
Yaroslav Evdokimov: biography, personal life

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Yaroslav Evdokimov: biography, personal life
Yaroslav Evdokimov: biography, personal life

Video: For my beautiful wife 2024, July

Video: For my beautiful wife 2024, July

The biography of Yaroslav Evdokimov is filled not only with creative success, but also with many life problems. Until now, thousands of listeners like his lyrical songs, who come to concerts of the artist with pleasure, give him presents, and take autographs. The singer himself did not set himself the goal of being a stage star, he simply wanted to do what he liked. Not everything went smoothly in the life of the artist, while he does not regret anything.


Yaroslav Evdokimov: biography

Yaroslav was born in 1946. He was born in prison, as his parents became victims of repression of Beria and Stalin. The artist’s childhood passed in the west of Ukraine in the Rivne region. In the village, he was raised by grandfather and grandmother. It should be noted that the grandfather of the future singer was a significant figure in the village and worked as a highly skilled blacksmith.

In the biography of Yaroslav Evdokimov, it means that from childhood he tasted all the hardships of peasant labor. He grazed cattle on a collective farm, accustomed to blacksmithing. Grandfather decided to instill in his grandson from an early age the concept of how a piece of bread is not easily taken. Along with this, already in childhood, the boy is closely connected with the local flavor, songs, rites and culture of the Ukrainian people.

Upon reaching adulthood, the guy went to serve in the Soviet Army. There he came with several fellow countrymen to the Northern Fleet (Vidyaevo village). According to unspoken laws, the guy was forbidden to serve on warships or submarines (as a child of repressed parents). Therefore, for three years, the future artist served in the construction team. It is worth noting that in his company he was a chant. After demobilization, Yaroslav returns to his native village. There he does not find his calling, leaves to work in Dnepropetrovsk at a tire factory.


Love of singing

The biography of Yaroslav Evdokimov is quite rich, given the times of his youth, when everything was tightly controlled. The future Soviet pop star did not pass the love of singing. He starts performing in restaurants. After moving to Belarus (1975), the artist managed to get a job at the Minsk Philharmonic. After that, the singer begins to actively give concerts solo and together with other groups.

In parallel, Evdokimov takes vocal lessons from the famous Vladimir Buchel. The finest hour in the biography of Yaroslav Evdokimov came in 1980 after the performance of the composition “Field of Remembrance” dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day. After this concert, he began to be invited to television, radio and various concerts.

Yaroslav Evdokimov: biography, personal life

In Dnepropetrovsk, the artist begins his first performances in an ordinary restaurant. There he met his first wife, a trainee from Belarus. The newlyweds did not have their own living space, and therefore they had to live in rented apartments. The wife insisted on moving to her native land. The singer did not have a soul for a change of place, but he had to surrender to the persuasion of his wife.

At first, Belarus did not touch the soul of Yaroslav, but he soon fell in love with its forests and endless fields. To support the family (at that time a daughter was already born in the family), the singer made every effort in search of a creative vacancy. As often happens, the decisive role was played by the case. Evdokimov was at the right time in the formation of the concert program "Memory".


At first, everything was a curiosity, including adequate spectators who came to concerts in the thousands. He still remembers the first fear of the present scene. Thanks to the sincere performance of songs and inner talent, the artist immediately received recognition from the public.

Carier start

Singer Yevdokimov Yaroslav, whose biography is further associated with the Minsk Philharmonic, was initially accepted by the collective. Then the successful tour began, the artist’s popularity grew from concert to concert. To improve vocals, Yaroslav enrolled in courses for the talented teacher Vladimir Buchel. In parallel, the singer worked as a soloist in the military song and dance ensemble (Belarusian Military District).

Peak of popularity

The biography of Yaroslav Evdokimov, whose photo is presented below, is filled with positive circumstances. In solving the housing problem, the case also played a decisive role. While working in the philharmonic society (on the eve of Victory Day celebration), the artist participated in a government concert. The event was attended by the first secretary of the Communist Party Masherov. He was delighted with the performance of the song “Field of Remembrance” by the soloist Evdokimov. As a result, the singer's popularity increased in the vastness of the entire Soviet Union. Soon the artist was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the BSSR.


Further, the creative life of the singer went on increasing. He became a member of the most popular programs on Central Television (“Wider Circle”, “Morning Post”, “Sing Friends”). It is worth noting that Yaroslav continues to improve, graduates from a vocational school of music, becomes a soloist on television and radio broadcasts. Later, he receives the next title of the People’s Artist of the Belarusian SSR.

Further fate

Yevdokimov Yaroslav, whose biography and personal life interested many fans and envious people, did not have time to notice the sudden intrigues that arose. The success of the artist began to annoy his colleagues. He tried to ignore this, but the squabbles did their job.

Another interesting fact concerns politics. The singer welcomed the victory in the election of Alexander Lukashenko. Soon the euphoria was replaced by harsh criticism of the President of Belarus, after which the artist was no longer invited to popular music programs and events.

Living in two cities (Minsk and Moscow) also became a burden. In addition, living in Belarus under disgrace, the singer realized that he was losing his qualifications. Now the Soviet pop star lives in the capital of Russia. The biography of Yaroslav Evdokimov, whose family now lives in different places, has developed, like many Soviet pop artists who have their own opinions on the country's political life. His daughter Galina is already an adult, works in a beauty salon in Minsk. Relations with his wife did not work out.


As the singer himself noted about his absence on television, he does not like to bend under anyone. The main judge for him is the listener and viewer, even in the provinces, even in the capital. The artist is going to obtain Russian citizenship, dreams of creating and performing new compositions. In 2005, the singer was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.