
All chapters and current president of Finland.

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All chapters and current president of Finland.
All chapters and current president of Finland.

Video: President Of Finland Tells Trump: You Have 'A Great Democracy. Keep It Going On' | NBC News 2024, July

Video: President Of Finland Tells Trump: You Have 'A Great Democracy. Keep It Going On' | NBC News 2024, July

The country of a thousand lakes has always attracted tourists with its incredibly beautiful nature, ice hotels, saunas and unsurpassed fish dishes. Modern travelers can talk about which countries they visited, but almost no one can answer what the names of the heads of these states are. And you, for example, know who now rules this country?

Presidents of Finland (in order)

1. Stolberg Kaarlo Juho was born in 1865 in the family of a pastor. He was elected president in 1919, where he was supported by the Agrarian League and the National Progressive Party. Refused his re-election in 1925. And in 1946, the first president of Finland took over as adviser to the 7th head of state.


2. Relander Lauri Christian - the second president of Finland, was the head of state for exactly 6 years from 1925 to 1931. The people called him the rider Lauri, as he often visited foreign countries. He opposed the Prohibition. After the expiration of the presidential term until his death, he worked as the director of an insurance company. Died of a heart attack.

3. Swinhuvud Per Evind (1931–1937) enjoyed the confidence of his population. He spoke not only against the fascists, but also led an anti-communist policy. He insisted on meeting with Hitler and Mussolini, but all attempts were unsuccessful.

The 4th President of Finland, Kallio Kyusti, according to the Finns, was the weak head of state. They believed that his lack of understanding in foreign policy matters contributed to the pulling of the country into the battlefield of World War II. But there are those who consider him a respected president, since he was a supporter of parliamentarism.


5. Ryuti Risto is the only president of Finland, during the reign of which 2 wars happened immediately. By signing a secret agreement, he guaranteed the supply of weapons to fascist Germany, and in 1945 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison as a war criminal.

6. Karl Gustav Emil Mannerheim was the head of state from 1944 to 1946. He was fluent in 6 languages, including Russian. Until his last breath on the desktop was a photograph of Nicholas II autographed. In 2009, a biographical film was made about Mannerheim.

7. Paasikivi Juho Kusti was a lawyer by training. After he headed the presidency, he directed his activities to the normalization of foreign policy, in particular with the USSR.

8. Urho Kekkonen - President of Finland since 1956, as well as the previous head of state, tried to maintain the country's neutrality in politics and to establish cooperation with the Soviet Union.

9. Mauno Koivisto gave Finland an economic downturn, but fortunately managed to get the country out of the crisis. In 2011, he was recognized as the oldest head of state among all former presidents.

10. Martti Ahtisaari (1994–2000) received the title of Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Namibia. Despite this, the new president of the state in 2001 sharply criticized his actions in relation to this African country. In 2008, he received the Nobel Prize.

11. Halonen Tarja served as President 2 times, after which she became Chairman of the Baltic Sea Action Group.

12. Sauli Niinistö - current president of Finland (since March 1, 2012). He is studying Russian, because, in his opinion, to know him is a sign of politeness towards a neighboring country.

Stolberg Kaarlo Juho

According to the Constitutional Act, the post of president was established in 1919, but received approval only in 1919.

The first president of Finland, Stolberg Kaarlo Juho, was elected by parliament. He directed his political activities to the formation of a bourgeois republic. He also initiated the land reform, being the head of state, pardoned many people participating in the revolutionary movement.

His first wife died in 1917, after 3 years he married Esther Halstrom. The third wife was Irena Vyalberg, six children were born in this family.

Sauli Niinistö

The current president of Finland was elected in 2012, before that he was the head of the Finnish Football Union. Heading the post, he began to be active in foreign policy. The first thing he paid was visits to Russia, Sweden and Estonia. Then followed a speech at the UN, where he nominated his country for membership in the Security Council.


The first wife died in a car accident in 1995, leaving him with two sons Nauti and Matias. With the latter in 2004, Sauli rested in Thailand, where during the tsunami they were able to survive by climbing onto a pole. Since 2009, his wife is the poetess Jenny Haukio.

Halonen Tarja

Former Finnish President Halonen Tarja is the first woman to head this post. At the first stage of the election, received 40% of the vote, at the second 51.6%. In her youth she was a fan of Che Guevara. After a year of her presidency, the Finnish people were satisfied with her activities.

With their first husband, Carrie Pekonnen, they have a common daughter, Anna. She legalized her second marriage only in 2006 with Pentti Arayarvi after 15 years of cohabitation.


Tarja is fond of painting, graphics and loves cats very much.