
"Stuck in the XIX century": what does the everyday life of the Amish look like - people who voluntarily abandoned the benefits of civilization

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"Stuck in the XIX century": what does the everyday life of the Amish look like - people who voluntarily abandoned the benefits of civilization
"Stuck in the XIX century": what does the everyday life of the Amish look like - people who voluntarily abandoned the benefits of civilization

Video: Libertarian Cosmopolitanism 2024, July

Video: Libertarian Cosmopolitanism 2024, July

Even in such developed countries, like Canada and America, there are people who adhere to the traditional way of life. Conservative hermits neglect the benefits of civilization and live as if in the courtyard of the 19th century.

They do not use electricity, wear old-fashioned clothes and are engaged in agriculture, because they believe that only labor on earth is righteous. They deny cars, setting off on horse drawn carts.


Strict rules

At the end of the 17th century, Jacob Amman advocated a literal interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. He had many followers, who began to be called Amish. The authorities did not like their judgments, persecution began, and people began to emigrate to the United States and Canada. Once in foreign lands, the followers of the preacher established strict rules of conduct that they follow for several centuries.


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Leading a healthy lifestyle

Amish (they are also called Anabaptists and Amanites) create families only with representatives of their circle. Often their children suffer from severe hereditary diseases.

But at the same time, thanks to HLS, community members live much longer than the average American or Canadian. They almost do not get cancer.

Ideological pacifists

People who speak a specific dialect (Pennsylvania-German) have never built churches for themselves. Services are held in one of the houses of an ordinary representative of the community. And they go through the rite of baptism at a conscious age, when they turn 16 years old.


Members of a closed community do not accept violence, and therefore young people are not involved in military service. In the community, life proceeds calmly, without any excesses.

Mountain for one another

Amish is an independent community that has built borders between itself and the state. They do not pay taxes, and so none of the elderly receive a pension. At the same time, the Amanites refuse social assistance. They help on their own to sick and elderly people who have never had insurance. The feeble old people remain in the community until the end of their lives, and no one thinks of putting them in a nursing home.

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Amish, standing by the mountain for each other, come to the aid of the newlyweds in need of new housing: in a few days, all members of the community build a wooden house.

Superficial knowledge

Amanites always have large families. On average, parents have 7 children. But the point here is not at all that the representatives of the community love babies: they need working hands for farming, which feeds them.


Community representatives build small houses in which classes are held. Children go to such schools until the 8th grade, and no one seeks to get a higher education.

In the classroom, children receive only the knowledge that will help them to work on the farm. And everything else, according to adults, is unnecessary nonsense. Schoolchildren are taught young girls who have just graduated from an educational institution.

Difficult choice

Children are taught humility, patience and respect for adults. Kids do not have the right to contradict and swear to them. They are punished for disobedience, so the children always obey the will of their parents.


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Every child is waiting for the moment when he turns 16 years old. Young Amish people have the right to leave the community, see the world and live as the heart wants. All the whims they are paid by the community, and for several years they must decide what choice to make - return home or live independently.

True, there is one aspect that becomes central. If adolescents do not return to the family, then this means that they become outcasts. Both parents and brothers and sisters turn away from them.

Most often, boys remain with the family, but the girls fall in love, find new friends and are in no hurry to return to the little world.

Strong family without divorces

Young Amish marry virgins. Young people who meet can sleep on the same bed, but then parents fence them off from each other with a special board. And most often the girl spends the night in a canvas bag sewn by her mother for such a case.

In a month you can already play a wedding. The ceremony lasts about 2 hours, then all members of the community sing church songs. Young spouses spend the wedding night in the house of the bride's parents.

A woman in a community is primarily a housewife supporting a home and raising children. Amish divorces are forbidden, and a large number of kids is happiness for a farming family.

Car ban

Community members ride horse-drawn carts upholstered in leather, and instead of electricity they use kerosene lights. Horses can cover no more than 40 kilometers, and then they need to rest. And if the Old Believer needs to go somewhere again, he can hire a truck driver, and farmers use scooters for personal movement.

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By the way, the Amish can leave the house for a maximum of 20 kilometers.

How do Anabaptists live?

All the benefits of civilization are unacceptable to them. The main thing for the Amanites is hard work, which is considered pious, and modern achievements reduce the need for it. Accordingly, the farmer has a lot of free time, which is undesirable for members of the community.


Amanites wear old-fashioned clothes, the style of which has not changed for several centuries. They are easy to recognize by headgear. Women have small caps on their heads, and men have wide-brimmed hats.

Male representatives use suspenders instead of belts, and ladies buttons are replaced with hooks. Community members are not allowed to wear sneakers and ties. In addition, young men who get married get rid of the mustache, which reminds them of the hussars, but grow rich beards.

Women put on long, formless dresses in bright colors. Aprons are often worn over them.

They are forbidden to apply makeup and haircut. And the main principle of the Amish is that everyone is equal, and no one has the right to stand out.

Conservatism in everything

Community members are conservative people. They believe that electricity, the Internet, television are from the evil one. Just like modern music and dancing. And they do not need such a connection with the outside world.

Even their refrigerators run on natural gas or solar panels. And only in the most emergency cases, the Amish can use the phone.

They grow celery, dill and basil, but they are forbidden to plant roses or peonies. It is believed that flowers should not be used for beauty, so they decorate their homes with garden plants.

Wealthy people

Since Amish never use chemicals, the products they grow are much appreciated by the adherents of a healthy diet. However, farmers break high prices, and not everyone can buy organic products. Also, not every American can try baking from natural ingredients.


Amanites are wealthy people who work from dawn to dawn. They do not need to spend money on new cars, fashionable clothes and cosmetics. Many landowners make quality furniture from expensive varieties of wood. And their wives sew beautiful quilts with fancy patterns. Their products are lined up because everything the Amish do is quality and reliable.