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Appearance of the Dutch: description and characteristics

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Appearance of the Dutch: description and characteristics
Appearance of the Dutch: description and characteristics

Video: Appearance and Reality in Dutch Art 2024, July

Video: Appearance and Reality in Dutch Art 2024, July

In such a bright and mysterious country as Holland, every contemporary dreams of visiting. She became famous for her tulip fields, windmills and cheese. But what about the Dutch? What are they like? We want to tell you about this amazing people. You will learn not only about the appearance of the Dutch, but also about their habits, character, lifestyle.


The typical appearance of Dutch men

There is frequent debate about Holland about who is more beautiful here - men or women? It must be said right away that the appearance of the Dutch, men and women, is quite attractive. These are beautiful people. Some benefits are worth highlighting in men. They are tall and handsome. Their average height is 190 cm. What is the name of the Dutch in this case? Of course, real gullivers. In addition, most of them are blue-eyed blondes.

The fit and athletic appearance of the Dutch men stands out mainly. A photo of the article demonstrates this. Since childhood, they get used to cycling. Sometimes they have to go to school every day for 10-15 km in one direction. Guys grow healthy and rosy.

Young men under 35 have a beautiful smile because they are led to the orthodontist to correct their bites. Young people really like to flaunt excellent teeth. But the older generation cannot brag about it, their teeth are bad.

Older men are more addicted to smoking. Young people have revised this issue and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Dutch men are inherently well dressed. In Amsterdam, there are many metrosexuals who spend too much time and money on their appearance. In the Netherlands, men's fashion stores are constantly opening, where prices are higher than in women's boutiques.

Some Dutch men love to play soccer. Affected by the focused work of the government. It does not want a class struggle. The Dutch are good at playing football. Representatives of the strong half of the country are calm, nothing pisses them off. Sometimes there are exceptions.

From alcohol they prefer beer. More recently, advertise a variety of wines. Sometimes the Dutch are referred to as gay and drug addicts. Yes, indeed the level of addiction is high. But in France, for example, it is an order of magnitude higher. Men with a normal orientation are much more.

The Dutch are used to counting everything: the date of the wedding, the birth of children, the purchase or construction of a house. They become mature at the age of 30-35, before that there is just childishness. Bright representatives of the male half of Holland are actors Richard Gere and Tom Cruise. Below you can watch a photo of the appearance of the Dutch men.


Activities of Dutch men

Dutch men are rapidly building their careers. Many give all their energy to work. They are very talented, have "two right hands." They can do any housework. They do it with pleasure.

Traveling is becoming a Dutch favorite. This was transmitted to them by genes: among their ancestors there were many pioneers. In any corner of the world you can meet at least one Flemish. They visit a variety of countries. Photos of the Dutch are presented in our article.

We can not say unequivocally about the fidelity of the Dutch to their wives, but they simply adore children. Although they are ardent natures, they still rarely leave families. But they also take into account material costs. Nevertheless, nothing human is alien to the representatives of the strong half of this country: there are also adultery.

They are not used to going shopping, to various institutions for inquiries, certificates and rely on women. But they are obedient to the laws, always comply with the rules of the road. The Netherlands are quite sentimental, in sensitive cases, they can shed a tear.

Dutch clothes are quite light. In winter, even children are inherent not to wear hats. They differ from foreign children precisely in that they run to plowing. A favorite accessory is a scarf, without which they can not do either in winter or in summer.


What do the Dutch like?

The favorite thing for the people of the flower country is to ride bicycles and cars. Their favorite dish is fries patatas. Most of all they are waiting for the coming of the New Year. Then the country turns into a fairy tale with a variety of fireworks. From clothes, they prefer shorts and a tank top. They go swimming not to the beach, but to the pool, because they are frightened by sharks and even small fish. At a meeting, friends and relatives give each other a Dutch kiss in greeting.

Appearance of Dutch women

Many jokes and jokes are associated with the ugly appearance of the Dutch. We want to intercede for them. There are many tall blondes. Beauties with an average height of 170 cm also live here. They look wonderful with such high growth. From the Netherlands, gorgeous top models go on fashion catwalks. The most famous is Dautzen Cruz.

