women's issues

Women's intimate haircut: types, rules of implementation and contraindications

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Women's intimate haircut: types, rules of implementation and contraindications
Women's intimate haircut: types, rules of implementation and contraindications

Video: 2021 Women's Economic Security Initiatives 2024, June

Video: 2021 Women's Economic Security Initiatives 2024, June

The beach season is open, and all the beauties are in a hurry to quickly give their intimate zone an aesthetic look. The tastes for intimate haircuts are different for everyone. Someone prefers classics, with a little hair removal, someone likes smooth skin and does not leave a single hair, and some are delighted with intricate intimate haircuts with patterns and inscriptions. This is exactly what we’ll talk about.

What are intimate haircuts, can they be done at home and what contraindications exist?


The history of the appearance of intimate haircuts in women

Hair in the bikini zone is, of course, natural, but you must admit that adjusting it will not hurt. So it will be right from the point of view of hygiene, and besides, a haircut will give a piquant place a well-groomed look. Even in ancient times, women began to monitor their intimate area. Over time, the methods of this care have only improved.

The hair removal procedure originates from ancient Egypt. Both women and men did this using special means, after which they applied various drawings and patterns to this part of the body that decorated henna. With the development of civilization, the tradition of decorating the piquant zone has spread throughout the world. Each nation brought some peculiarity to it.

Only with the onset of the so-called dark ages, people stopped doing hair removal procedures, and did not really pay attention to hygiene. As a result of this, a large number of diseases appeared.

The fashion for intimate haircuts returned in the 70s of the last century, during the period of the "sexual revolution", and remains incredibly popular now. Moreover, modern technologies make it possible to carry out such procedures as painlessly as possible. Now bikini design has become a separate area that can be done not only in salons, but also at home.

Recommendations and Tips

You need to talk about how to make an intimate haircut for a woman correctly. It doesn't matter which method you choose for hair removal and hair cutting. There are some rules that you must follow in any case.

  • The main thing is to cut your hair dry and shave it wet. Cut your hair before taking a bath or shower, and start shaving when it is softened by hot water. Also use an intimate soap or foam to ease the process and prevent skin irritation.
  • Before haircuts and after you need to take care to cleanse the skin so that there is no irritation, blood poisoning and other unpleasant processes.
  • Pay attention that the tools with which you will do the procedure are new and disinfected.
  • Do not carry out hair removal with a razor every day, this will certainly cause irritation.
  • For skin care after the procedure, use hypoallergenic products that have a healing and soothing effect.
  • To avoid the process of hair ingrowth, apply a little intimate gel to a soft washcloth and massage the area of ​​the intimate area with massage movements.


Varieties of haircuts

They are also worth talking about. There are a sufficient number of varieties of beautiful intimate haircuts for women, from which everyone can choose what is more to her liking:

  1. The most popular is the "Brazilian", in which absolutely all the hairs are removed.
  2. In the "geometric" you can leave a thin strip of hair, a triangle or a rhombus.
  3. "Ornamental" means the execution of various patterns of any complexity.
  4. Also popular are the "flower" and "animal" option, where you can make a rose, lily, cat, butterfly or other representatives of flora and fauna.
  5. If you want to leave a snowflake or leaf on your body, then this will be a “natural” option.
  6. "Text" will appeal to lovers of inscriptions, and "letter" can be done to surprise your man by completing a haircut in the form of the first letter of his name.
  7. Art hair removal includes all the other drawings that your imagination will come up with and performed by the hand of the master.

Home haircut

So, if you decide to make a haircut at home, then first you need to prepare all the necessary tools and tools that you will use in the process.

Next, on pre-cleansed skin, apply shaving foam. Use a marker to draw a drawing so that the haircut is beautiful and even. Then remove unwanted hair with an epilator, wax or razor. At the end, wipe the marker, and remove any unnecessary hairs with tweezers.

At home, it will be difficult for a woman to make a haircut of intimate zones in the form of some inscription or an intricate pattern, but a strip, a heart, an arrow, a rhombus or even an emoticon is very possible.

And do not be discouraged if the first time you did not manage to make the most even pattern. Each time it will turn out better.

