
Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin: details of personal life

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Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin: details of personal life
Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin: details of personal life

The once strong family of a successful football player Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya, a famous TV presenter, broke up after 9 years of a happy life together. They did not stop the spouses, even those living in a civil marriage, even three children. Despite the fact that all the details of their lives were discussed by the fans very actively, how they met and how their relationship developed, as well as the nuances of the scandalous separation, are of interest to the many followers of these media people to this day. Of course, the fans are also interested in the relevant details of their life after the sensational breakup.



The future popular TV presenter and wife of a successful football player Andrei Arshavin was born in the city on the Neva, the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. True, on June 3, 1985, when this happened, he was still Leningrad.

An unremarkable ordinary family (father - engineer, mother - teacher) broke up when Julia was 10 years old. The girl stayed with her mother. The relationship of the girl with her father ended almost 15 years after the divorce, and after their reconciliation for a long time remained strained. It was difficult for the girl to understand why he left and left mom and her. This, according to Julia herself, was a hard blow for her.

Later, my mother married again, and in this marriage two sisters of Julia were born - Ksenia and Alexandra. She, as an older sister, took an active part in their education. Today she calls them her real family. Sisters and mother are the real hope and support of the famous Russian TV presenter.

Perhaps this experience of family relationships helped her in the future. But she hardly thought about it then.

At school, she studied very diligently and successfully. She was even elected the head of the class more than once. All school achievements were the personal merit of Julia. Mom worked as a teacher, but at a different school, and could not influence such a development of events.

After school, Julia as a successful student easily entered the university at the Faculty of Management. It was also her personal choice, but not very successful. The creative nature did not find a way out, it turned out that management is absolutely not for her. However, she failed to finish the university and get a diploma of higher education not because she did not like the profession she chose, but for a completely different reason. Everything was changed by His Majesty the occasion.

Acquaintance of Julia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin

One summer day in 2003, after passing the next exam, Julia and her friend went for a walk. And on Nevsky Prospect they met. He - then still a beginner and unknown to anyone, but a promising footballer of St. Petersburg “Zenith” - won the heart of the beauty and made him forget about everything, dissolving in his beloved.

Their relationship developed very rapidly, even there was no time to really think about the official design of marriage ties. And indeed, when? She is a student, he has career ambitions. She was in seventh heaven from love and happiness, and like any girl in love, she thought it was forever. For him, the stamp in the passport also did not seem to be a mandatory attribute of a happy family life.

Andrei, we must give him credit, wanted to legitimize the relationship, but Julia wanted a real wedding with a beautiful dress and many guests, flowers and other attributes of the celebration and refused several times, and then this question disappeared by itself. In general, everything went as usual, there was not even a hint of an early end.


Andrei Arshavin and Julia Baranovskaya almost immediately began to live together. And already in 2005, for the first time they became parents. They named the first-born Artyom. The young mother was forced to leave school for a while, because worries about the baby did not give enough free time for this. Julia took academic leave, however, she did not leave it later.

Family replenishment

A little later, after 3 years, a beautiful daughter was born. She was called Yana. The second pregnancy and childbirth. Of course, two children made the young mother completely forget about continuing education and a diploma.


Then the story of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin resembled the story of many young families: modest incomes, cramped conditions, the need to earn money, caring for two young children. But once everything changed. Andrei Arshavin was invited to Arsenal - one of the most famous football clubs in Misty Albion and the whole world. Playing this professional English FC is an honor for today's athletes.

"I'm going to live in London…"

The choice was easy. Deciding to move to the capital of a European state, mindful of the opportunities presented, is not difficult. The terms of the contract were more than attractive, and the young family, without thinking twice, moved to London.


But reality did not live up to expectations, mainly the wife of Andrei Arshavin, Julia Baranovskaya. Julia can tell a lot about how it feels to come to a country whose language is familiar to you only at the level of a Soviet high school, and you have responsibilities for arranging the life of a rather big family. Children need to be assigned to kindergarten and school, where they also speak English. And the husband all the time in training, championships and appears at home extremely rarely. At the same time, you do not have the opportunity to relax, because there are no grandmothers or friends nearby with whom you could just talk and cry.

The British press for a long time relished any of their appearance "in the light." The appearance of the four Arshavins in society became a reason for jokes. Perhaps the reason for this was the fact that once she said that she did not feel sympathy for this foreign country. Despite everything, in the photo Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin during their life in London simply glow with happiness. They were a really beautiful couple.

