. Since then, they have lost all contact with family. Later, the older brother made inquiries and found out that Aminat was adopted by the Russian woman Anya. As for Aslanbek, he fell into the family of Don Cossacks, but they could not find any specific coordinates.

In the 90s, General Albert Makashov was often shown on television. Sadibek recognized him as his lost brother. A few years later he gathered and went to Moscow to visit his brother. The meeting was held in the State Duma. Seeing Sadibek, Albert Makashov hugged him and asked his secretary if they looked alike. To which she replied that they look like close relatives.

After a long conversation, viewing photos, the deputy general told Sadibek Makhashev to go back to Chechnya and expect news from him. Several years have passed since then, but Sadibek never received any news from his younger brother. He does not even know where Albert Makashov is now. Indeed, in recent years, it is not so often shown on television.

It is difficult to say how much the story told by S. Makhashev is true. Indeed, many stories revolve around the name of the general, including the information mentioned above about his Jewish origin.