
I forgot things in the train. Ways to solve the problem and feedback

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I forgot things in the train. Ways to solve the problem and feedback
I forgot things in the train. Ways to solve the problem and feedback

Video: She's the Man (8/8) Movie CLIP - I'm Viola (2006) HD 2024, July

Video: She's the Man (8/8) Movie CLIP - I'm Viola (2006) HD 2024, July

If a person has forgotten things on the train, where to call and what to do - the first questions that come to mind, but the answers to them usually do not arise in thoughts. This is not surprising, because on the back of train tickets do not write instructions for action in such situations.

Dealing with where to call in case something is lost is also quite difficult. There are stickers everywhere with information about actions when discovering things that are without owners. But stickers with instructions for forgetful people do not come across.

Call or act?

If we are talking about forgotten things in the train, where to call is a difficult question. That is, it seems to be clear to the head of the train, to the transport police, or to other similar instances. Previously, during the years of Soviet rule, everything was very clear. At each station there was a so-called “lost property office”. And the information about where to call was located on the billboards in the station buildings. Now, nothing like this exists, in any case, a person who comes to the station will not see such shields, simply turning his head.


This means that finding the right phone number is difficult. As a rule, the loss is detected quickly enough, so it makes sense not to search for phone numbers or addresses on the Internet, but simply to contact the station staff for help. This is a much more effective way to find forgotten things than to try to do this while being away from the railway. In addition, you still have to go to the station and write a statement about the loss.

Who to contact at the station?

If people forgot things in the train, where to go at the station, any employee will tell them. You can ask for help from a security guard or contact a help desk employee. They will explain what you need to go into the office to the head of the transport hub and show where it is. It will be much easier than looking for the office of the head of the station yourself.


Another option is to contact the police station of the station. However, the police, although they accept a statement about the loss of things, still advise you to contact the head of the transport hub. This will not be caused by a lack of desire to search for a forgotten luggage, but rather by the desire to help a person find things as quickly as possible. In contrast to the servants of the law who work on the railway, the head of the station has more options for quickly finding luggage. For example, he can get in touch with the train, regardless of whether the train was passing or he is on the sidings and is preparing to meet new passengers.

What to do in the head office?

The answer to the question of what to do if you forgot a thing in the train, being in the office of the head of the station, is simple - you need to clearly explain the situation. The railway employee will continue to act, and he will need only some information from a forgetful passenger.


The head of the station will be interested in the following points:

  • the name and ordinal value of the train;
  • passenger data and ticket;
  • wagon and seat numbers.

You will also need to provide a brief description of the forgotten luggage. This is nothing special, a person just needs to describe with words what kind of things he forgot on the train or train. For example, a green suitcase with carrying items and so on. That is, no need to worry, specific knowledge about the lost luggage is not required.

What will the head of the station do?

Having received the necessary information from the passenger who forgot things in the train, the railway employee will begin to act. These actions consist in the fact that the head of the station will contact the person responsible for the train and the shift supervisor.

After this, the waiting time will come, during which the passenger will be asked to fill out several administrative forms, that is, in fact, to write in writing about the loss.


As a rule, it is not necessary to wait long, if things have not already been discovered by someone and this person has not declared unattended baggage by calling the Ministry of Emergencies or the counter-terrorism hotline.

Usually a passenger receives information about whether his things were found or not, after ten or twenty minutes. In the event that things are found or their fate is already known, for example, baggage can be transferred to the police, the head of the station explains to the passenger how to proceed.

How can the situation develop?

For a person who has forgotten things on the train, after the head of the station makes all the necessary calls, the situation can develop in different ways.

The first option, and it is the best for the person who left his luggage, the one in which things were not discovered before the call of the head of the station.

The second option for the development of the situation is that things were found and transferred to the police station. The third scenario is the worst. It consists in the fact that the luggage was not detected either before the call of the head of the station, or after it.

What to do if luggage is found after a call?

Quite often, in hot pursuit in the capital, there are forgotten things in trains. Moscow is a big and bustling city, but nobody cares about people and objects around it. Citizens rarely show vigilance, which, of course, is not very good, but in the hands of forgetful and absent-minded people.


As a rule, the situation with such baggage detection develops as follows. The station manager explains which way, train, carriage a person should approach and when to do it. It is not always possible to pick up items found immediately. In the event that the train is not on the sidings, but in a depot, it will be necessary to wait until it is convenient for the shift workers to return the lost to the owner.

In order to pick up your lost things, you will need to present a passport and once again clearly and clearly describe the loss. Going into too much detail is not necessary. The description should make it clear to the railway staff that the person who came for things really is their owner.

What to do if baggage is detected before the call and handed over to the police?

Not a bad option for a forgetful person. Things have not gone anywhere, they have been found and are waiting for their owner in the locker room of the transport police department. With this development, a person who has forgotten things on the train will have to prepare to pay the cost of their storage. As a rule, this amount does not exceed the threshold of a couple of hundred rubles in one day.

In order to pick up your own lost items, you will need to present a passport and give a full description of the contents of the baggage. When picking up items from the store, luggage will have to be described in more detail, since an official act was drawn up before placing it in the cell. In other words, a complete inventory was made of all items found in the car and transferred to the transport department.


Although employees are usually not particularly picky about the description, it is nevertheless necessary to at least remember and list everything that was in a forgotten bag or suitcase. If a person himself does not remember what exactly he put in this particular bag, then he does not need to panic. You should remember any detail that only the luggage owner can know about. For example, how the blouse is sewn up or where the stain on the upholstery from spilled coffee is located. That is, to describe any bright detail that is not known to an outsider.

It is not necessary to pre-visit a post office or a bank and pay for anything there, as happens during paperwork. Money for finding things in the storage cell is paid on the spot at the checkout. However, it is worth stocking up in cash, since not every building of the railway stations in the department of left-luggage office has the opportunity to accept a card.

What to do if baggage is not detected?

How to find forgotten things in the train if the train staff did not find them? Unfortunately, the probability of finding the loss is almost zero.

The procedure is simple. A person needs to write a statement about the loss of things in the transport police department and describe in detail the lost. After that, the railway staff, together with the police, officially begin to search. However, it is unlikely to find luggage.