
Jujube - what is it? Jujube: benefits and harms

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Jujube - what is it? Jujube: benefits and harms
Jujube - what is it? Jujube: benefits and harms

Video: 7 Health Benefits Of Jujube 2024, July

Video: 7 Health Benefits Of Jujube 2024, July

Jujube is the closest relative of buckthorn. This plant is also called "unabi", "jujuba", "jujuba", "Chinese date". Sometimes it is confused with a date. But it is the fruit of a bush, and the dates are the fruit of a palm tree. Their useful properties are also different. Unabi fruits are fleshy, oblong, with a shiny dense peel and bone, have a pleasant and delicate taste.


It is also noteworthy that jujube, the beneficial properties of which have long been known to specialists, can be used very widely. For treatment, both berries and bark, seeds, roots and leaves of the plant are used. Ripe berries are quite fragile, the peel quickly bursts, the fruit begins to deteriorate, while losing useful properties. In this article we will learn all about jujube - what it is, its beneficial properties, use in medicine, as well as contraindications for its use.

Beneficial features

Although this plant is subtropical, it is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Visually, in pale yellow color, the shape of the bone and taste resembles more dates. The fruit is very sweet, dry. Fruits in the 3rd year.

Not everyone knows, buying jujube, that this plant has the greatest therapeutic effect if it is grown in the mountains. Although our unabi has useful properties.


It should be noted that all parts of the plant are used for treatment. From fresh or dry fruits, bark and roots make tea and decoctions, tinctures - from seeds, and therapeutic ointments and decoctions - from leaves.

The fruits of the plant jujube properties are very diverse. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt and iodine.

They are useful to everyone, especially the elderly, since the accumulated toxins, excess cholesterol are removed from the body, strengthen the walls of capillaries, cleanse blood vessels. Jujube during heat treatment retains useful properties in the manufacture of jam, preserves, compote.

Unabi does not like the earth with a high content of humus, because in it it loses its healing properties.


It is good to use in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • hypertension;

  • atherosclerosis;

  • insomnia;

  • cystitis;

  • urolithiasis disease;

  • bronchitis;

  • tracheitis;

  • throat diseases;

  • liver disease.

It will help to improve lactation.

Use in medicine

In Chinese dates, jujube and harm are combined in one plant. Contraindications to its use we will consider below. Now it’s worth saying that in traditional Chinese medicine it is used to treat various diseases. Today and with us it has begun to be actively used. How to apply it correctly?



Jujube, the beneficial properties of which are described in this article, has a sedative effect, calms the nervous system, and saves you with depression, stress, and neurosis. At the same time, it tones digestion, influencing it well. It is necessary to fill in 100 g of seeds with 500 ml of water, cook for 10 minutes, add a glass of alcohol. Insist about 8 hours. Then strain and use a tablespoon three times a day with dizziness, neurasthenia, tachycardia, hysteria, and insomnia.


Not everyone knows about jujube that this plant is used for diarrhea and has a fixing effect. To prepare a decoction, you need to fill in 10 g of bark with a glass of boiling water, put in a water bath for 45 minutes. Take a ready-made broth 30 minutes before a meal, 2 tablespoons.


Clinical studies have shown that with regular use, unabi fruits fight chronic constipation and help treat jaundice.

With hypertension, the benefits of jujube are also pronounced. In this case, you need to eat 20 dried or fresh fruits three times a day for 3 months.


But with smallpox, anemia, dry cough, weakness, dizziness, diarrhea, a decoction of dried unabi is used - 10 fruits are poured with 0.5 l of boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes and infused for an hour. This broth should be taken three times a day, 100 ml.


Today, few people know about jujube that this plant is known for its expectorant and hypotensive effect, and also regulates the heart rhythm. Boiling water needs to pour crushed dry leaves and remove to insist for an hour. Drink 3 tablespoons each day before meals. It also helps with hypertension and pulmonary diseases.

But jujube is not used in one traditional medicine: it is part of some biologically active additives. Also, it turns out good means for cosmetology.

Unabi in cosmetology

Given the rich chemical composition of this plant, it is quite natural that jujube has found its application in cosmetology.


For face

Many will be interested to learn about jujube that this plant is suitable for solving the problem of inflammation and acne on the face. Fresh leaves for this are mixed with olive oil, brought to 90 ° C on fire. Then they need to be left to infuse for 10 days. Strain and apply as a therapeutic ointment for abscesses, ulcers, acne and acne.

For hair

It is mainly used for the health and beauty of hair, as it helps to successfully cope with dandruff, hair loss and disruption of the sebaceous glands. With regular use, the curls will begin to grow faster and become smooth and shiny. This comprehensive care can be done at home. You can buy jujube powder in the pharmacy - it quickly dissolves in water. In addition, you can make decoctions and infusions from the fruits of this unique plant.

Nature offers girls to look younger, better, more beautiful. In this case, the rejuvenation of the body from the inside and outside can provide unabi. But do not forget about contraindications, which can become an obstacle when rejuvenating in this way.
