
Famous trainer Arthur Baghdasarov: biography, work in the circus and family

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Famous trainer Arthur Baghdasarov: biography, work in the circus and family
Famous trainer Arthur Baghdasarov: biography, work in the circus and family

Arthur Baghdasarov is a strong and courageous young man. He is a representative of one of the most dangerous professions. He is a tiger trainer. Want to know the details of his biography and personal life? We are ready to share the information we have.


Arthur Baghdasarov: biography. A family

He was born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Our hero was brought up in a circus family. His father is a well-known trainer in Russia Mikhail Baghdasarov. Arthur's mother (Irina) is a master of sports in acrobatics. During her career, she has performed hundreds of beautiful and dangerous stunts. Arthur has an older sister, whose name is Karina. She continued the family business - she became a trainer.

Work in the circus

When did Arthur Baghdasarov first appear in the arena? This happened in 1992. Then the guy presented a funny donkey number. He began to train predatory animals a little later, namely in 1994.


At the arena of the Kazan Circus, Arthur, together with his father and sister, went into the cage to 15 Ussuri tigers. Since then, Bagdasarov Jr. has devoted himself to working with these graceful animals.

Personal life

Our hero cannot be called a womanizer and a conqueror of female hearts. He always wanted to meet a good girl, play a wedding with her and have children. In his youth, Arthur did not think about a serious relationship. In the first place he had a career. The guy disappeared for days in the circus - he trained tigers, rehearsing with them difficult and dangerous numbers.

When Arthur was a little over 20 years old, he married the beautiful Larisa. She is also engaged in training tigers. The guy and the girl were united by love for the circus and for each other. In this marriage, son Richard was born. The young father tried to spend as much time with the baby as possible. But to do this was not always possible. After all, Arthur already had a tough work schedule.

The couple lived in peace and harmony for several years. However, over time, their relationship began to deteriorate. A lot of claims have accumulated on both sides. In early 2006, Arthur Baghdasarov and Larisa officially filed for divorce. They managed to maintain friendly relations for the sake of a common son.

For some time the trainer remained in the status of a bachelor. Many ladies wanted to connect fate with such a handsome and brave man. But our hero seemed to not notice anyone around.


New love

Arthur’s personal life improved after he met a charming brunette Karina. It happened in 2007. A guy and a girl accidentally met at a meeting with mutual friends. They immediately liked each other.

Arthur Baghdasarov made an offer of a hand and heart to his beloved a month later from the day they met. True, the wedding took place only after 3 years. And all because of the busy work schedule of our hero. The girl dutifully waited for her beloved man to finish his business and prepare for the celebration.


In August 2010, Arthur Baghdasarov (photo above) and his chosen one played a wedding. It all started with the Kremlin Compound, where the young signed. Then the wedding procession rode around the city. The newlyweds were photographed against the background of the building of Moscow State University, the embankment and so on. The continuation of the banquet took place in one of the best metropolitan restaurants. The eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness. Arthur's friends and relatives were sure that he would live with this woman until the end of his days. After all, they are so suitable for each other.

Today, Karina and Arthur practically do not separate. The girl travels with her husband on all tours. Representatives of the stellar circus dynasty are everywhere greeted with a bang.


Arthur Baghdasarov: tiger attack

Our hero is a professional trainer with extensive experience. But even such people are not immune from dangerous moments. In June 2006, something happened that Arthur Baghdasarov could never forget. In the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a performance was held with the participation of predators.

The entertainer announced the next number. Famous trainers Bagdasarovs entered the arena. Sister and brother performed with ten tigers. Mikhail Baghdasarov was behind the cage. He had a gun in his hands. The artists had to do two tricks. Arthur wanted to push the Caesar tiger with other sticks to other predators. But the guy approached him too quickly. When our hero swung, the tiger caught his hand with his paw. This did not end there. The predator instantly crushed the guy under him and clenched his head with his teeth. Mikhail Baghdasarov ran into the cage. He fired a pistol into the air several times. And only after the fifth bullet did the tiger Caesar release Arthur.

Bagdasarov Jr. was taken to the clinic at the Institute. Sklifosovsky. About a hundred stitches were placed on his head. On the body of Arthur, many wounds from the claws and teeth of a predator were found. A positive point is that the tendons and nerves remained intact, otherwise the trainer could remain disabled.

But what happened to the tiger that rushed at Arthur? He was removed from the room. There was no talk of any shooting of the animal. According to experts, the artist himself violated safety precautions.


It took several months to restore the health of Arthur Baghdasarov. Then the young man continued to perform in the same arena with predatory animals. His strength of mind and courage can only be envied.