
Journalists found at least 2 reasons why Shepelev lost his job on Channel One

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Journalists found at least 2 reasons why Shepelev lost his job on Channel One
Journalists found at least 2 reasons why Shepelev lost his job on Channel One

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Dmitry Shepelev - the famous host of the program "Actually", which goes on Channel One. During his work, he gained a huge number of fans who sincerely fell in love with him and looked forward to every release of this show. And what was their surprise when his departure was suddenly announced.

Delays at work say "No!"


When it became known that Shepelev had lost his job on Channel One, it immediately caused a lot of rumors. But reporters found that, most likely, the whole point is in the conflicting nature of Dmitry. It’s just that once the time of shooting one of the issues was postponed to a later time, and then the program itself was shot longer than usual. This so outraged the presenter that he immediately went to the leadership of the channel and threw a scandal there. According to him, this is not the first time this has happened, and because of this, he does not come home on time. But he still does not live alone. He has a beloved bride and child, which he must take care of. Therefore, he filed an application for dismissal, expecting that they would apologize to him and henceforth would not happen again, but no, instead he was only asked to work out the prescribed time until the leader was found a replacement.