
Goose bow: description, photo

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Goose bow: description, photo
Goose bow: description, photo

Video: Untitled Goose Game - Help The Woman Dress Up the Bust 2024, July

Video: Untitled Goose Game - Help The Woman Dress Up the Bust 2024, July

As soon as the earth warms up a little, the first spring flowers will appear everywhere in the forest and in the grove - fragile, small, but very welcoming and bright. Their stalks against the faded background of any snow-covered litter and leafy rags unkempt look brighten up only partially, and even to see the first-born of the flora is not easy because of the overwintered greenery: a close, watchful look is needed. But for those who managed to meet the purple, blue and yellow flowers, they will be remembered and loved. Among such lively news, find the grass of the caterpillar, or yellow goose onion. We’ll talk about it today.


Goose bow: description

This is a bulbous perennial plant up to 30 centimeters in height, which belongs to the lily family. It differs in small yellow tulip-like flowers, collected in one umbrella inflorescence, broad-linear basal leaves with a sharp tip and small bulbs. As a rule, the length of the leaves is greater than the length of the flowers.


The flowering time of the plant falls in mid-spring. The fruit is a box. Goose onions intensively propagated by pollination, as well as with the help of daughter bulbs formed in the axils of the leaves and on the bottom of the bulb.


Once upon a time, when virtually no flowers were picked, goose onions, the photo of which is presented in this article, grew in abundance in glades and meadows, where flocks of wild geese flew in every spring to pinch the shoots of this grass and take a rest after a long flight. Thus the name of this early plant appeared.

Places of growth and species

Goose is widely distributed in North Africa, in addition, in the temperate regions of Eurasia. About a hundred species grow in the above lands, of which four can be found on Russian territory:

  • yellow goose onions;

  • small;

  • reddish;

  • onion-bearing.


The listed species mainly grow in the European part of Russia, in addition, in Western Siberia. Fresh humus soils, alluvial meadows, deciduous forests, forest edges, pastures, groves, banks of some rivers and streams are chosen.

Garden use

The above species are widespread local plants that perfectly enliven irregular flower beds with cheerful flowers and fresh early greens. They look great in landscape parks, wild gardens, as well as on lawns.



The plant grows under a canopy of trees and in sunny areas. It does not require special care, but feels especially well on fertile soil.

Healing properties

The goose bow, described in this article, is a great addition to a delicate spring salad. It will help get rid of vitamin deficiency. Fragrant fresh leaves are an invaluable treasure, which has concentrated a large number of trace elements and vitamins, so necessary for a weakened and tired body.


At the same time, goose onions are interesting not only for these qualities, their healing properties are also curious. Bulbs and grass have been used since ancient times to treat epilepsy, bronchial asthma, hepatitis and edema, dropsy, and pre-ground bulbs are used as wound healing, drawing and antiseptic agents, since all parts of the plant are rich in garlic essential oils, which contain sulfur.

Use in medicine

In traditional medicine, fresh bulbs of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. As already mentioned, they contain an essential oil, which includes sulfur. The prepared broth from the bulbs is drunk with hepatitis (jaundice), dropsy and asthma. Finely chopped bulbs are carefully applied to the wounds, which leads to rapid healing.


It is worth noting that goose onions are completely edible: young onions and leaves are added to vegetable soups and spring salads, and boiled onions and baked ones are also eaten. Bulbs that were previously dried were ground and added to the flour when baking bread.

Dosage Forms

Most often, the root part of this plant (bulb) is used for medicinal purposes. It concentrates to a greater extent a number of different useful substances: sugar, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, saponins, a huge complex of trace elements and vitamins, organic acids. Most often, the leaves are used to prepare all kinds of salads, soups and other spicy dishes.


Bulbs are harvested in early spring, even before the flowering of the plant begins, or in late autumn. Harvesting for food purposes is carried out in early summer. Universal onion broth is used for internal use, juice is treated with various insect bites, grated or chopped onions are applied to poorly healing ulcers and foci of inflammation.

Broth recipe

In order to prepare this universal broth, you need to take one spoon of fresh finely chopped onions, pour them 100 g of hot water and simmer for about 3-5 minutes. Then let cool and strain the contents. Healing infusion is recommended to use one spoon 5 times a day. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 36 hours.


To prepare a decoction of epileptic seizures, you need to boil half a glass of medium-fat milk, add a few onions, then cook everything for 5 minutes. Then strain, cool and take two teaspoons three times a day. Reception of funds is carried out in courses (2 weeks of admission must be alternated with a monthly break, it depends on the severity of the disease).

Cosmetic use

Goose onions are used in cosmetology. It is used to improve hair growth, for which you can prepare a mask. In this case, you will need 4 tablespoons of onion gruel, which must be mixed with 30 mg of liquid honey. The resulting mass is then carefully rubbed into the roots of the scalp and left for about 30 minutes, after which it is washed off using shampoo.


Goose onions are also useful for making face masks. If you have skin with enlarged pores, the following recipe will help you. Finely chopped bulbs should be mixed with honey, then put the resulting slurry on the skin for about 10 minutes, while avoiding the eye area. After it, you need to rinse it well with running cool water. It is worth noting that with acne, you can add an egg yolk instead of a beekeeping product.

Goose juice is used if there are age spots on the skin. To do this, it is applied to the affected area, for example, freckles, three times a day. Further, it is not recommended to go out in the open sun for several hours.



Goose onions have no contraindications for use, in addition, side effects from its use are not observed. Sometimes it is possible to develop an allergy to some components due to individual intolerance.