
The mysterious demise of the half-brother of the leader of North Korea. Kim Jong Nam - biography

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The mysterious demise of the half-brother of the leader of North Korea. Kim Jong Nam - biography
The mysterious demise of the half-brother of the leader of North Korea. Kim Jong Nam - biography

Video: North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong-nam | 101 East 2024, July

Video: North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong-nam | 101 East 2024, July

How many voluntarily give up the opportunity to live, bathing in wealth, not deny yourself anything and literally decide the fate of people?

Apparently, Kim Jong Nam is just such a representative of humanity, who saw happiness in no way in power.

Birth feature

Kim Jong Nam is the son of the DPRK leader who passed away in 2011, Kim Jong Il. The boy was born in 1971 in the capital of his homeland, the city of Pyongyang.

The undisputed ruler at that time was the founder of the DPRK - Kim Il Sung. Chen Il was only one of many contenders for the "throne" and waged an active struggle for the favor of his father.

According to the principles of a totalitarian society, a wife for the holder of such a high status should have been chosen ideologically correctly, the young man could not even speak about his own choice.

But you can’t command the heart - Chen Il could not live without his beloved Song Hye Rim. For his sake, she even left the family and soon gave birth to his son. Parents literally had to hide their relationship, and Jong Nam from his grandfather - his reaction could be unpredictable. In the worst case, Chen Il would be excluded from the race of heirs, which was unacceptable for such an ambitious person.

Growing up

Already a baby, Jung Nam was nearly kidnapped by his aunt, Kim Kyung-hee. An ambitious woman actively wanted to take part in the governance of the country, and the young heir would be a very serious trump card in her desires. However, her insidious plan was not narrowed down.

Nevertheless, Chen Il was still forced to hide his firstborn from his father. Jung Nam talked a little with peers, lived locked up, studied exclusively personally. But it is worth noting that Chen Il loved his son and spent most of his time with him.

According to rumors, Ir Sen knew about his wife and about the heir, and was not against them. But to argue that this was true is not reliably possible.

Education abroad

In the late seventies, Kim Jong Nam left the DPRK for a long ten years. During this time, he managed to live in the USSR and study in Switzerland. He learned several foreign languages ​​and personally saw the difference between the arrangement of life in his native North Korea and Europe.

Upon his return, Jung Nam clearly made it clear to his father that he was completely uninterested in running the state. He was attracted by art. The young man, in particular, was very gravitated towards the director's craft. Chen Il was furious and almost even sent his son to labor camps.

Party work

In 1994, Chen Il became the legitimate leader of the state. Important positions were given to his son, he had access to unlimited cash.

But life in the DPRK Chon Nam did not seduce, and his father was aware of this. At the end of the last decade of the twentieth century, the son left the country and went into family business in Asia. In particular, his task was to conceal his father's illegal income.

No one could have thought that a regular in casinos and night clubs would be the heir to the dynasty. Most often he was seen in Macau and Beijing.


A family

What kind of family ties did Kim Jong Nam have? The biography says that he was married, and he even had several children.

But much more interesting is not the personal life of Jung Nam, but the presence of brothers and sisters.

In 1979, the very same time when the heir to the throne, who had left the hope, went abroad, his father, Chen Il, was forced to fill a spiritual void.

The result of the novel with his new passion, Kon Young-hee, became three children, the most famous of which was the current ruler of the DPRK - Kim Jong-un.

The choice of the heir

At the beginning of the new century, only lazy media did not touch on the scandal that happened with Kim Jong Nam at the airport in Tokyo. He was identified at the border control with a fake passport.

This incident allegedly became the final reason for the loss of his father's confidence in favor of his stepbrother.


But if you go a little deeper into this topic, then everything becomes far from being so categorical.

Did Kim Jong Nam crave power? His photos clearly show that he wanted to look like the most ordinary person, he enjoyed life and travels. Palace intrigues were of little interest to him.


Both he and his half-brothers crossed the borders of other states more than once on fake passports with fictitious names. Both Kim Jong Nam and Kem Jong Un studied in Switzerland incognito.

Most likely, there were tacit agreements between the leaders of the countries on non-disclosure of identity and admission on non-existent identity cards. Obviously, at the forefront was a certain interest, which allowed to turn a blind eye to the features of the Kimov family travels.

Why did the puncture happen in Tokyo? Perhaps Japan wanted to annoy the head of state, who had long been under her protectorate. But most likely, this is just a planned game.