
Does the Black Sea freeze in winter: climatic features of the reservoir

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Does the Black Sea freeze in winter: climatic features of the reservoir
Does the Black Sea freeze in winter: climatic features of the reservoir

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For most people, the sea is associated with summer, heat and the beach. But some sea resorts are located in a place where the air temperature in winter drops below zero. For example, in the Black Sea resorts the season is open from May to October. In winter, not only air cools, but also water. But to what extent its temperature falls, not everyone knows. Therefore, many people who do not have summer vacations are wondering if the Black Sea freezes in winter. In fact, only on a small part of the Black Sea coast is warm all year round, so for the winter holidays it is better to choose the more southern regions.

General characteristics of the Black Sea

This is one of the most amazing places on Earth. Its origin hides many secrets and mysteries. Many scientists believe that the Black Sea used to be part of the ocean. When it was divided into separate bodies of water, it became a freshwater lake. About 8 thousand years ago, after the great earthquake, the Bosphorus strait appeared, which connected the Black Sea with the Mediterranean. The penetration of salt water led to the death of all freshwater inhabitants of the reservoir. This has caused a lot of methane and hydrogen sulfide to form in its lower layers. Therefore, depths of more than 150-200 meters in the Black Sea are uninhabited.

Although this reservoir is an inland sea, it belongs to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean. Its area is more than 420 thousand square kilometers, and the coastline stretches for almost 3.5 thousand kilometers. The Black Sea washes the shores of several countries: Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia and Romania.


Features of freezing sea water

The physical characteristics of sea water are very different from fresh. Due to the fact that it is salty and many trace elements are dissolved in it, it behaves in a special way in different conditions. First of all, the freezing temperature is very different. If fresh water freezes at 0 ° C, a lower temperature is needed to form ice on sea water.

But it’s impossible to say unequivocally when it freezes, as it depends on salinity. Each sea has its own salinity indicators. For example, in the Baltic Gulf only 5%, and in the Mediterranean Sea - 26%. The Red and Dead Seas are considered the most salty. And on average, the salinity of the oceans is 34-35%. The water temperature in it must drop to -2 ° C so that it freezes.


But the freezing process itself also has features. When water is cooled to -2 °, crystals, similar to needles, are first formed. They do not contain salt, so the salinity of the surrounding water rises. Such crystals float in it, forming an ice suspension. With an even greater decrease in temperature, they freeze. Therefore, ice on the surface of the sea is never smooth.

The Black Sea has a salinity of about 18%. Therefore, for its freezing, a higher temperature is needed: about -1 ° C. Therefore, in order to answer the question of whether the Black Sea freezes in winter, you need to find out what the air temperature in this region is. Moreover, there is no definite answer, since the climatic conditions are different on the northern and southern coasts.

Does the Black Sea freeze in winter

Climatic conditions in countries that are washed by this sea are not the same. The air temperature at different times of the year is also different. Therefore, it is impossible to give a definite answer whether the Black Sea freezes in winter. It is generally believed that its southern coast is never covered with ice. In the north and west in the cold period, a narrow strip of water near the shore can freeze. Usually this happens in the Odessa region, and then, ice forms for a short time. But usually the ice that is found in the Black Sea, comes from the Sea of ​​Azov through the Kerch Strait.

Usually it does not freeze, but there are winters when it is completely covered with ice. In addition, the Sea of ​​Azov is very shallow, and its salinity is low. Therefore, even with not very large frosts, thick ice forms on it. It can be carried through the Kerch Strait into the Black Sea. But usually it is found only off the coast of Crimea. The coast of Turkey and the Caucasus almost never freezes, but this happens off the northwestern coast. The Dniester estuary, the Dnieper-Bug can freeze, a strip of water near the mouth of the Danube. Many people wonder if the Black Sea freezes in winter in Sochi. After all, this resort town is popular with tourists all year round.

Usually the water here does not freeze. But from history it is known that there was a time when the Black Sea completely froze. Such cases are described in historical chronicles. Based on this information, it can be concluded that this happens approximately every 60-80 years. The last cold winter in this region was in 1953-1954. At this time, the entire Sea of ​​Azov froze, and the entire northern part of the Black Sea froze.


Climate of the Black Sea coast

In most of the territories washed by the Black Sea, the continental climate. This means that dry and warm weather in the summer and wet cool winters are kept here. The average winter temperature on the north coast is -2 ° С. Basically, it is the coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. Those territories that are not covered by mountains are subject to the influence of northerly winds, where the temperature can drop to -30 ° C.

But the Atlantic Ocean has a great influence on the climate of the Black Sea coast. It brings cyclones that cause severe winter storms. Usually they come several at once, so the weather on the coast often lasts all winter.

Does the Black Sea freeze in the winter in Crimea


It is in this place that ice most often forms on the surface of the sea. Although in winter in Crimea the air temperature rarely drops below 0, there are winters when a narrow strip of water near the coast freezes. Especially often this happens on the west coast. But ice can even reach Evpatoria.

The sea freezes in this region in particularly harsh winters, which happens infrequently. In historical chronicles, several such cases are known when the Kerch Strait and the northern part of the Black Sea were completely frozen. In the twentieth century, this also happened several times, for example, in 1942, in 1954, 2012.