
Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Reznik Henry Markovich: biography and photos

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Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Reznik Henry Markovich: biography and photos
Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Reznik Henry Markovich: biography and photos

This man with incomprehensible ease can make an impression of a descendant of an ancient family. Our perception of aristocracy is quite stereotyped, so what can we do? The appearance of the hero of this article, as well as the manner of his behavior and communication simply cannot but attract close attention of the public. Almost everyone knows his name, but most often it is pronounced for certain reasons. Unfortunately, very little is known about himself, but his personality is very interesting. So, Reznik Henry Markovich, one of the most prominent lawyers in modern Russia.


On the eleventh day of May 1938, a boy named Henry was born in Leningrad. Upon reaching the age of ten, Henry Reznik, whose biography is not so well known to a wide circle of people as his victories in the legal field, learned that he was a Jew. He did not oppose this information at all, on the contrary, this fact completely suited him (by his own admission). Until a certain age, the boy often participated in fights. Of course, they passed with varying success - once they beat him, once he beat him. Most often, though, victory was on Henry's side. Many years later, he remembered this with a slight smile.

His parents

His dad was from a poor Jewish family who lived in the town of Znamenka near Kremenchug. He had a surprisingly beautiful, clear voice, but due to some defect he was not able to finish his studies at the vocal faculty of the conservatory. Therefore, he moved to another faculty and received a diploma from the Moscow Conservatory. Just before the beginning of the siege of Leningrad, the family was lucky to get to Saratov. There, Mark Reznik was put at the head of the local conservatory.


Mom Henry was a pianist. On its line there was a union of two genera: Rafalovich and Schneerson. This is how Reznik Henry Markovich became a descendant of the Lubavitcher rebbe Schneerson and the chief rabbi of the Kremenchug synagogue Rafalovich. It was this ancestor of little Henry who was recorded in the old Jewish synagogue encyclopedia as one of the best ministers.

Life and sporting achievements

From childhood, Reznik Henry Markovich took an active part in sports competitions. When he was 15 years old, he becomes the champion of Russia in high jumps (this was a team of young boys). A year later, he plays for the adult national teams of the city of Saratov in volleyball and basketball.


In the mid-fifties of the twentieth century, Reznik Henry Markovich, whose reviews many years later contained many sincere words of gratitude, was a member of the RSFSR volleyball and basketball team. Two years later, he was one of the founders of the volleyball team in the city of Tashkent and stood at the head of the volleyball team. Reznik, a lawyer in the near future at that time, also became the champion in high jump in Kazakhstan.

From Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan

After the young Henry “visited” at eleven years of jumping, his fate was predetermined for several years to come. He was a member of the RSFSR national teams in three sports (as mentioned above). Then there was a team of craftsmen in the capital and the creation of a team in Uzbekistan. Then several people, among whom was Reznik Henry Markovich, were invited to Kazakhstan in order to finish their studies and play for the local team.


At that time, there was another serious personnel cleaning in the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was carried out by two chiefs from Moscow itself. One of them was simultaneously engaged in the creation of a song and dance ensemble, while the second was a devoted fan of volleyball. It was he who invited graduates to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan.

Genes contrary

So easily, without spending much effort, Henry Reznik, whose cost of services, according to him, today ranges from 0 to infinity, becomes an investigator for particularly important cases. In his life, it takes five years. Then there was graduate school in the capital and one and a half decades of science.


Reznik, a respected and well-known lawyer, is sure that he does not in any way have the lawyer's abilities in genes. After all, at the very beginning of his adult life, he wanted to enter the faculty of journalism, however, during the exams he was not able to get one point. But he already had a decision ready to write, which came true, however, a little later.

"We all studied a little …"

Henry Reznik was a law student at Central Asian State University. This happened in Tashkent from 1957 to 1959. A few years later, he received a diploma from the Kazakh State University (Faculty of Law). His thesis, which talks about legal presumptions, received a lot of positive reviews at the All-Union Student Competition.


In 1969, the future Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation graduated from the graduate school of the All-Union Institute for the Study of Causes and the development of crime prevention measures of the USSR Prosecutor's Office.

Void and ways to deal with it

Yes, Henry Markovich Reznik did not connect his life with journalism, but, contrary to his youthful dreams, he quite became a human rights activist and a well-known lawyer. He is also the head of the anti-defamation activities carried out by the Russian Jewish Congress.

Reznik is convinced that anti-Semitism as a kind of society background can be observed in many countries. After all, over the course of many tens and hundreds of years, the opinion has developed that Jews are not just an ordinary nationality, like many others. It is like a label of something not always clear and acceptable. Even provided that this “other” does not exist in reality, there is still a strange need to separate “ours” and “non-ours”. If we talk about Russia, then on its territory anti-Semitism manifested itself much brighter.


Henry Reznik does not for one minute believe in the pogroms of the Jews, which no one has ever, as always stated, provoked. Indeed, according to historical excursions, all this happened both under the tsarist regime and during the reign of Joseph Stalin.

Today, based on Reznik’s convictions, there is no state anti-Semitism. Because it is a policy expressed in all known things - from restrictions on the possibilities and rights of citizens to their destruction. And people's thoughts on the subject: “What a bastard you are, and even a Jew!” - Reznik considers it simply to be part of the history of the country.

Ladder of his career

In the early sixties, Henry Markovich worked in Alma-Ata as an investigator of the Investigative Department, and a little later he studied the causes and worked out all kinds of measures to prevent crime in the Soviet Union. In 1982, he headed the laboratory at the Institute for the Development of Justice Workers.

The books of Henry Reznik, and he is the author of about two hundred publications on criminology, the general theory of law, on the problems of criminal law, give certain clues to people in need. Some of his articles, for example, “Lawyer: the prestige of the profession” or about the contradictions between crime and modern urbanization, were noted as the best articles of the year (1985 and 1987).

He was sometimes accused of pressure on journalists and double standards. After all, Henry Markovich often expressed his conviction that freedom of speech is nevertheless necessary in a developed state.

Many well-known lawyers, to whom the hero of this article has the honor, speak of him only in superlatives, because he is not just a lawyer, but a person who helps people get out of difficult situations.