
All undertakings are downhill. Why did not the life of the twins of the "electronics"

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All undertakings are downhill. Why did not the life of the twins of the "electronics"
All undertakings are downhill. Why did not the life of the twins of the "electronics"

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The Torsuyev twins gained all-Union fame when they were invited to star in the movie "The Adventures of Electronics." The film became a cult, and the actors who performed the main roles became incredibly well-known to the widest public. Then they said that both have a great future, that the whole world of cinema is open to them, there will be no restrictions. True, both for certain reasons decided to abandon such a future. They found a much more promising option for entrepreneurship, but, unfortunately, there were considerable difficulties. Today, the brothers are ready to take up any business, paid well enough. How did it happen?

Whim or principle?

How could the life of such talented, as it seemed to the whole Soviet Union, actors take shape in this way? The fact is that they refused to act without each other. Young people were repeatedly invited to the shooting, but they rejected one offer after another, not wanting to part and build a career without each other. Cinema can offer a very limited number of roles for twins. "The Adventures of Electronics" really became insanely popular, but the paintings in which the brothers then managed to find a job were mostly passing. Men were not too upset by the inability to work with directors. They became interested in new opportunities, although success in this field was clearly less than expected.

About youth

Konstantin Bromberg, the director of "Electronics", having conceived his tape, realized that he needed twins. They needed young people who could drive mopeds, sing, play the guitar. Finding such was frankly difficult. The search took a lot of time, but ended in success - we managed to find Moscow schoolchildren Yura and Vova Torsuyeva. In total, the director got acquainted with files for more than 300 twins from different corners of the Union lands. It so happened that almost all of them did not possess the necessary skills. Later, the Torsuevs will tell that the film that changed their life became available to them for a reason - the team that worked on the tape constantly doubted the students' skills. They believe that they were lucky: parents engaged in children since childhood, gave them the opportunity to attend various sections. That is why both could play the guitar and orientated in different sports.

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About filming

The Torsuevs were the 368th couple who arrived to test their abilities to work on the tape. It was they who were given the green light. Volodya was performed by Electronics, and his brother - Syroezhkin, a hooligan guy who was noticeably different from a serious twin. It was decided to work on a film in Odessa. Later, the guys said that at that time they felt like they were in a fairy tale. Although at times I had to sacrifice something. If by nature they were dark-haired, on set they were lightened to blondes and dyed their hair once a week and a half. A solution with a disgusting smell was smeared on the heads, and after coloring, burns remained on the skin.


Caught in the spotlight, the Torsuyev brothers predictably forgot to study. During the filming, they earned a certain amount. Some were sent to parents, the rest was spent on themselves. Boys had the opportunity to invite girls to cafes and attend movie theaters. When the film was presented on the big screen, as if a new life had begun. The brothers received a sea of ​​letters, as the addressee the senders wrote to “Electronics”. Postmen knew exactly where the Electronics live, so they always brought letters to the address. Meanwhile, the school ended, the twins chose a printing institute, from where they were soon expelled for immoral behavior. Later, one of them will say that the guys were no different from others, but attracted more attention because of the acting career.

Time runs

The Torsuyev twins joined the army, finished their service, and tried again to go to college. One entered the faculty of philosophy at Moscow State University, the other chose the Institute of Asian and African countries. True, the successes turned out to be insignificant, the brothers left their studies of their own free will. They decided to try their hand at business. First, the relatives opened a convenience store, then expanded to the club. Things quickly gained momentum, the owners of a successful institution earned large profits, but times were dangerous. Those who received large sums in the 90s risked everything. Torsuyevs became the object of attention of bandits. Threats fell upon them, and it all ended with the fact that the business was simply taken away from the twins. Yuri later said that they both tried to uphold justice, but this led to a deadly situation and the twins immediately fled from the capital.

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Personal life

Vladimir Torsuev entered into an official marriage five times. Each new wife eventually left the chosen one. The reasons have always been different. The man himself is sure that his ladies wanted to be financially stable, but the husband could not provide such a life. The first wife, as Vladimir later told, was almost the witch who had bewitched him. Four years that they existed side by side, remained in his memory the darkest time. The wife hung leaflets with strange symbols on the walls, laid the earth in corners. In one of the books, a man read that these are elements of satanic rites. Restoring order in the house was strictly prohibited.

Our future is in our children

Vladimir Torsuyev had no children in an official marriage. One of the girls, for some time being his chosen one, gave birth to a girl. He believes that ideal relationships are free. He says that he takes care of his daughter, who studies foreign languages, knows how to draw. She is an athlete and an excellent student. Father is not sure if she can make a career in cinema, but is ready to support any undertakings.


And second?

Yuri Torsuev was married twice. His first wife is Irina, the daughter of a diplomat. He met her during school. Together they began to live from the age of 16. Life together was unsuccessful, so the two separated. Yuri returned to his parents. After some time, he met a new woman - Natalia. In the marriage, the spouses had two children.

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Problems surround

Brothers, "electronics" were in a difficult life situation. They did not have money, but they were worried about problems with their personal lives and job search. Rumors about the alcoholism of formerly known actors began to leak through the media. The public began to discuss unpleasant stories with their participation. It is known that from time to time the twins participate in celebrations and corporate parties as hosts. Not so long ago, for example, they were offered such work on one event held in the suburbs. This event ended in a major scandal. Yuri, to the nines, quarreled with the staff serving the holiday. The conflict was so thorough that before the eminent actor was simply put out. He was later seen on the road with a bottle of alcohol - he ran right along the roadway. He was detained by police officers, drafted a report, but released.


Difficulties for both

Vladimir’s life is no simpler. A few years ago, he participated in a children's event at the Cinema House. During the evening, the man regularly visited the buffet to take a glass or two of strong drinks. Yuri repeatedly asked his brother to go to the cinema, but he stubbornly refused. Surrounding people asked Yuri how often and for a long time this happened, to which he replied: "In the mood."


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What if it works out?

Eight years ago, the twins came up with a great idea. They began a singing career, calling the group "Garage of Syroezhkin." They decided to perform songs that became popular thanks to the film with their participation. Among their repertoire was the song “You Are a Man, ” which was cut from the original film. The brothers planned to record an album, but failed. At first, they even wanted to give a concert on top of Elbrus. So they were going to set a world record in order to win a place in the Guinness Book of Records. To buy expensive recording equipment, the twins took a bank loan of 400 thousand. Revenues from music could not be obtained, but the debt did not go away. There is nothing to repay it, so the bank sued and the brothers regularly receive subpoenas.
