
Life after the irreversible: how Nachalova’s parents live after her death

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Life after the irreversible: how Nachalova’s parents live after her death
Life after the irreversible: how Nachalova’s parents live after her death

In March of this year, Julia Nachalova passed away. The girl was only 38 years old, she was a beautiful and talented singer, a loving daughter and mother of a 12-year-old girl, Vera. This tragedy shocked many, people could not believe how such a young and beautiful woman could die, the whole Russian people grieved. But most of all, her sudden death struck the parents of Julia.

Inconsolable grief


The biggest fear of any parent is to bury their child. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened with Victor and Taisiya Nachalovs. It was painful to look at their faces during the burial of their daughter. Victor Nachalov from her earliest childhood, Julia supported her in all endeavors. After all, it was he who revealed vocal talent in his daughter. And now, when Julia is gone, her father is inconsolable.

The mother of Yulia Nachalova is particularly hard hit by the loss. Taisiya almost never leaves the house and does not want to communicate with anyone. According to the former PR manager of the singer Anna Isaeva, the woman lost her taste for life, and her hair was completely covered with gray hair.

Wanting to somehow help Taisia, Anna hardly persuaded her to go to the stylist who previously worked on her daughter. The woman was dyed her hair and made a light haircut. The hairdresser was able to take one shot, which Anna shared on social networks after.

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However, nothing can hide the sadness and longing in the eyes of the mother.

Interviews and scandals

After the death of a young woman, her parents participated in the filming of a television program hosted by Andrei Malakhov. Taisiya Nachalova could not sit in front of the cameras for even a few minutes. Filled with tears, the woman left.

The father of the singer could not resist and blamed her first husband, Dmitry Lansky, for all the Julian misfortunes. Allegedly, the man wanted Julia to lose weight, and so the girl began to lose weight dramatically and suffer from various diseases.


It also turned out that the civil husband Nachalova sued her because of the case with the apartment and now requires a large sum. And since Julia is no more, this amount will be required from her heiress, the daughter of Vera.