
20 animals that can be more dangerous than sharks

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20 animals that can be more dangerous than sharks
20 animals that can be more dangerous than sharks

Video: 6 Animals More Dangerous Than Sharks! 2024, July

Video: 6 Animals More Dangerous Than Sharks! 2024, July

The chance of being killed by an animal is low, but you should still be careful with some of them. Meet the most dangerous living creatures on our planet.



On average, deer cause the death of 120 Americans a year. However, not at all because these artiodactyls are aggressive. Most of these deaths are caused by car-animal collisions, as urbanization continues to reduce their natural habitat.

Bees, wasps and hornets


According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year about 58 citizens die from bee, wasp, or hornet stings. Of course, their bites are not fatal to most people. But for two million people with allergies, the effects of the poison are so great that many are forced to seek the help of a doctor.

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It turns out that man’s best friends have their negative side. According to statistics, dogs attack 28 Americans every year. Unfortunately, many of these attacks are carried out by dogs that have been abused in the past by humans.



While you can underestimate the sadistic inclinations of cows, these artiodactyls kill about 20 people a year. Although some of these deaths are accidents (cows standing on the road or falling from cliffs onto vehicles), about 75% of cases are deliberate attacks by artiodactyls.



Horse accidents occur about as often as cow attacks: about 20 times a year. Unsurprisingly, most deaths are due to horse riding injuries.

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Black Widow


Almost every person suffering from arachnophobia (fear of spiders) is most afraid of a spider called a black widow. They kill about seven people a year, but this does not mean that you need to live in constant fear.

In one study, it was found that just touching the spider is not enough to force it to show aggression, and you are likely to be safe if you see a black widow. But if a person tries to kill a spider, then most likely he will bite him.

In 2013, 1, 866 cases of black widow bites were reported. None of them led to death.



These seemingly harmless little insects are very dangerous. Mosquitoes carry many diseases that can be fatal. Each year they kill about 725, 000 people.



Perhaps you do not even suspect that hippos are very aggressive animals. They are the most dangerous terrestrial mammals and have very sharp teeth.

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Hippos kill about 500 people in Africa each year. Not only do their bites often have fatal consequences, these animals are also able to trample a person with their massive legs.



Fire ants live in South America and cause the death of about twelve people each year. Their sting is not life threatening, but secondary infections caused by the bite can be fatal.



Jellyfish is a beautiful creature, but it can also cause death. Every year from their bite in the Philippines kills 20 to 40 people. A marine animal strikes its prey with the toxic substances contained in its tentacles. The most dangerous species include tropical jellyfish.

It is interesting that the warmer the water in which the jellyfish lives, the more active the action of the toxic substance secreted by it and the smaller the size of the jellyfish.

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The greatest danger of all jellyfish is the sea wasp. The poison contained in the stinging tentacles of this tiny creature with a diameter of 15-40 mm is so toxic that a person stung by it dies in a matter of minutes. Interestingly, this crumb contains the amount of poison that can kill 60 people in three minutes. Such a jellyfish inhabits Oceania and Australia.



Most people know that they should stay away from snakes, but who would suggest that they bite people more often than sharks? Each year, they kill about 50, 000 people.

The most deadly snake species is the viper. Her poison is very toxic. This species of snake lives in populated areas, and therefore bites are frequent. Such snakes kill about 5, 000 people annually.



Unfortunately, humans are some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth. Each year they kill about 475, 000 people. They are the second dangerous living creatures after mosquitoes.



A small but life-threatening freshwater snail kills more than 200, 000 people annually. Snails can move slowly, but they carry a parasitic disease called schistosomiasis.

The disease is often fixed in children. It is transmitted through swimming in contaminated water. Schistosomiasis affects nearly 250 million people, mainly in Africa, Asia and South America.

Roundworms and other endoparasites


Ascaridosis is a disease caused by the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. Tapeworms kill about 2, 000 people each year. They enter the human body from undercooked meat.

Pork tapeworm is one of the most dangerous tapeworms that can cause cramps, dementia, blindness and death.



Lion behavior may resemble the manner of a domestic cat, but the bite of this predator is too scary. Lion attacks result in the death of 100 people a year. Unlike most animals mentioned in this article, these predators very often attack humans and eat them.



Elephants are fairly harmless mammals that are not prone to aggressive behavior. However, when they are controlled by people and end up in small spaces where they feel uncomfortable, they experience fear and perceive people as a threat.

Seeking to escape to a safe place, they are capable of killing. These giants cause the death of 100 people a year.



Death caused by wolves is quite rare, but these animals have sharp fangs, and in case of danger are capable of developing high speed.

Mostly predators attack when they feel that they need to protect themselves or their flock. Every year, up to 10 people die from wolves.

Triatom bug


The bite of this insect provokes about 12, 000 deaths per year. The bug bites people by the face, causing a parasitic infection known as Chagas disease. Chagas disease is often asymptomatic, and the parasite is easily overlooked.

Tsetse fly


Tsetse fly bites take the lives of many people. She bites her prey and sucks her blood. The insect suffers African trypanosomiasis, which is a parasitic disease that causes fever, headaches, vomiting, aching joints, swelling of the brain, and sleep problems. About 10, 000 people die from this disease each year.

Bears, alligators and mountain lions


These animals are probably the predators that many Americans fear the most. But their attacks are rare.

The attack of a bear or mountain lion becomes the news of the day, and the stories of the surviving people are simply terrifying. According to statistics, attacks occur once a year.