
Voloyarvi is a lake in the Leningrad region. Description, fishing, photo

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Voloyarvi is a lake in the Leningrad region. Description, fishing, photo
Voloyarvi is a lake in the Leningrad region. Description, fishing, photo

Voloyarvi Lake (see reviews below) is located in the Vsevolozhsk District of the Leningrad Region, at a distance of 47 kilometers from St. Petersburg. Closest to the pond is the village of Matoksa. The area of ​​this peat lake is 332 hectares. Located at an altitude of 15.9 meters above sea level. Many parts of the coast were waterlogged. The bottom is muddy, and the lake itself is very shallow - an average of 2 m. In some places, the depth reaches 4 m, and in some places it generally reaches 8 m due to the existing pits. Forests and shrubs grow on the coasts, which in some places are swampy and impassable.


a brief description of

Volojärvi is a lake that is flowing. A stream flows into it from the southern part, which dries completely in the hot summers. And it follows in the north-eastern part, where its width reaches 1 meter. Since recently vacation houses have been built here, sometimes glades form in the river.

Is it possible to rest?

Volojärvi is a lake that is attractive only for those tourists for whom the enjoyment of unspoiled nature is more important, since swimming in it is forbidden due to muddy water. And in windy weather, the surface becomes so muddy that nothing can be seen through it.

In addition to amateur fishermen, those who prefer to pick mushrooms and berries (depending on the time of year) come here. For the convenience of guests in some parts of the coast of Lake Volojärvi, braziers are built. Therefore, those tourists who like to eat barbecue in nature, can not take them with them, but use the available ones.



Amateur fishing trips often come here. Perch, pike, roach, bream, crucian carp live in Lake Volojärvi. They are caught on almost any bait. Volojärvi is a lake where you can fish not only in the summer, while in the boat, but also in winter, as the pond is covered with a thick layer of ice. In it you need to drill holes through which to catch a ruff and perches. Most often they are caught on maggots.

Since the main inhabitants of Volojärvi are small in size, many believe that large fish are not found in this lake. However, such an opinion is misleading. There have been cases of catches weighing up to 3 kg. It all depends on weather conditions, which also need to be taken into account. It is worth noting that the small depths of Lake Volojärvi in ​​different areas are not an obstacle for a large number of representatives of individual fish species.

Fans of fishing come here very often, especially those who live in coastal settlements, or relax in the cottages.

Fish does not bite in all places. Therefore, inexperienced amateurs, having arrived in this area for the first time and having failed to catch anything, make a decision to not come back from disappointment. Because of this, Lake Volojärvi sometimes loses vacationers. Fishing, reviews of which from professionals is far from the worst, will develop only if you find out about successful places in advance. If we draw conclusions from the comments of people, then it is recommended to fish only from a boat, since it is very inconvenient to be on peaty swampy shores.


How to get to the lake?

It is difficult to get to Lake Volojärvi, as pits are often found on the roads, and therefore, on average, they reach it at a speed of 20 km / h. Although in recent times, as many tourists have noticed, these ditches have fallen asleep, and the path has become more convenient.

You can get to this lake, for example, by personal transport or by a rented bus, if you plan a simultaneous trip for a large number of tourists. From St. Petersburg you need to get to Toksov, later - to Matoks and from there turn right to Voloyarvi. Walking this path is not recommended because the roads are rocky.