Using a razor

Now we’ll take a closer look at ways to remove vegetation. Let's start with the simplest - a razor. This, of course, is the fastest, most common and very economical option.

But shaving has several drawbacks: it often causes irritation, you can cut yourself, and you should not expect a lasting result, since the hairs begin to grow the next day. But, if you decide to shave, then remember some recommendations:

  • Choose the right machine. It is advisable, without stoppers on the blades, so that they do not block your view;
  • be sure to use foam or gel. Men's products that are designed for sensitive skin are very suitable;
  • shave hair only in the direction of hair growth, this will prevent irritation and hair growth;
  • to avoid cuts during the procedure, slightly stretch the skin;
  • upon completion of shaving, be sure to apply a calming gel or cream to the skin;
  • do not put on underwear immediately, let the skin breathe;
  • it is better to shave the intimate area just before bedtime.



Epilation of the intimate female zone is perfectly suited for removing excess hair and haircuts at home. Moreover, manufacturers are now creating epilators with many nozzles, which will create any intimate hairstyle.

The process of hair removal with an epilator is far from painless, and especially sensitive women can not do without painkillers during hair removal. The most popular options are a cream with lidocaine and a local injection of novocaine.

Another disadvantage of the epilator is ingrown hair. To prevent ingrowth, use scrubs with fruit acids and large particles. Be sure to wipe the skin with a cotton pad with chlorhexidine just before hair removal. To ensure absolute removal of hairs, you need to epilate the intimate area in a circular motion.


Female trimmer

Trimmers are also designed to remove hair in areas with increased sensitivity. This is a small device for intimate haircuts of women, similar to a clipper.

But the cloves of the trimmer, unlike her, are located as close to the body as possible. They cut hairs almost completely, leaving barely noticeable tips. For modeling an intimate haircut in a bikini zone, this device is what you need. The benefits of the trimmer are as follows:

  • hair removal does not cause pain;
  • this device leaves the ends of the hair so small that they are almost invisible;
  • the trimmer is very good in terms of safety - it is impossible to get hurt, it does not leave ingrown hairs and irritation;
  • trimmers have a very convenient body;
  • Nozzles are very suitable for creating intimate hairstyles.

This device has one drawback - since the hairs are simply cut, albeit very shortly, you need to use the trimmer often enough. Hair grows back in three to four days.


Wax application

Wax in modeling an intimate haircut is very effective, as it allows you to save the haircut form for up to two weeks, because the hair is removed with roots.

If your skin is very sensitive and irritable, then hot wax will be an ideal option. Before the procedure, the hair should not be too long. You need to cut them to a length of about one centimeter. If you are embarrassed by their density, then do not worry - with regular use of wax depilation, the hairs become thinner and grow less. After the procedure, go for a couple of days in cotton underwear.



This is one of the most effective methods of hair removal of an intimate female zone. The electrical pulses that are used during this procedure destroy the hair structure, after which they become weak. In the future, this leads to their destruction.

A complex drawing cannot be done with this method, but a simple strip or triangle is very easy. This procedure is best done in the cabin, for which you will need to pay a considerable amount of money.

But you can do it at home, having bought a high-quality photoepilator. The home procedure, in addition, will take much less than your time.

Design in an intimate place and hair coloring

In order to dye the hair in the bikini area, you need to use only special paint. Why? Because regular hair dye contains an oxidizing agent, which can lead to significant skin irritation.

Suitable waterproof paint for body art. It is good because it is hypoallergenic, and therefore suitable for any type of skin. You can buy it in special stores with goods for beauty salons.

There you can also get stencils that will help you in creating the design. If you want something more original, then in an intimate place you can make a temporary tattoo, decorate it with rhinestones, beads.

Skin care after the procedure

The most important thing after a haircut is hygiene and care of the intimate area. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • to protect the skin from irritation, use sedatives for the first few days, and after a while - use a moisturizer;
  • in the first days after the procedure, do not take a hot bath and shower, do not steam the skin;
  • if irritation occurs, use Bepanten ointment, and among folk remedies decoctions of herbs and aloe juice will help you;
  • to slow hair growth, use special tools twice a day;
  • Do not visit the solarium or the beach in the early days.
