men's issues

A 61-year-old man was waiting for guests in the restaurant on his birthday, but no one came. He had to save the holiday

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A 61-year-old man was waiting for guests in the restaurant on his birthday, but no one came. He had to save the holiday
A 61-year-old man was waiting for guests in the restaurant on his birthday, but no one came. He had to save the holiday

Video: Poor Kid Can’t Buy School Lunch, Ending Is Shocking | Dhar Mann 2024, July

Video: Poor Kid Can’t Buy School Lunch, Ending Is Shocking | Dhar Mann 2024, July

Perhaps there is no such person in the 21st century who would not have encountered a feeling of deep loneliness. This is especially true for residents of megacities. The battle for success has its flip side - no one owes anything to anyone. And at the sunset of life, it may happen that none of your loved ones have the time to share your joy. This is exactly what happened to a man from Mexico who was expecting a family in a restaurant in order to celebrate his 61st birthday …

Empty chairs

Imagine that you decided to celebrate your birthday not just in a narrow circle of the closest relatives, but to invite the whole big family and friends. You order a table in a restaurant, the appropriate design in the form of balls and colorful ribbons, come at the appointed time … and nothing. Rather, nobody.


Not a single person has found time to come and celebrate this day with you. Moreover, almost all of the guests, with the exception of one, did not consider it necessary to warn you that, for reasons beyond their control, their presence in the restaurant was canceled.

You sit down at an empty table and look around the empty chairs around it, on which your loved ones should sit … What do you think at this moment, and most importantly - how do you feel?

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View from the outside

It was this picture that was observed by restaurant visitors who were here on this unfortunate day for an elderly Mexican. It happened in Mexico, in the city of Boca del Rio, in the eastern part of the coast (Veracus).

If the guests of the restaurant had any business, they forgot about them, empathizing with the elderly gentleman, who, it would seem, did not lose hope for the best, correcting the balls and other decorations at the tables. Everything was ready, bright holiday hats lay on the floor like colored spots, but they had no one to please.

The birthday man sat down at an empty table and after a while the phone rang - judging by his expression on his face, he heard a message saying that everyone had urgent matters …