
Adele Sergeenkova: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Adele Sergeenkova: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Adele Sergeenkova: biography, personal life and interesting facts

More recently, Russian businessmen, and not only they were shocked by the tragic event: on March 16, 2017, Oleg Anatolyevich Zhuravsky, the founder of bookmaking in our country, suddenly died of acute heart failure. He was only 48 years old. He alone stood at the origins of the betting business, picked it up from scratch, paving his way with perseverance, perseverance and intelligence. The office for accepting bets on the games “League of Betting”, founded by Zhuravsky, is not known except to those who are not at all passionate. But today it will not be a question of him, although Oleg Anatolyevich was an interesting figure, but of his eldest daughter Adele Sergeenkova, who is a popular Instagram blogger, the mother of five children, a successful young woman and just beautiful. By the way, father Sergeyenkova had 6 marriages behind him, and after his death, five minor children and a young wife remained.


Biography Adele Sergeenkova

Adele was born in the city of Surgut on March 23, 1986. Her parents, according to Sergeyenkova herself, did not agree on the characters and divorced almost immediately after her birth. She stayed with her mother in Surgut, and her father left for Moscow. With her mother, the girl did not live very long, until about 3.5 years old, and then Zhuravsky came for her and took him with him to the capital. Of course, all this happened with the consent of the mother, to go with her father was the choice of Adele Sergeenkova herself.

About her childhood, as well as her dad, Adele speaks incredibly warmly and even with some trepidation. She loved Zhuravsky very much and always says that she has achieved such heights in life only thanks to the correct upbringing and somewhere even the tough nature of her father. He has always been and remains an authority for her. His opinion for the girl was above all. Sergeenkova studied at ISI Moscow University.


Happy mother of five children

Adele Sergeenkova is currently married a second time. There are five children in her family, and, according to the assurances of the woman herself, they, together with her husband, are planning the birth of several more babies. Now the couple is actively preparing for the sixth pregnancy. He lives a large family in Moscow, namely in Zhulebino.

Adele Sergeenkova’s second husband, businessman Alexander, whom fate had brought her to on a business issue, was once the business partner of her first husband. According to Sergeyenkova herself, she often talked on the phone with her current husband, even without being familiar with him. These were official conversations related exclusively to business projects. At that time, the girl was only 23 years old (it was 2009), she was married for the first time and she already had two young children.

Young people got married in 2010, when Adele was 9 months pregnant, divorcing her previous marriage. The first husband of Adele Sergeenkova communicates with her children and takes an active part in their education. According to the assurances of the Instagram blogger, there were divorces in her family, but even after them friendships with former partners always remained. Her parents adhered to this principle, and she uses this approach herself.



Adele Sergeenkova is a sufficiently bright personality, an attractive woman. She is engaged in dancing, sports, singing, knows how to hold onto the camera beautifully, makes proposals very competently, and in her posts touches on relevant, burning topics, such as raw food diet, vegetarianism, plastic surgeries, healthy recipes, fashion tips and more. A few years ago, or rather, 4 years, Adele consciously began to engage in blogging, and so far she has accumulated about 150 thousand subscribers who are closely watching her life. At the beginning of her blogging career, many were interested in the question of who the husband of Adele Sergeenkova was. This is no coincidence, because many believe that a beautiful girl can achieve something only thanks to the connections and financial situation of her spouse. Adele proved the opposite. The young woman admits that she was able to reach a certain level in order to start making good money on social networks and videos displayed on her channel.


Not just a vegetarian, but a vegan

As mentioned earlier, Adele Sergeenkova often talks about vegetarianism and raw food diet in her posts. So, she is not a simple vegetarian who refuses animal protein and does not eat such food, but the so-called vegan. A vegan is a person who, in addition to the deliberate use of meat, does not buy shoes, accessories and clothing made from natural materials, such as leather.


Fashion page

Adele Sergeenkova has a column on her blog devoted to style and fashion. The young woman shares with subscribers the thoughts and ideas regarding current fashionable images. Gives advice on how to create a personal wardrobe without big expenses, so that it is convenient, beautiful and practical. Moreover, Sergeyenkova does this absolutely unobtrusively, constantly focusing on the fact that each girl is individual and it simply makes no sense to imitate anyone. By the way, Adele is never rude, she always answers softly and tries to substantiate the idea expressed, which is probably why she has practically no negative comments. She ignores him.


Heading "Health" and proper nutrition

Some subscribers are interested in how old Adele Sergeenkova is. Such a question is not accidental, because the young woman has five children, she has visited a lot in her life, has a slender, fit figure and looks stunning. So, Sergeenkova is only 31. She herself believes that her excellent physical shape depends on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Adele goes in for sports and with great pleasure shows and tells her followers about it. She has developed a system of individual training and nutrition. Adele Sergeenkova claims that health is directly dependent on physical activity. The woman gave up alcohol about 4 years ago and encourages many to seek euphoria in love and care for loved ones. Another part concerning the beautiful appearance of a young mother with many children is plastic surgery. By the way, it should be said that even before the plastic Adele Sergeenkova looked amazing.

Plastic as an assistant in the fight against imperfections and not only

Popular blogger on the Instagram network has repeatedly admitted that she considers plastic surgery to be her lifeline. She believes that if surgical intervention helps her to remain young and attractive for a long time, then Adele will constantly use the services of clinics to improve her appearance. From nature, Sergeyenkova has big ears. When she was little, she was called and teased (Dumbo's elephant is one of the innocuous nicknames). Since childhood, she developed a complex, and Adele wanted to get rid of him without fail. For the first time, she fell under the knife of a plastic surgeon as a young girl, but she could not achieve the expected result. Now Adele Sergeenkova takes videos of her every step in clinics or beauty salons and shares them on social networks. Without exception, all the subscribers of a mother with many children are aware of her every transformation: reduction of the auricles, enlargement of the breast and lips. She is open to criticism and with great pleasure answers to comments and questions regarding her reincarnation. The main thesis that guides the popular video blogger in his answers is that before plastic surgery Adele Sergeenkova was a self-doubt girl, and now she has turned into a gorgeous woman who knows her worth.
