
Vladislav Martynov: the logic of classic success

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Vladislav Martynov: the logic of classic success
Vladislav Martynov: the logic of classic success

Desire and firm will, knowledge and skills are sufficient grounds for successful advancement in business. It is absolutely not necessary to have a unique idea or strong business connections in order to create your own enterprise or to be among recognized successful businessmen. The success of Martynov Vladislav Vladislavovich is a path from a mariner cadet to an investor in high technology, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Ethereum Foundation project, a recognized expert in the field of blockchain technology.


Standard Russian beginning

An ordinary village and children's dreams of sea voyages did not give any grounds and opportunities for a successful journey in the ocean of information relations. Two years at the seafaring school were tempered by Vladislav Martynov, but he continued his life's journey in a completely different direction.

Russian University of Cooperation (1991) graduated with honors, receiving a master's degree in "International Finance and Accounting". From the first days of his business career, Vladislav Martynov began to implement information technology in business.

The beginning of the 90s, despite the specifics of the transition period and dramatic changes in public consciousness, was characterized by a rapid increase in interest in information technology. The Internet has been actively developing, hardware and programming are being improved.


To be born in time and begin to act when objective circumstances contribute to this, is a necessary foundation, but not enough to achieve stable success.

The strong will and desire to work in a promising industry allowed Vladislav Martynov to occupy leadership positions in leading world companies.

Knowledge transformation

This is not to say that the successes of leading world companies are fundamentally different from the necessary knowledge and skills in the post-Soviet territories. A successful business is not only the result of training at a prestigious university, leadership experience and a close-knit workforce.

Help and connections from business partners, well-deserved awards and recognition are not formed from scratch. Promotion of the products of leading world companies in the post-Soviet space requires a unique approach and fresh ideas.


Already in 1997, Vladislav Martynov founded the company Columbus IT Partner Russia and, as president, began promoting the Axapta ERP system on the Russian market. It took the company only three years to occupy a quarter of the ERP systems market in Russia.

In 2001, Vladislav Martynov became CEO of Navision CIS, and already in 2002 Microsoft acquired this company and entrusted Martynov with the promotion of updated advanced ERP solutions in the CIS market.

Working in an American company on the Russian market allowed us to transform successful corporate-level knowledge and raise potential consumer awareness, which allowed Vladislav Martynov to become an international manager, gain recognition and experience in managing a sales strategy implemented in dozens of countries.

International experience and blockchain

Ideas are not just born. A person can understand something as a result of observation, communication with specialists or simple random passers-by. It is difficult to say what exactly gives the chance and the basis for human intellect to formulate ideas.

Brainstorming and psychological experiments have been known for a long time, but relatively recently the idea of ​​mitaps turned everything in a completely different way. What is a storm or a meeting of like-minded people? As a result, unique ideas are born.


If you do not attach importance to the philosophy of the development of information technology, then 1990-1991 is the beginning of a blockchain that no one could notice. At this time, Vladislav Martynov and the blockchain could not have any idea about each other. It is a fact.

Martynov was in the process of becoming a business. The blockchain went through a period of accumulation of knowledge and skills of hundreds of companies and thousands of qualified specialists. Leading banks have not yet paid attention to electronic currencies, and the banking factor is crucial in the field of information technology. This is an extremely expensive area of ​​human activity.

The history of the blockchain mentions the Japanese programmer Satoshi Nakamoto and fixes the beginning of the process at the turn of 2007. The active development of technology is considered to be 2009. The difference between 2009 and 1991 is 18 years old!

Colleagues and leading world companies believe that Vladislav Vladislavovich Martynov rightfully reached the heights of professional excellence. Recognized as a successful businessman and practical investor. Eighteen of the 25 years of his professional career have simultaneously undergone the development of blockchain technology. An extremely interesting circumstance and coincidence of remarkable facts.