
US animals: list with photos

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US animals: list with photos
US animals: list with photos

Video: List of Animals! Learn 100+ Animals with Pictures | Animal Names in English 2024, June

Video: List of Animals! Learn 100+ Animals with Pictures | Animal Names in English 2024, June

The fauna of the United States is truly diverse. On the territory of this state there are representatives of many species, large and small, dangerous and harmless. Among them, there are varieties that are on the verge of extinction. It is impossible to tell about all the animals of the USA in one material, but we will list the most famous and unusual inhabitants of the North American state.

General information

The fauna of the USA is similar to the species diversity of Eurasia. This may be due to the fact that earlier on the site of the Bering Strait there was land connecting two continents. The fauna differs in different climatic zones. For example, a musk ox lives in the tundra, or, as it is also called, a musky bull. It has been preserved only on the Arctic islands of America and in Greenland.

In deciduous and mixed forests, you can see a large number of animals and birds, which often settle in the taiga. At the same time, unique organisms live here. Bears, foxes, wolves, deer, possums, turtles and alligators - all these mammals and reptiles are found in American forests.

On the plateaus and plains, you can easily come across bison, which are considered the largest ungulates on the planet. Currently, they are found only in national parks and reserves. Horses were imported from Europe to the United States. The species diversity of birds is also striking: in America there are vultures, and black grouse, and cuckoos. You can’t even talk about the number of reptiles - you probably imagine how many there are in arid regions of the United States.

The main environmental problem in modern America is the rapid decline in the number of animals. This is due to poaching, the rapid pace of urbanization, road construction. Dozens of species were listed in the Red Book. You will learn about them a little later.


An interesting fact is that the national animal of the United States is a bald eagle. The image of a bird appeared on the coat of arms of the country in 1782 as a symbol of freedom, sovereignty and power.



The story of US animals begins with mammals:

  1. Cougar, or cougar is a predatory animal that can reach speeds of up to 75 km / h. Mountain lions (this is another name) are characterized by endurance and can even overcome impassable terrain.
  2. Moose is the largest representative of the deer family. It grows to 220 cm at the withers. The body length is 3 m. It has wide branches of horns.
  3. Whitetail deer. Oddly enough, due to the fault of this animal, about 200 people die annually. The fact is that deer do not differ in caution when crossing automobile roads.
  4. The long-tailed armadillo lives only on the American continents. A half-meter mammal has an unusual appearance with a shiny gray skin. At the first sign of danger it collapses and becomes like large stones. Inadvertently crosses the road, so often dies on the tracks.



The variety of US birds is amazing. In total, more than 600 varieties of them can be found on the continent:

  1. The sharp-crested tit is known for its habit of stealing their scales from rattlesnakes. The bird has a cute appearance and bewitching black eyes, which seem to reflect the whole world.
  2. Red-throated hummingbirds weigh only 4 grams. The bird makes 50 flaps of its wings every second. She needs to eat every hour.
  3. The California cuckoo (or runner) rarely flies, but when running it develops a speed of up to 42 km / m. It lives in desert areas, and hibernates at night.

Insects and arthropods

We continue the story of the rich fauna by listing the insects and arthropods that live in America:

  1. Arizona tree scorpion is considered a dangerous animal of the United States, as its bite can cause human death. Stings so hard that the pain is comparable to a shock.
  2. Black Widow is a spider painted black with a red spot. A small amount of poison can kill a person. In addition to the black widow, danger is represented by hermits and tramps. Vagrant venom, for example, causes a “corroded” tissue.
  3. The monarch is one of the most beautiful butterflies. Its wings are orange, they have brown streaks, a black border and white dots. Larvae feed on milkweed (this plant is poisonous), so their body is saturated with milkweed extract, which protects them from birds and frogs.



There are many reptiles among US animals:

  1. The Mississippi alligator lives in the southern states, mainly in Florida. Attacks people annually. These reptiles reach a length of 4 m. Their weight averages one and a half tons.
  2. Rattlesnake is a poisonous reptile that injects deadly venom into a victim’s blood with a bite. Their body length varies from 40 cm to 2 m. Many representatives are very aggressive.
  3. Cayman tortoise lives in fresh water. She bites painfully when she feels danger. In length reaches 50 cm.

Dangerous animals

Some animals are nice to watch, but others pose a mortal danger to humans:

  1. Bears of all kinds found in the USA (black, white, grizzly) can attack people. Grizzlies easily bite a bowling ball.
  2. Snakes. Texas rattlesnake, copperhead and water moths kill people with their poison.
  3. Cougars are the largest feline in America. They attack by jumping on prey from the trees and biting their neck. Running away from a mountain lion will not work, as the predator loves to “play catch-up” with the victim.
  4. Alligators do not disdain any food, ranging from frogs to people. And they are expertly masked under water.
  5. Africanized bees pose a danger to humans due to the fact that even the slightest noise is regarded as an attack on their hive, so they are in a swarm of pursuit of a troublemaker. You won’t die from the bite of a single bee, but if a swarm attacks you …

Water inhabitants

U.S. animals (photos are presented in the article) include numerous inhabitants of rivers and seas:

  1. Bycheryl is a type of stingray. They are hunted because of the fins, so the number is rapidly declining. The maximum length of the ostrich is 2 m.
  2. Largemouth bass is a fish that lives in the United States. The representative of the ichthyofauna got its name due to external features. Fish with gray-green scales can weigh 10 kg.
  3. Maskinong is one of the varieties of pike. In length, the representatives of the species reach 2 m. It lives in clean sluggish reservoirs. Most often found in lakes and rivers.

USA pets

In America, as in other regions, dogs and cats, parrots and rodents are most popular as pets. However, in captivity you can keep non-toxic snakes, iguanas, fish and ferrets. Some states allow Madagascar cockroach, bearded dragon, marsupial flying squirrel, hyacinth macaw and chimpanzee. In a number of states, people choose sloths, capuchin monkeys, red lynxes, and even alligators as pets!


As far as farms are concerned, the USA is a world leader in the export of animal and vegetable products. In Texas, California, Washington and Arizona, they are engaged in dairy production. Cows are bred for meat products. In addition, pigs and chickens of various breeds are raised in the United States.

Rare and little-known creatures

Among animals living in the USA, there are also very rare species, which are rarely written in newspapers and in the news. These include the following representatives of the fauna:

  1. Ocelot is a species of wild cat. Due to its characteristic coloring, it is called a dwarf leopard. Ocelots grow up to 1 m in length. They prefer dense vegetation. These are clever predators. By the beginning of the 21st century, they had lost many of their habitats and are now found mainly in Texas.
  2. The collared bakers, although similar to a pig, have nothing to do with it. The mammal is slim and small. These omnivores of the United States are native to America. They live here from time immemorial. Lead herd lifestyle.
  3. North American kakomitsli outwardly resembles the inhabitants of the Australian continent. By the way, this is a symbol of the state of Arizona. Animals are nocturnal and prefer to live alone. The view is rather shy, but easily tamed.


  4. Jaguarundi is another species of wild animals of the United States that belong to the cat family. Representatives of the species are threatened with extinction. They have a tan coat, an elongated body, and short legs.
  5. Flying squirrel. Of the 44 known species of flying squirrels, only 2 live in the USA, these are the northern and southern flying squirrels. They are found in vast areas from Maine to Texas. Unusual squirrels do not know how to fly, but easily plan in the air. This allows them to travel up to 45 meters in one jump.