
The fictional heroine of the film series “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Nancy Thompson: biography, description and interesting facts

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The fictional heroine of the film series “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Nancy Thompson: biography, description and interesting facts
The fictional heroine of the film series “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Nancy Thompson: biography, description and interesting facts

Video: A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS 1987 Clip (The Death Of Nancy Thompson) 2024, July

Video: A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS 1987 Clip (The Death Of Nancy Thompson) 2024, July

In the horror film Nightmare on Elm Street, she was the first to venture to challenge a bloodthirsty maniac with a burnt face, a pretty girl. Her name was Nancy Thomspon. In the first part of the paintings, she is the main character, in the second - appears only in the conversations of the characters. In the third part, the grown-up Nancy comes to the aid of a group of teenagers who, like herself, many years ago, are in the grip of a nightmare of her own dreams. Interestingly, the fictional heroine Nancy Tompson has her own biography, which we offer to meet.


Facts from life

To make the heroine Heather Langenkamp look more realistic, a whole story was invented for Nancy:

  • She was born in 1964.

  • He lives in house 1428 on Elm Street.

  • In the film and books, the names of the girl's parents are mentioned: Marge and Donald Thompson, the father is a police officer. At the beginning of the story, the parents are divorced, the girl lives with her mother.

  • The age of Nancy Thompson in the first part of the tape is 16 years.

  • Like all girls of her age, she attends college, but when a monster from dreams started killing her friends one at a time, interest in learning disappeared.

  • Nancy has a difficult relationship with her mother, who is trying her best to improve her personal life. It seems that the girl feels very lonely.

This appears before the viewer the main character of the film Wes Craven. Interestingly, it was this lush-haired beauty who was the only character, in addition to Freddy himself, who took part in several paintings.


Description of appearance

As Craven noted, he chose Heather Langenkamp for the role of Nancy Thompson among more than 200 candidates, since this aspiring actress did not fully comply with Hollywood standards. What did the girl look like?

  • In the first part, she has light chestnut fluffy curly hair, often gathered in a ponytail.

  • She prefers clothes typical for schoolgirls of her time: a white dress to the knees, a sports jacket. At home, the girl prefers to wear jeans and a striped shirt.

  • The color scheme that the girl chooses is pale pink tones.

  • She hardly uses cosmetics, accessories use rather modest ones - small earrings and a hairpin.

In the third part of “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, Nancy became more elegant, she began to wear strict pencil skirts, fashionable jackets of those times, and boats. One of the strands of her hair became completely gray after the maniac brutally cracked down on her lover in front of the girl's eyes.



The inner world of the heroine of a horror movie is subject to evolution. If at the beginning of the first part we are just a pretty girl who likes to spend time with friends, then closer to the middle Nancy Thompson appears as a fighter, she is ready to take a hit on herself, voluntarily becoming the bait for a bloodthirsty killer. She did not try to escape from the problem, but did everything possible to solve it. And the fearless girls finally won - Kruger did not disappear, but fell behind Nancy.

In the third part, the girl appears before the viewer has matured, she completely coped with the misfortunes that befell her, leads a normal life, but tries to come to the rescue of those who, like herself, are faced with a bloodthirsty killer.



In the first part of A Nightmare on Elm Street, the story begins to unfold as Nancy's best friend, Tina, is brutally murdered in her mother’s bedroom. The murder is blamed on Tina's young man, Rod, who vows his innocence and hides from the police for the first time. When he manages to detain him, Rod hangs himself in a cell.

Nancy understands that adults do not see the whole truth. Both Tina and Rod before they died saw the same nightmare: they were pursued by a maniac with a burned face and a glove with blades. Such dreams begin to keep the girl from sleeping, she realizes that she herself is in mortal danger.

In the third part, Nancy does not have friends as such, but she quickly finds a common language with the guys undergoing treatment in a psychiatric hospital. The girl with Christine is especially close. Teenagers like the fact that one of the adults believes them and is ready to offer real help.


Romantic relationship

Nancy Tompson has only two novels in two films:

  • In the first part, you can observe her relationship with Glen (his role was played by nobody then especially unknown Johnny Depp).

  • In the third part, the pretty, lush-haired internet girl attracts Dr. Gordon's attention with her ability to work with mentally ill children and sincere participation in their fates. This does not leave the psychiatrist indifferent and gradually he falls in love with Nancy. Not really believing in her stories about Freddy Krueger, who kills his victims in dreams, Dr. Gordon still decides to use the experimental medicine, Hypnosis, essentially risking his career.

More in the films it is not mentioned that Nancy had a romantic relationship while studying at the university.


Freddie Krueger and Nancy Thompson engage in mortal combat in the film A Nightmare on Elm Street. Warriors of sleep. " The cunning maniac took the form of the girl’s father Donald Thompson, hugged her and stuck his deadly blades into Nancy’s stomach.
