
Village life, pros and cons, how to make a choice?

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Village life, pros and cons, how to make a choice?
Village life, pros and cons, how to make a choice?

Video: City vs Country Living | 10 Things + My Experience 2024, July

Video: City vs Country Living | 10 Things + My Experience 2024, July

Sometimes the thoughts of urban residents come - but would not it be better to live in a village where there is no fuss, where there is clean air and silence? It is clear that in a large village there are a lot of opportunities, you can study and work, there are many entertainments. At the same time, life outside the city has its advantages. However, before moving it is better to evaluate all the pros and cons of life in the village.

Positive aspects of living in rural areas

The main advantage of village life is fresh air and environmental friendliness. There is no smoky sky in the village, and the stars at night seem larger and brighter. Water does not contain chlorine impurities, transparent and tasty. And this is the key to a healthy sleep and well-being.

It is much easier to find friends in the village; more open people live here.


Products from your garden

Considering the pros and cons of life in the village, one can not help but mention fresh food that can be grown on your own personal plot. It is in such cases that you can be completely sure that vegetables and fruits were not grown and stored using chemicals. And this is the key to happy longevity.


Unlike a city apartment, in a private house you can get as many animals as you can feed. In addition, this is not only about a cat or dog, you can even get a horse, a goat or a cow.

Property prices

Speaking about the pros and cons of living in a village, one should not forget that the cost of real estate is much less than in a big city. Therefore, you can buy a house in which there is enough space for everyone, even if the family is very large.

Peace and quiet

You want to forget about the bustle of the city, go live in the village, there are few cars, no one knocks on the wall, no noise comes from the street. Here you will not hear the rumble of the wheels of the tram, but only the singing of birds and the sound of the wind.

Life in the village is very measured, sometimes it seems that time flows much slower here.


Some more pluses

The advantages of living in the village do not end there. As in the city, most villages have internet and satellite TV. But there are no video cameras on every corner and huge traffic jams. Children grow up strong and healthy.

On your site you can build a bath or sauna, you can go fishing and in the woods, do small, but your own business.

Negative sides

Naturally, if everything was so rosy in the village, as it seems at first glance, then cities would no longer exist, everyone would have moved to live "closer to the ground."

The main disadvantage of living in a village for a city dweller is that it’s quite difficult to get used to and settle down here. Not everyone knows how, and does not want to, milk a cow and plant potatoes. In rural areas, despite a calm lifestyle, residents do not have a free minute, because you always need to do something - water the garden, tint the fence, make blanks for the winter and more. A resident of the city has much less routine worries than a rural one.

In addition, most of the cases will have to be done independently, for example, to repair the roof or dig a site.

In addition, not all villages also have a central sewage system, and for a city dweller this can be a huge problem, you will have to go to the toilet to the toilet and bring water from the well, although even this problem can be solved in the village. Interruptions in the supply of electric energy also often occur in the village, and one must be prepared for this.


Lack of opportunities

The pros and cons of life in the village and the city are very diverse, but the most important thing is that in the village there are practically no opportunities for development. To get a quality education, even if not higher, you have to go to the city. You will have to do the same for a well-paid job. In the village you will have to trade products from your own site, or go to a store or a local cafe to work. You cannot find prestigious work here.

For big purchases you have to go to the city

In the countryside, there are no large shopping centers, equipment repair services, or beauty salons. To purchase a serious product, to receive a certain service, you have to go to the city. The villages do not hold interesting events, festivals and sports competitions. Even if you want to go to the theater or a movie, you still have to go to the city.


More cons

Life in the village, the pros and cons, which we are analyzing, is not suitable for every city dweller. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate whether you can go to a low-paying job, being a specialist in the city. It is unlikely that the village will have the opportunity to work as a rental manager or accountant. It is easier if you have your own personal vehicle, and the village is not far from the city, then you can go to work, although this is already an additional cost. In parallel, a new problem may arise - bad roads, as a rule, they are such and are outside cities and highways.

Assessing the pros and cons of living in the village, do not forget about the children. Indeed, they will be healthier in rural areas, but they are unlikely to develop their abilities. There are no specialized sports and music schools developing circles. If you even have a car, then think about whether you can take your child to school and to the circle every day.

Life and life in the village is very different from urban conditions. The leaked roof will have to be repaired on its own, a private house requires constant care and minor repairs.

Do not forget about the neighbors, they will not knock on the walls, but living in a village apart will not work. In the villages, all residents know everything about each other, they live more openly and are very interested in the private life of their neighbors.
