
Victor Saraikin: biography, filmography, photo

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Victor Saraikin: biography, filmography, photo
Victor Saraikin: biography, filmography, photo

Those who do not immediately realize who they are talking about should be reminded of only two series in which this actor played. And then not a single question arises. So, “Bourgeois's Birthday” (the role of the terrible scoundrel Zheka) and “Mitya Tales” (the role of chairman Pyotr Nikolayevich Skvortsov). We meet: Victor Saraykin, Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian actor. A man who wanted to study only in Moscow.


Victor Saraykin comes from the Ural city of Magnitogorsk. He was born on April 6, 1959 in a family of deaf-mutes. But it should be noted that his mom and dad were not like that from birth. Mom suffered from meningitis in childhood, received a very serious complication and stopped hearing and talking. And dad, trying to help his family as a teenager, worked as a “dog” with hunters: he had to climb swamps and collect shot game. The work was hard. The boy got sick and deaf. And after some time, not being able to hear himself, forgot how to talk.


Viktor Saraikin did not receive these diseases, because they were acquired, and not inherited from relatives. Unfortunately, the parents were not able to give the boy a full education because of the bouquet of their ailments. Yes, and his native city was then the place where they brought to the construction site of exiled prisoners. The area where little Vitya grew up was criminal. But the boy was born under a happy star.

Serious career choice

At school, Alexander, a young teacher, became his good friend. Thanks to his advice, the future actor Viktor Saraykin, whose biography is known to many admirers of his talent today, became interested in literature and music, began to practice figure skating and, finally, enrolled in a drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers. And while studying in the studio, the boy firmly decided that he would become an actor. As soon as a free minute was given, he hurried to the nearest cinema to watch the next film. He had to earn a ticket: Vitya helped prepare posters - washed off old inscriptions and primed canvases. Then he dreamed that one day his name would also appear on the screen.

Student Years

Victor Saraikin, whose filmography includes several dozens of roles, never thought about where to send stops after receiving a school certificate. Theater schools located in the province, he was not even going to conquer. His dream was Moscow. Victor really wanted to leave his hometown. In addition, since childhood, he had a collection of postcards with the image of famous actors. And there on each it was written that they studied at VGIK or "Pike."


Arriving in Moscow, the guy enters GITIS, however, on a course where the actors were trained to work in the Youth Theater. But this did not upset him very much. Victor began to attend classes in a parallel course (Oleg Tabakov and Konstantin Raikin were teachers there).

It was a course of future stars of Russian theater and cinema: its partners were Elena Mayorova, Marysya Shimanskaya, Igor Nefedov. Nina Nizheradze also studied there. They began a romance with Victor, which ended with the wedding and the birth of his son Matthew. Nina was given time to restore her form - three months, and the baby was sent to her grandparents in Kiev.

Welcome to the theater!

Spouses graduated from GITIS in 1980. And then Viktor Saraykin received a job offer from the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. But his working days ended after five days: he was refused a place due to lack of capital registration. Nina and Victor moved to Kiev, to the parents of Nina. There they settled in the Drama and Comedy Theater on the left bank of the Dnieper.


An invitation to these walls to Victor came from Pavel Morozenko. Together, they somehow starred in the drama "The Last Game." For the future actor, this was the first significant role in the movie (before that there was a small acting experience in the short film). In the drama, he played the laboratory assistant Balagur, who happened to investigate the death of his friend, a young scientist and talented tennis player Stanislav Olenich.

Having worked a little in the theater, Viktor Saraykin, whose biography is now beginning to replenish with newer and newer interesting details, was called up for military service. Later he admitted that thanks to the army he became disciplined and hardened, which later came in very handy.

Spouse support

After demobilization, the actor again took up a labor shift on the stage of the Drama Theater. But after a short time of friction with the chief director reached unprecedented heights. The situation was such that at the moment when Nina Nizheradze had many main roles, she was a very sought-after actress, there was no way for her husband to find work. For several years he did not receive roles even in extras. For a man with ambition, it was hard enough.


His hand involuntarily reached for the bottle. How would his life go on if not for the constant care and support of his beloved wife? She never scolded him, never sawed him. Just with a huge margin of patience, she waited until her husband returned to normal. Nina constantly talked with him, convincing that there was not only a theater stage, but also a film set. Gradually he heard her. Later, he recalled how one day he thought about how much his wife was right. Moreover, he already had some experience working in films. And the education was good. So he once and for all forgot about alcohol. Now in the sphere of his interests are books, good music, trips to the sea, training in the gym.

Uneasy nineties

Another appearance on the big screen happened in the early nineties. Victor Saraikin, whose photo began to flicker on the pages of glossy publications, played several interesting roles, among which there is one of his favorites - Styopa in the drama "Afghan." There was also work in the tape of Anatoly Mateshko "Woman for All." The character played by Saraikin is a co-worker of the main character named Sergey.

The situation was gradually changing in the theater, where he had the honor to serve. New roles have appeared. And yet, in the mid-nineties, the couple moved to the Lesya Ukrainka Theater. On the new stage, roles rained down as if from a cornucopia. The first was the play "Student Love." Later - Don Juan in the play “In the Captivity of Passion”, her husband in the “Leaning Tower of Pisa”, Joseph Serfes in the “School of Scandal” and many others.


At the same time, the actor is given the opportunity to star in the Chinese version of the famous film How Steel Was Tempered. He got the role of Artem Korchagin, brother of Pavka. In Russia, this version of the picture remained unknown, but in China it gained incredible popularity, and the name of Saraikin for a long time did not leave the pages of newspapers.