
Adamov Evgeny Olegovich: biography and photos

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Adamov Evgeny Olegovich: biography and photos
Adamov Evgeny Olegovich: biography and photos

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Adamov Evgeny Olegovich - Soviet and Russian scientist, famous statesman, ex-minister of nuclear energy of the Russian Federation. The author of more than 150 scientific publications in the field of new nuclear technology and its safety. This article will describe his brief biography.

Study and work

Adamov Evgeny Olegovich (see photo below) was born in 1939 in Moscow. In 1968 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Ordzhonikidze with a degree in mechanical engineering. After the Chernobyl disaster, he helped to eliminate its consequences for three months. Evgeny Olegovich made a significant contribution to the construction of the Shelter (the official name of the "sarcophagus" over the destroyed reactor). In the same period of time, the future minister began to deal closely with the problems of various nuclear power plants.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant - that’s where he supervised the work on liquidation of the accident results Evgeny Olegovich Adamov. There, a Soviet scientist met Mikhail Zurabov, who came as a representative of a design institute of Minatom. According to a number of media reports, it was the hero of this article who helped him take the place of deputy director in the atomic trust Mospromtekhmontazh.


New position

In early 1998, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Adam Yevgeny Olegovich was appointed to the post of Minister for Atomic Energy. His predecessor, Viktor Mikhailov, resigned voluntarily due to his retirement age and the transition to scientific activity.

Atomprom Concern

Evgeny Olegovich Adamov supported the idea of ​​its creation in the late 90s. According to the minister’s plan, this enterprise was to become a monopolist in the field of nuclear energy and cover the entire production cycle. At the first stage, Atomprom was planned to be made exclusively a state enterprise. The second stage involved the issue of shares for sale and the gradual privatization of the company.

It was assumed that the concern will include all areas of the nuclear industry engaged in commercial activities and generating profit. The rest was proposed to be transferred to the maintenance of the state. Budget funding was to remain with the weapons complex (including closed cities) and basic science.

The Ministry of State Property and the Security Council of the Russian Federation allowed the process of fragmentation of Minatom. But Evgeny Olegovich did not manage to realize his idea. In 2006, Sergey Kiriyenko, who headed this organization, began its implementation.


Visit to India

In mid-1998, the hero of this article prepared an agreement on the supply of uranium to Germany from the Russian Federation. The document was successfully signed. India - that is where Adamov Evgeny Olegovich went the same year. The statesman was supposed to decide on the construction of our reactors in this country. The contract on their construction was signed even before the collapse of the USSR. Then he was just suspended. As a result, it was possible to agree on the construction of two nuclear power plants in southern India.

The Washington Post immediately connected Yevgeny Olegovich’s visit with Putin’s decree issued in 2000. This document allowed the export of nuclear materials from the Russian Federation to countries that did not fully sign international security agreements. The newspaper claimed that by such a decision, the Russian president supported Adamov’s desire to increase the country's nuclear exports. After all, he was the main source of currency for the Ministry of Energy.

Financial injections

In 1998, Evgeny Olegovich Adamov tried to conclude an agreement between the United States and the Russian Federation on cooperation in the use of weapons-grade plutonium. As a result, the contract was signed. And in 1999, a scientist was able to get from the government the allocation of five million $ to update the control systems of nuclear power plants. Minatom received another two million from international organizations and foreign states.

In 2000, the hero of this article planned to increase electricity tariffs. Evgeny Olegovich proposed to double them. In his opinion, this step would help increase industry revenues by about four times and open many new stations. But the Russian president rejected the minister’s proposal.


Nuclear waste

In the same year, Evgeny Olegovich Adamov sought permission from the government to import nuclear waste into the Russian Federation. According to the minister, they are considered a valuable raw material, and the import into Russia of twenty thousand tons will bring about $ 20 billion. Adamov made a lot of efforts to amend the environmental legislation accordingly. In 2001, the State Duma approved them.

Former minister

Immediately after this event, Adamov was relieved of his post by presidential decree. In 2002, Evgeny Olegovich told reporters that he headed the Design and Research Institute of Energy Engineering. And since April 2004, he joined the board of directors of the Intersectoral Industrial Bank.