Only after some time they managed to cope with all the difficulties and inconveniences. Julia even thought of organizing a club for young women who, just like she had moved to England. The purpose of such a club, according to her plan, was to help them at first. However, to realize the grandiose plans did not work out and, ironically, again, due to the fault of Andrey.

Beginning of the End

In 2012, by the time the contract with Arsenal ended, Arshavin was offered to return to his native Zenit. He probably could not refuse and decided to leave for Russia.

But the mother of two children could not afford to suddenly tear out already grown up children from their usual environment and the school to which they had already gone. She had to stay in London for a while. Perhaps separation was the indirect reason for their separation.

New novel by Andrey Arshavin

Julia Baranovskaya and the children lived in London. And the head of the family did not lose time in vain. Very soon, he found a new passion for himself. The choice fell on Alice Kazmina. Well, well, say only 5% of men are polygamous, and Andrei Arshavin was no exception. His wife Julia Baranovskaya at that time was expecting a third child. By the way, Alice did not appear suddenly, they met when Andrei and Julia were all right.

Scandalous divorce

The story of the separation of Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin did not at all resemble a fairy tale. An outstanding athlete behaved unpredictably. He simply passed away, calling and telling his pregnant wife that he had another woman. This happened in 2013.

Rumors that Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin made peace have periodically appeared in the press. However, there could be no reconciliation of speech.


Returning from the capital of Great Britain, Julia had to live in a rented apartment with her three children. The father did not take part in the upbringing and maintenance of children. Quite rightly, Julia decided to sue. Despite the fact that their marriage was not officially registered, according to the law, the father is responsible for his children.

By court decision, Arshavin pays half of the income to his family.

About this, as well as about many other things in life with Andrei Arshavin, the ex-wife Yulia Baranovskaya later writes in her book.


Julia does not blame her husband, on the contrary, she is grateful to him for almost 10 happy years that they lived together. She loved him, felt him from a distance. She shares in the book the details of their personal lives, recalling that she could guess his thoughts and get through to him when no one could.

The wife of Andrei Arshavin, Julia Baranovskaya, looks at the situation with optimism. She believes that if they had not divorced, she would not have become what she is now. She would forever remain a mother of many children and the wife of a successful football player.

The only thing, according to her, she cannot forgive him is that he does not see his children. According to Julia, dad is a holiday for them. She never set them against her father, and if he ever comes to them, they will just be happy and hug him. And now they are too busy to worry about his constant absence.

Arshavin: life after a divorce

A few years after parting with his first wife, Arshavin finally married his beloved. They officially signed in 2016. In February 2017, the couple had a son, and in October they already announced a divorce. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, Alice was the initiator.

Arshavin is widely known to viewers and fans for his explosive character. Who does not remember his harsh remarks after another devastating defeat of the Russian national football team?

Various incriminating information often appears in the press. For example, that Arshavin is hiding his income in order to reduce child support payments.


After Arshavin

According to Yulia Baranovskaya, Andrei Arshavin taught her a lot. The experience presented by the ex-husband plays a huge role in her real life. It is thanks to her communication with him that it is easy for her to build relationships with the co-host of the Male / Female program, Alexander Gordon, as Julia jokingly says.

It may seem that the divorce of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin did not matter to her and did not excite her. However, this is not the case. She recalls with fear the severe depression, when it seemed that the earth was leaving under her feet, and long nights in tears.


Today, Julia Baranovskaya is a popular TV presenter and writer, whose advice many women who find themselves in difficult life situations listen to their advice.

Personal life

As for personal life, here, apparently, everything is fine.

In 2015, Julia could be seen at social events and film screenings, accompanied by the famous stylist Eugene Sedy. The pair did not hide from the lenses of ubiquitous photographers, and soon rumors circulated in the press about their romance.

Recently, Julia can often be seen in the company of the famous Russian film actor Alexei Chadov ("9 companies", "Heat"). True, as Yulia Baranovskaya herself says, only friendship connects them with Alexei. Although in the media you can see a lot of their joint photos, which hint at something more. Moreover, they often appear together at social events and parties.

Recall that Alexey Chadov in the past was married to actress Agnie Detkovskite. The couple has a son.