
8 things that worsen the environment: not only cars harm it

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8 things that worsen the environment: not only cars harm it
8 things that worsen the environment: not only cars harm it

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Video: Are Electric Cars REALLY Better for the Environment? 2024, July

Each year, 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted. And every year, more than one hundred million different animals die around the world - due to the fact that they eat plastic. What does it mean? It’s time for us to stop thinking only about ourselves! Of course, humanity will not be able to immediately change all habits that lead to negative consequences for nature, but there are a number of fairly simple things that each of us can stop doing in order to save our planet.

To produce foods that will not be consumed


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, one third of the food produced for human consumption — about 1.3 billion tons — is not consumed annually. Keep in mind that millions of plants root out and cut down trees to produce such a large amount of food. The most useless products are fruits and vegetables, followed by seafood.

To go on cruises

Cruises are entire floating cities that adversely affect the environment and pollute the environment no less (or even more!) Than metropolises. The data obtained by the researchers show that the air quality on the deck of the ship is similar to air quality in the most polluted cities in the world. It is estimated that more than 50, 000 Europeans die prematurely each year as a result of pollution from ships.

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In addition, it was found that a person’s carbon footprint is three times greater when he is on a cruise, compared to everyday life. Add here that most cruise liners use the cheapest toxic and dirty fuels, and waste and sewage are discharged directly into the ocean!

Too much clothing

The fashion industry is one of the leading polluters in the world - and the second largest polluter of water. Industry is also responsible for water depletion. The fact is that cotton, which is the most popular fiber used in clothing, requires a huge amount of moisture: the amount of cotton required to make a shirt requires about 2700 liters of water. This number is equal to what a person drinks in two and a half years.

Synthetic fibers, such as polyester, have less impact on water than cotton, but they produce more greenhouse gases per kilogram. Polyester plants produced about 7 million tons of greenhouse gases in 2015, which is equivalent to the fact that 185 coal-fired power plants produce annually.


Use disposable chopsticks

Asian cuisine is very tasty. And there is no doubt that it is very popular around the world. But the chopsticks for this delicious meal have a huge negative impact on the environment. In China alone, about 80 billion pairs of disposable wooden chopsticks are produced annually. To meet this enormous demand, about 4 million trees are cut down annually.

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This large-scale deforestation has many devastating consequences: for example, it causes landslides and a decrease in flood resistance. In addition, it significantly increases the risk of global warming.

To drink coffee

Coffee is a fairly popular drink, the benefits of which are probably known to every person. So, a recent study showed that drinking coffee can increase a person’s life by 2 years. But the bad news is that the coffee industry is not ecological. Today's coffee farms are more harmful to the environment than ever. In addition, the growing popularity of coffee has caused large-scale felling of large trees that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

Use wet wipes

Wet wipes can be very convenient, but they are not environmentally friendly. In 2015, the Guardian newspaper called them "the biggest villain for the environment."


Most of this wet tissue contains plastic that reaches the ocean. Then it is absorbed by sea creatures, which confuse them with jellyfish, which ultimately leads to the death of a variety of creatures. Many people throw them in the bathroom, causing clogging of the sewer. Scientists have found that wet wipes make up about 93% of the material, which causes blockages in the sewer.

Use disposable batteries

The disposable batteries that we use in watches and calculators, including rechargeable batteries (after a certain number of recharges, must also be disposed of), which we use in laptops, phones and other devices, are extremely harmful to the environment. They contain one or more of the following extremely toxic metals: cadmium, lead, zinc, manganese, nickel, silver, mercury and lithium, as well as battery acids.

These batteries are responsible for air pollution, because when they start to decompose, they release greenhouse gases, which lead to global warming. These harmful chemicals are also absorbed by the soil, causing pollution. And when these chemicals are washed away by rain or into water bodies, they pollute them too.