
Virunga is a national park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Description, plants and animals. National Parks of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: List

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Virunga is a national park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Description, plants and animals. National Parks of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: List
Virunga is a national park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Description, plants and animals. National Parks of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: List

Video: Virunga National Park in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2024, July

Video: Virunga National Park in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2024, July

On the border with Uganda and Rwanda, in the eastern part of the Congo, is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Virunga. The national park is the oldest in Africa. It spreads over an area of ​​7800 square kilometers, next to the volcanic mountain group of the same name on one side and the famous Lake Kivu on the other. The territory includes savannahs and forests, swamps and plains, active volcanoes and ice-covered peaks of the Ruvenzori mountains, clear lakes and a lava plateau. It is home to more than a quarter of surviving mountain gorillas, an endangered species of giraffes - okapi and many other animals, birds and plants.

Park territory


Vast lands occupy the space from Lake Kivu to the Semlik River (middle course) in the western part of the boundary of the East African fault zone. The territory is extended and conditionally divided into three sectors:

  • northern - with snowy peaks of the Ruvenzori mountains, the ice of which is one of the main water sources that feed the Nile River; it is here along the river valley. Semlica can be found okapi;

  • the central sector includes Lake Edward and the plains of Ishasha, Rutshuru and Rvindi, this is the main center for the diversity of species of birds and animals, including large populations of elephants, hippos, etc.;

  • the southern sector includes the lava plateaus of the Nyiragongo and Nyamlagira volcanoes that are active, as well as other mountain peaks of the Virunga chain; most of the territory is covered with dense forests that have become home to mountain gorillas and many other species of monkeys.

Facts from the history of the park

For the first time, in 1902, the German army captain O. Beringe, who, during a regular hunt near the top of Mount Sabinio, killed a very large gorilla, encountered the pristine nature of such an object as famous today as Virunga (the National Park). Previously it was believed that they could not live here. Hunter suggested that this is a new species, so he sent the skeleton of the dead animal to scientists in Germany. Comparing the anatomy of the known species of primates and the material sent from Africa, they found morphological differences on 34 points. A year later, the animal was described by the researcher Paul Machi, but in the next 20 years, work on the study of the new subspecies ceased. This is explained by the complex geopolitical situation and the uncertain status of this territory.


In 1921, an expedition headed by the American taxidermist, naturalist, and sculptor Karl Ackley set off for the mountains. He received five stuffed animals for the museum, but this is not the main result of all his work. Observing the majestic gorillas, he studied many behavioral characteristics, found that they live in stable family groups and in captivity simply can die without their relatives. He also determined that their number is not so great, so animals need to be protected and preserve their natural habitat. We can say that this marked the beginning of the establishment of the special status of such a natural territory as Virunga. The national park was opened in 1925 and at that time was named after King Albert. Agley personally determined its borders, including all the territories where the gorillas lived. The park got its final name in 1969, almost ten years after Congo gained independence.

Types of animals in the reserve

The foundation of the park and its conservation is inextricably linked with mountain gorillas, as these are perhaps the main inhabitants, guarded with special care and trepidation. They are on the verge of extinction. A great contribution to the matter was made by the naturalist D. Fossi, who was killed by poachers in the park in 1985. Further actions to preserve the species helped to improve the situation somewhat, however, a new military conflict in 2008 led to the seizure of the headquarters of the protected area. The future of gorillas was again threatened by large-scale deforestation. Significant damage was done to the whole animal world as a whole. Protected areas, especially forests and savannahs, are home to buffaloes and elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, warthogs, antelopes, lions, leopards, etc. Congo is the only state in the world where okapi live (pictured below) - artiodactyl an animal from the giraffe family.


The abundance of okapi is not exactly known, as the animals are very secretive and shy, but according to rough estimates, it is from 10 to 20 thousand individuals. The history of the discovery of the species has become perhaps the main zoological sensation of the 20th century. Okapi is a resident of forests and feeds directly on foliage, so the active felling of trees deprives him not only of the house, but also of food. And not only these animals suffer from such human actions. For 45 years, the number of hippos has decreased by almost 30 times, buffalo - by 40, savannah - by 10.

Birds and reptiles

More than 800 species of birds nest in the open spaces of the reserve, and 25 of them are absolutely endemic and they can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Near the water and in the swamps you can see cormorants, drink, ibises, water cutters, snakes, ospreys, warblers, whale heads, representatives of weavers. In mountainous areas, rare species such as Rockefeller's nectarina, large speckled breast, banana-eaters and Oberlander thrushes live. Of the representatives of the Reptile class, pythons, vipers, Jameson's mamba, black-necked cobra, Nile monitor lizard and crocodile, which reappeared in the waters of the Semlik River not so long ago, are most often found.

