
Yunnats are novice naturalists. History of appearance and modern realities.

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Yunnats are novice naturalists. History of appearance and modern realities.
Yunnats are novice naturalists. History of appearance and modern realities.

The young naturalist is a member of the children's circle in which children study natural sciences and nature. In other words, a novice naturalist.

Appearance story

Back in 1918, on the outskirts of Moscow, on the territory of the Sokolnichesky Grove, which had a common border with the forest of Pogonno-Losiny Island, the first station of young animals was founded. Then they called education a little differently - a children's agricultural station. Since 1930, such children's clubs began to open everywhere. At the beginning of 1975, there were about 500 stations throughout the USSR.

Basic goals:

  • instilling a love of nature;

  • study and environmental protection;

  • agricultural skills training.

On a regular basis, rallies, seminars and reviews of work were held. Children's parties were organized on the occasion of Forest Day, the harvest festival. Children were taken on excursions to forests, botanical gardens and biological research institutes, collective farms and state farms.

There were often specialized circles at junior stations, and in the summer a children's camp was opened. In such circles and stations accepted from 6 years.


Monthly magazine

Since 1928, a monthly monthly has been regularly published for schoolchildren on biology, environmental studies, and ecology. The main goal that the editors pursued was to educate the younger generation in a love of the environment and the motherland. Only from 1941 to 1965 did the publication go out. In some years, the magazine was in great demand, its circulation reached 4 million.

The periodical was in demand among well-known publicists and writers. Prishvin M.M., Michurin I.V., Rakhilin V.K., Obruchev V.A. and others posted their articles in it.

The young naturalist knew for sure that in the next magazine he would see the following headings:

  • "Secrets of the seas and oceans";

  • "Red Book Pages";

  • "One hundred friends of one hundred suits";

  • "Tips Aibolit" and others.

Oddly enough, but the publication managed to resist, and it is still being printed, but, of course, no longer on such a scale.


Modern nature lovers

In our country, the movement of young people has survived. This is a children's club where animals are kept for those who wish to care. The circle allows you to develop skills in keeping and feeding animals, caring for plants. Naturally, children manage to quench their thirst for communication with wildlife. In such circles, they not only look after representatives of flora and fauna, but also gain additional knowledge in zoology and biology.


Novosibirsk Station of Young Naturalists

Last year, the Laboratory of Environmental Education of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS of the Soviet District of the city of Novosibirsk celebrated its 50th anniversary. The circle, opened in 1966, was called the Station of Young Naturalists.

Modern youngsters are boys and girls aged 5 to 18 years. The laboratory is engaged in the popularization and professional orientation of high school students in the field of geology and biology, natural sciences. Children learn to respect nature. The visit to the circle is voluntary and free, it includes several affiliated associations:

  • zoology;

  • physiology;

  • geology and minerals;

  • animal ecology and others.

As the 50-year practice shows, young people are people who are more conscious in choosing their future occupation and are more thorough in their choice of educational institution. Young people trained in the circle willingly become mentors for novice naturalists. Children participate in regular city and national competitions, olympiads. Meetings were held (youth exchange) as part of the Russian-German youth environmental project.

Teachers in the circle are employees of the Research Institute of the SB RAS, the Institute of Mineralogy and Geology, Genetics and Cytology. Over a half-century history, about 10 thousand schoolchildren studied at the station, many of whom became experts at the institutes of the SB RAS, teachers, and doctors of sciences.