In fact, Evgeny Olegovich Adamov fell under the “sight” of deputies back in 2000. They prepared a certificate, which described in detail the entrepreneurial activity of the scientist, which he conducted on the basis of the university headed by him. The document also stated that his policy did not meet the interests of the state and could well lead Russia to disaster.



Another certificate explained in detail how the minister recruited staff. He did this, based not at all on professional qualities. Evgeny Olegovich appointed exclusively commercial partners to leading posts. In addition, the deputies accused the minister of financial fraud - in 1999, Adamov intercepted a block of shares in Converse Bank. All those who disagree were dismissed from their posts during the personnel reshuffle.

On the basis of the deputy’s certificate, the Prosecutor General’s Office launched an investigation, but found nothing illegal in the actions of the former minister. Therefore, no criminal proceedings were instituted. At the same time, Evgeny Olegovich himself did not deny his entrepreneurial activity and the presence of a number of bank accounts in the United States.

However, some media outlets published information about the appearance of rather large sums of money in 1996 on the accounts of the scientist's family (meaning the youngest daughter Irina). According to unofficial data, these finances were obtained as a result of a fictitious transaction between the firm "Omeka" and the Design Institute of Power Engineering.

According to other sources, the former minister received funds when he negotiated with Iran about the construction of a research reactor "bypassing the existing order." Subsequently, the Duma commission checked this information and sent the results to the President of the Russian Federation. As a result, they became the basis for the prosecutor's investigation.



Byrne - that’s where he flew in 2005 at the request of his daughter Adam Evgeny Olegovich. A statesman was arrested immediately upon arrival. A request for detention was sent from the US Department of Justice, who accused the hero of this article of misappropriating $ 9 million. The US Department of Energy has allocated this money to maintain nuclear safety in the Russian Federation. Investigators took Adamov “into circulation” when a significant amount was transferred from the USA to the account of Omeka (drawn up for his daughter).

Evgeny Olegovich refused the extradition procedure to the United States. After that, after about two weeks, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against the scientist. The ex-minister was accused of abuse of authority and fraud.

According to media reports, the Russian government simply decided to return the former minister to his homeland so that he would not give the Americans "nuclear secrets." LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky even proposed abducting or organizing the murder of the former minister in order to ensure confidentiality, and to make other holders of state secrets blacklisted.

Business development

In October 2005, the Swiss Department of Justice decided to extradite Evgeny Olegovich to the United States. But his lawyers immediately appealed the decision. And at the end of the year, the Swiss Supreme Court decided to extradite the ex-minister of Russia, since he committed the alleged violations there. Soon Adamov was taken to the Russian Federation and placed in the Sailor Sailor Silence. He was charged with abuse of power and fraud (especially large scale). Lawyers could not secure the release of Yevgeny Olegovich on bail. The term of his arrest was extended.

July 21, 2006 is the date when Evgeny Olegovich Adamov was released from custody. The activist was not accused of anything and escaped with only a recognizance not to leave. Thus, the Supreme Court upheld the complaint of the ex-minister’s lawyers, who considered the Moscow City Court’s decision to extend his detention to be illegal.



The trial of Adamov continued in the Zamoskvoretsky court in January 2007. Almost 30 volumes were studied, but no final decision was made. In April of the same year, the trial had to start again due to the replacement of one of the judges. Evgeny Olegovich stated that he does not plead guilty.

In January 2008, the case was completed, and the court began to debate the parties. As a result, Adamov was found guilty of all counts and sentenced to 5.5 years in prison. The publication "Kommersant" noted that from a long term ex-minister "saved merit in the country and old age."

But in April 2008, after considering the appeal, the term of Yevgeny Olegovich was changed to a conditional. At the same time, the time spent in pre-trial detention (from May 2005 to June 2006) was credited to him as punishment. The court also appointed a four-year probationary period for Adamov. During this period, the former minister was required to attend a criminal-executive inspection at the place of residence.


Swiss Justice Complaint

In mid-2011, the European Court in Strasbourg examined Adamov’s claim for actions by the Swiss authorities, who detained him in 2005. Evgeny Olegovich believed that they violated the Convention on Human Rights and the Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. However, with four votes to three, the court found the former minister’s claim unfounded.


Commerce is the main addiction voiced by Evgeny Olegovich Adamov in his interviews. The scientist is very pleased with his passion. He often claims to know how business is organized in a civilized country.