Inhabitants of rivers and lakes


Seemingly very large on the map, Lake Edward of all the Great Ponds of Africa is the smallest. The surface of its water surface is about 2325 square kilometers, located at an altitude of 920 meters. The maximum established depth is within 12 meters, but actually 17 m on average. It is shallow, therefore it does not differ in a very wide variety of fish, mainly species from the Cichlid family predominate. They have a large range of sizes - from 2.5 cm to 1 m - and body shapes. However, its main inhabitants are not fish at all, but hippos (see photo above), leading a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Huge animals (weighing up to 4 tons) with a hectic disposition and "bad" character, characterized by aggressiveness, are also on the verge of extinction. For almost half a century, their number has decreased by almost 95% percent, you see, a frightening figure. The animal meat has long been used by locals for food, and its fangs are valued more than elephant tusks, so poaching is so common here.

Vegetable world

The flora of the reserve is very diverse. This is explained by the fact that Virunga is a national park that is crossed by several biogeographic zones. Over 2, 000 plant species grow on the territory. The foothills and valleys are the dominance of grasses, from short to tall, and in the first case cereals dominate, for example, the emperor is cylindrical. There are also single trees: a gingerbread tree, adansonia, baobabs, etc. Shrub savannas and woodlands mostly filled acacia and combretums, which are especially numerous near Lake Eduard. In the coastal zone, papyrus, common reed, and common are common. Gradually savannas are replaced by dense and impenetrable rain forests, especially in the northern part, half of which is located above 1800-2300 m above sea level. Here, a wild date palm tree, bamboo grows, and above 3000 m there are heath, Erica treelike, lagopod, etc.

Volcanoes park


The southern part of the park partially covers the lava plateaus of the Virunga volcanic massif. It passes through the territory of three states, its height is 4.5 km. The mountain range contains eight volcanoes, two of which are located in the Congo. The lava plateau was formed as a result of their vigorous activity, after the emergence of a large volume of basaltic lava on the surface. Nyamlagir Volcano is considered to be the most active on the territory of the entire continent. Ever since they began to observe him, the eruption has occurred 35 times. Lava plateaus cover an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. km The second active volcano is Nyiragongo (photo above), since 1882, it erupted 34 times on the surface of the lava. The most active activity was recorded in 1977, not without casualties.

Gorilla guard


Many plants and animals of the Virunga Reserve are rare or even endemic, but the focus is still on mountain gorillas, which are currently threatened with extinction. The situation is complicated by the constant armed conflicts in the region. Terrorists and poachers kill not only animals, but also huntsmen. So, in 2007, one day a whole family of five gorillas died. In recent years, the situation has improved somewhat, largely due to the dedicated work of rangers who literally risk their lives in order to preserve this corner of nature. All this, of course, requires global capital investment. Part comes from the World Wildlife Fund, a certain share comes from the tourism industry and from the state itself. Actively help the park and private organizations. The management is always ready to accept any feasible help - from materials and food to financial transfers. All funds go including the construction of an electric fence, which allows to protect protected natural areas from the invasion of poachers and other unwanted guests.

Elephant protection

Oddly enough, these large, strong and very intelligent animals are very vulnerable. Forest elephants, along with mountain gorillas, can be called the main inhabitants of Virunga Park. Illegal trafficking in ivory and tusks causes serious damage to the population of these animals. The park rangers turned to the whole world for help, they are ready to fight the poachers, but this requires weapons and uniforms, equipment. The life of each animal is important, a lot of money goes, including on the treatment of the wounded, crippled. Scientists have proven that animals are prone to post-traumatic stress disorder, similar to what happens in humans. In addition to treatment, elephants need rehabilitation, otherwise they become aggressive, emotionally unstable and harm the whole herd.


Ranger dogs

Bloodhound dogs are known for their excellent sense of smell and the ability to crush footprints. The animal is able to determine the desired odor from five million others, which allows it to track people even in difficult terrain. The territory of the park is vast and at the same time very diverse in relief: mountains (Ruvenzori, Virunga), lava plateaus, plains and savannahs, swamps, lakes. It is important to accumulate all reserves in order to preserve this unique corner of nature. The project for the breeding and use of dogs in Virunga Park for protection and as bloodhounds is led by Dr. Marlene Zachner. All means are good at achieving these goals, so the joint work of a team of people and bloodhounds is very effective and useful.
