
Green Mockingbird: lifestyle, songs, habitat

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Green Mockingbird: lifestyle, songs, habitat
Green Mockingbird: lifestyle, songs, habitat

Video: Mocking Bird Habitat Sculpture 2012-2013 2024, July

Video: Mocking Bird Habitat Sculpture 2012-2013 2024, July

An excellent natural imitator is a green mocking, even with its appearance it seeks to merge with nature. As for her amazing song, you will hear in it a splash of the night pond, and the chatter of insects, and even a human voice - after all, this amazing tousled singer will willingly pick up and blow any sound she hears.



The adult individual of the green remix does not exceed 16 cm in length with a wingspan of about 25 cm. The colors of the bird are closer to olive shades, with a brownish tint on the back and lighter on the wings and stomach. In the summer, the singer sheds a little paint and seems to be covered with a grayish fluff.

The bird’s head is round, the beak is wide, with a spatula at the base, above the eyes - an expressive eyebrow of a light contrasting color. Of the birds that everyone knows, the green remix is ​​more reminiscent of a feather.

Habitat and Migration

All types of remixes are everywhere settled throughout European territory, partly in Asian countries, from where at the end of August-September flocks are removed for wintering in the tropical forests of Africa along the coast of the Congo River. The green mocking is not in a hurry to return home - you can see the bird at the places of constant nesting not earlier than April, or even a month later.

For the settlement, the singer chooses mainly woodlands with well-developed shrubs and a high level of dampness. Most often, there is a mocking-up in mature birch undergrowths transmitting a large amount of light, aspen trees, on old abandoned clearings, as well as in forest plantations. Less often, a bird can be seen in the city, in parklands or squares. It is impossible to detect a green mocking-up in the mountains, as well as in areas with exclusively shrubbery, since birds nest only on tall trees.


Lifestyle & Nesting

Remixes come down to the earth only because of extreme necessity, since the food that forms the basis of their diet - all kinds of insects - can be found in abundance on trees. To find among the branches of fruit trees in the garden a nest of a nimble bird - a pleasant surprise for the gardener.

To maintain a constant body temperature and normal life activity, remixes require a lot of food, and in that part of the garden or forest where the bird’s nests are most common, the problem with harmful insects is significantly reduced.

With the onset of the first cold weather, beginning in late August, when insect production becomes difficult, re-mixing enriches its daily table with elderberry, mountain ash and buckthorn berries. This pliability in the choice of food contributes to the fact that in rare cases the captured singer is placed at home and trying to be kept on a feed base for carduelis and tits, which is commercially available in the form of mixed formulations.

A common mistake in the content of the mocking is to limit its flying space to the size of the cell. In such circumstances, the forest baby will not live even six months, while subject to her usual environment, the life of the singer will last up to four years.

In their natural environment, the birds settle in almost any crown and even in high-growing shrubs with the only condition - the nest should be no lower than a meter from the ground. A dwelling, woven from improvised material, is fastened in a fork in the branches so that even a strong wind cannot shake the barrel-shaped structure.


During the construction, everything that comes to the attention of the eye during the search is used - grass, hair, animal hair, shreds of cobwebs, bird feathers, rags. In many nests, even scraps of paper are found. As befits a tiny bird, the nest at the mockingbird matches it - about 10 cm in diameter, up to 8 cm high.

Mating season

The reproduction reaches the age of breeding in an incomplete year from birth. It is easy to recognize males during this period by loud draft song. Green mockingbird during wedding chants rarely sits in one place, often flies from tree to tree or within its crown. During this period, and especially after determining their territory and the formation of a nest, males become aggressive. It is enough for some other small bird to sit on a branch near the finished dwelling, as the owner, on outstretched wings with wide spread feathers, falls upon the offender and drives him away.

When attacking other birds or for a whistling warning, males use a special threatening signal, which is expressed by frequent clicking of the beak. During the mating season of these individuals, an alarming clicking sound is the invariable accompanying chord of the chosen remix of the square.

About 3 weeks after the female has established herself in the new nest, she lays a mottled pink-brown testicle (from three to six pieces) and patiently lays out for two weeks. In nursing the chicks, which become independent on 12-14 days after birth, the female and the male participate equally.
