
The stars are also mistaken. Talented actors who starred in mediocre movies

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The stars are also mistaken. Talented actors who starred in mediocre movies
The stars are also mistaken. Talented actors who starred in mediocre movies

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Hollywood is a huge movie-making machine, and we are glad that it exists. After all, it helps us interestingly kill a few extra hours. Isn't it nice to sit at the screen with popcorn and watch the latest Hollywood offers? But sometimes it happens that even films with recognized stars come out, to put it mildly, not the most successful.

Some of the best actors of our time have horrible films in their portfolio. Now we will tell you which ones

Tom Hanks: "Gentlemen's Games" (2004)

Who doesn't love Tom Hanks? This is a brilliant actor with two Oscars in his pocket, his name has firmly entered the history of cinema. Since the 80s of the last century, he tirelessly works on creating a career in Hollywood, and he has a great reputation: when we see the name of Hanks in the casting, we know that the film with his participation will not disappoint us.

But even Tom is not immune from the fiasco. In 2004, when the premiere of "Gentlemen's Games" took place, the audience was divided into 2 parts: half of the audience was happy with what they saw on the screen, and the second half spat on it.

Critics could not remain silent even with all due respect to the actor. A remake of the Coen brothers was based on the British film of the same name, shot in 1955. Fortunately, this failure did not affect Tom Hanks' career, yet his reputation is impeccable.

Anne Hathaway: One Day (2011)


We know Anne as Princess Genovia from The Princess Girls or as an assistant to Miranda Priestley from The Devil Wears Prada. And how she played in Les Miserables! Ann did an excellent job with her roles and earned the recognition of both the audience and her colleagues. But, it seems, the film "One Day" she will be ashamed of for a long time.


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The film adaptation of Nicholas Spark's novel was not favorably received by critics: she was given a 37% rating on the Rotten Tomatoes review aggregator site (“Rotten Tomatoes”). “The film is protracted and predictable. To a too melodramatic (and a bit comical) end, we not only are not interested in the main characters, but also actively support their painful separation, ” the San Diego Union-Tribune commented in a crushing review.

Mila Kunis: "The Rise of Jupiter" (2015)


Climbing the Hollywood Olympus for Mila was a long one: she played both Jackie in the TV series The 70s Show and Lily in The Black Swan, but still the viewer was interested not in her role in the movie, but in her hectic personal life. Mila hoped that they would finally begin to be taken seriously at least after Jupiter's Ascent, but it wasn’t there.

The film by Lily Wachoski was coolly received by both viewers and critics, and The New Yorker said that "it was without taste and imagination."

Tom Hardy: “Means War” (2012)


Tom is one of the best British actors of our time: for the most part, he talentedly portrays bastards. In “Means War, ” Hardy plays a major role along with Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine. Despite the fact that such eminent stars starred in the film, he did not receive suitable reviews. "Another case where Hollywood celestials were pushing, pushing, but could not convince the audience, " Time Out reprinted.


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Michael Fassenbeder: Assassin's Creed (2016)


The Red Irishman stunned him with his play in Prometheus and Alien: Testament, as well as in many other films. We have long recognized: this actor is a capable fellow. But deciding that a lot of money does not happen, he signed a contract for the lead role in the movie "Assassin's Creed". And he earned not only money, but also several kilograms of rotten tomatoes.

The audience and critics took the picture almost with hostility. The chief editor of the online edition of Slate could not restrain himself: "It would be better if I played an online game than I watched this nonsense!"

Jennifer Lawrence: Passengers (2016)

For her 28 years, Jennifer managed to become a bright star in Hollywood. She played as many major roles in good films as other actresses have failed in her entire long life. From The Hunger Games to X-Men, Jen is pursuing unprecedented success. In the science fiction melodrama Passengers, Jennifer plays a major role with Chris Pratt.

The movie audience was impressed by the footage shown on the big screen, which cannot be said about the critics. Dallas Morning News called the film "Not life-affirming at best, and problematic - at worst." And on "Rotten Tomatoes" the film earned a rating of 30%. Was the role in such a movie worth it, Jen?

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Scarlett Johansson: "Top Score" (2004)

Scarlett played many leading roles in blockbusters, but in 2004 she managed to sign a contract for the lead role in the movie "Top Score". Not a single movie for teenagers that is filmed on MTV even dreams of an Oscar, but this one was especially bad.

"Children who encounter SAT (something like USE in the USE) in real life will appreciate this film because it will make them feel like geniuses compared to any hero in this picture, " the Seattle Times issued a verdict.

On "Rotten Tomatoes" the film's rating was 17%. And this is not surprising.

Chris Pine: Kiss for Good Luck (2005)


Chris played Captain Kirk very well in Star Trek, but in 2005 he starred with Lindsay Lohan in Luck Kiss, and the film turned out to be so terrible that Lindsay, for example, is ashamed to include him on her resume.

Chicago Sun Times columnist Richard Ruper called the picture "real junk, " and on "Rotten Tomatoes, " the film's rating was 14%. Since then, Lindsay has not acted in films for teenagers. We hope Chris follows suit.

Helen Mirren: "Phantom Beauty" (2016)


It is hard to imagine, but this cup did not pass and Helen Mirren. The film “Phantom Beauty” starred a whole constellation: in addition to Mirren, Will Smith, Keira Knightley, Kate Winslet and many others were occupied there. But critics were ruthless: “A small maple cried in the dark forest:“ Give my juice back! ”On“ Rotten Tomatoes ”the rating of the picture was 14%, and the acting team was nominated for“ Golden Raspberry ”with the wording:“ A group of once respected actors ”.

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Reese Witherspoon: "Beauties on the Run" (2015)


Reese is the queen of movies of the light genre, but Beauty on the Run expected a predictable failure. Critics did not stint on unflattering reviews: "Despite the fact that Reese Witherspoon and Sophia Vergara, who were pleasant to the audience, starred in the movie, the picture turned out to be shrill and unruly. The film spoiled this couple, making it not pleasant, but very strange in a bad sense of the word, " review of "rotten tomatoes".