
Woman lost 45 kg, turning her husband’s rude words into motivation

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Woman lost 45 kg, turning her husband’s rude words into motivation
Woman lost 45 kg, turning her husband’s rude words into motivation

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When a woman is constantly insulted by her beloved husband, it is certainly a bitter experience and disappointment. It was through this that a woman from Texas went through. But she took her husband’s offensive words not just as an injection in her direction, but also as a motivation for action. It was the insults that made her lose weight.


How a couple of words changed Betsy’s life

Betsy Isla, 34, lives in Houston. A couple of years ago, she gave birth to a daughter, and a little time after this happy event she discovered that her husband and his colleague called her fat behind her.

It was a real hit for Betsy, a former sales manager. She has been with this man since she was 17, and all these years has been faithful in marriage. Her husband’s bitter words seemed to awaken her from a dream. It turned out that in social networks her husband and his friend called her “a fat cow”, called her names in every possible way. This turned Betsy's life upside down.

According to the insulted woman, her husband always said that she looked good, and even tried to provide her with snacks and junk food, saying that she did not eat enough.

In fact, Betsy had been on diets for 13 years. Back in school years, she was attacked by schoolmates. Therefore, food quickly became her best way to get quick pleasure. It was a kind of "self-therapy."

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When she read her husband’s offensive words, she turned them into motivation. She got rid of sweets, began to play sports with her sister. Betsy also began to attend classes zumba.


Thanks to anger at her husband, she threw off about 45 kilograms in two years. The initial weight was approximately 117 kilograms, and as a result of losing weight, body weight approached 72.