women's issues

10 most influential women in Hollywood

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10 most influential women in Hollywood
10 most influential women in Hollywood

Video: Top 10 Most Powerful Women In The World 2024, June

Video: Top 10 Most Powerful Women In The World 2024, June

In Hollywood, there are practically no women who would have real power, but this is only a matter of time. Everything around us continues to change and improve day after day, even if it seems that one step forward and two steps backward are being taken towards gender equality. If we make every effort, then soon we will see positive changes. And now we present to your attention the top 10 most influential women in modern Hollywood and hope that they will inspire all women by their example.

1. Gal Gadot, actress


It is not surprising that the list of the most influential women is headed by Wonder Woman herself. Her play and the character of the film's heroine put the role of women in the cinema to a whole new level. Also, the actress honestly and openly told the world about the pay difference practiced in Hollywood. In addition, she is admired as a person as a whole. Gal Gadot is a talented actress, a wonderful mother, she served in the army, studied law and international relations. And it really cannot but inspire.

2. Patty Jenkins, Director



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Speaking about the influential women of Hollywood, one cannot but mention Patty Jenkins. It was thanks to her that the world saw the film "Wonder Woman". She is one of 6 women in Hollywood who was able to create a film that earned more than $ 100 million in box office sales in the United States on its first weekend. It is very likely that after the release of the second part of the film, Patty will become the highest paid female director in Hollywood.

3. Diana Nelson, President of DC Entertainment


In discussing Wonder Woman, let's not forget that DC has been competing and losing to Marvel for years. But Wonder Woman opened up new heights for DC. And this happened thanks to the work of three purposeful women: Gal Gadot (actress), Patty Jenkins (director) and, of course, Diane Nelson (head of DC Entertainment).

4. Daisy Ridley, actress


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And again we will talk about the woman who heads the well-known franchise. When Daisy Ridley agreed to play the role of Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, she probably could not even imagine how many women she would later inspire and how significant this role would become. She created a whole new kind of science fiction movie heroes. And for this, she deserved to be on the list of the most influential women in Hollywood.

5. Kathleen Kennedy, President of Lucasfilm


Touching upon the topic of Star Wars, it’s worth to find out the name of the person who managed not only to make this story megapopular, but also to breathe new life into it. This was done by the incredibly talented woman Kathleen Kennedy. Star Wars fans should thank Kathleen for returning the franchise to the big screens.

6. Meryl Streep, actress


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Where are we without Meryl Streep? She is an example of pride for every woman and a source of inspiration for every actress. This woman was nominated for an Oscar 20 times and won three times. And it is safe to say that this account will only grow in the future.

7. Sofia Coppola, film director


Sophia Coppola really made a name for herself in Hollywood thanks to the films that she herself came up with and made. Over the past 50 years, she has also become the first woman to win the Best Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival.

8. Nikki Caro, director


You may know almost nothing about Nikki Caro, but you will definitely find out about her in 2018. She has created some very successful indie films such as Riding a Whale and The Wife of a Zoo Keeper, and is currently working on the creation of Mulan. She has already received a budget of $ 100 million. You should wait for the day of the premiere to see what she did with Disney classics.

9. Stacy Snyder, Chairman and CEO of 20th Century Fox


There is no person in the world who has not heard of 20th Century Fox, right? And the chairman and CEO of this company is Stacy Snyder, who has also been chairman of Universal Pictures and chairman and CEO of DreamWorks. No one doubts that this is a really strong woman.