It is necessary to highlight the natural beauty of the Dutch. They do not go on tall stilettos and with evening make-up. They put on sneakers, get on a bicycle and race with great speed around the city. Their blue eyes are filled with light.

Women of the flower country have, most often, fair hair, blue eyes. They are distinguished by a cheerful disposition, good health, and self-confidence. Watching them is very nice. She is watching her figure and dieting. Dutch women cannot be called thin, they tend to be overweight, so they are very careful about this. Few of them turn into loose and fat women. They can be characterized by large and powerful, full of strength.


Dutch feminism

Yes, since childhood they have been very independent and independent. Few of them will allow a guy on a first date to pay dinner. It is customary for everyone to pay for the amount they eat. This tradition was called “payment in Dutch”. Just do not make negative conclusions.

In pairs, all household responsibilities are divided in half. Dutch men adhere to this rule. Dad here is allowed to take special weekends to look after the children, pick them up from school.

Most husbands cook, and do not consider it a women's occupation. For dinner, dad must be at home, the whole family sits at the table. They also spend all their free time together.


Family or career?

The Dutch do not seek to build a dizzying career. They prefer the family. The country is now at a high level of development, so women here often enjoy the right not to work, but to plunge into worries about her husband and children.

Working women are most often single. Back in the 50s, it was established that immediately after marriage, the girls quit. Many get part-time jobs. Dutch women cannot allow their children to be raised by other people. Measures are being taken in the country to engage women in building careers. There are many different courses, conferences, special grants are allocated.


Active lifestyle

Dutch women love sports. Even at school age, they teach children to ride bicycles everywhere, even to school. This allows you to maintain overall fitness. Women are very serious about training, increasing their physical level. They enjoy participating in amateur competitions. There are many charming girls on the tennis courts.

Orange color for the Netherlands

In almost all the photos you can see the population of this country in orange robes. “Why this particular color?” You ask. After all, the flag of the state is a tricolor with orange, white and blue stripes. The fact is that this color is a shade of the royal house of Orange. As early as the sixteenth century, the local population struggled with the Spanish occupation. The leader of the resistance was William of Orange ("Orange"). He received this name because he came from the Principality of Orange in the south of France. He was very loved by the people and nicknamed "the father of the motherland."


Today, the Queen of the Orange Dynasty annually celebrates the birthday of the Queen of the Orange in the Netherlands. City streets are full of this vibrant color. Residents wear orange t-shirts, hats, scarves. In The Hague, walks go on all night, for which she was called the Royal. Even the roofs of houses are painted orange.

Features of communication, punctuality

The Dutch are friendly and easy to communicate with. It is considered commonplace to have a few words with completely strangers. Entering a cafe or a shop, residents always say hello and wish those present a good day. Foreigners do not feel here in a vacuum. Anyone can smile at you like an old friend.

The Dutch are very tolerant. They are tolerant of informality, truth, only if it does not affect personal interests. Many nationalities live in the Netherlands, but they all get along well with each other. But no one will invite a stranger to visit. At formal meetings or visits to the doctor, men and women necessarily reach out for a handshake.

At universities and at work, the Dutch create an informal atmosphere. Everyone addresses each other by name, even the director. They come to meetings a few minutes earlier so as not to be late. If for some reason someone is late, then he will certainly warn about it by phone.

The Netherlands are very protective of their time, they paint everything in minutes. Important meetings with friends are planned in advance for two weeks. To do this, they acquire loose-leaf calendars, and hang in their toilet. There are birthday marks of their relatives, acquaintances and friends. Such a peculiar reminder develops punctuality among the Dutch.

Parsimony or virtue?

The Dutch are very thrifty. It was they who invented the scraper, with which you can scrape milk from the walls of the bottle. They are very concerned about their financial savings. Parsimony is not considered a shameful trait, but is called its virtue. On trains, they transport their dogs in special bags. You do not need to buy a special ticket for this. Controllers even like this trick of passengers.

Only in one case, the inhabitants of the Netherlands can spend money if they know that this will bring profit later. Here is such a feature of the Dutch. In other cases, few decide on generosity. Even in a cafe for a cup of coffee, they are accustomed to settle for a crumple. Only in this way can they be calm.
