
Lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky: biography, personal life, photo

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Lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky: biography, personal life, photo
Lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky: biography, personal life, photo

Dmitry Yakubovsky is a person whose name has not been misled by members of the press for years. Moreover, this applies to journalists of the world-famous Forbes rating news agency, as well as to representatives of the yellow press. So who is he - this many-faced “General Dima”, about which everyone is talking?


Let's get to know each other closer

Everyone who has ever been to the village of Gorki-8 is aware of the existence of a huge, well-guarded mansion. It is surrounded by an impressive fence, and behind its walls is a real paradise garden with peacocks and pheasants, exotic trees and plants. There is a large pool, a picturesque terrace, a unique picturesque landscape. It is in this impregnable tower that the famous Russian lawyer lives with an unusual and even controversial fate.

short biography

Dmitry Yakubovsky is a wealthy and successful businessman who was born in early September 1963 in the small military town of Bolshevo, Moscow Region. His father was an ordinary lieutenant colonel, who served in the Strategic Missile Forces, who suddenly died at the age of forty-two. His mother is a foreign citizen currently residing in Canada.

In addition to Dmitry, the family had two more boys, one of whom has Canadian, and the second - Swiss citizenship.


Education and first steps in a career

Studied Dmitry Yakubovsky (lawyer) in one of the ordinary secondary schools, after which he immediately attempted to enroll in the Leningrad Military Institute named after A.F. Mozhaisky. However, he was not admitted by the selection committee. Nevertheless, the young specialist managed to get to the military department, though, of the Perm Higher Military Command School, from where he was expelled and drafted into the army a year later.

Immediately after the service, Yakubovsky began a real career ascent. At first, he worked in the prosecutor's office of the then-acting USSR. Then he was offered a good position in the Gossnab, in GlavMosRemont, as well as in the city college of lawyers in Moscow. In such a short time, the young specialist was lucky enough to work as a secretary (in the Union of Lawyers of the USSR), and as the head of the department of the prosecutor’s office in the capital, and the head of the working group of the Ministry of Defense in the Union. By the way, he was very soon removed from his last post due to too much activity.

For a while, Dmitry Yakubovsky, a lawyer and a major Russian businessman, was forced to leave the country and move to Canada. He returned back in 1992. A little later, the entrepreneur was invited to the Moscow Institute of International Law and Economics named after A. S. Griboedov as a teacher with great life experience. He later received his doctorate, and then headed the Presidium of the First Metropolitan Bar Association.


New promotions and first conflicts

When Yakubovsky turned 28 years old, he was invited to work first as an adviser to the Russian government, and then took on a similar position, but already under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. Later, Dmitry was waiting for a “warm” chair in the Criminal Police Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

After that was the position of deputy chief of the Main Directorate of Radio Intelligence at the KGB of the USSR, as well as a special representative of the special services under the president. In the last position held, the lawyer who was rapidly going uphill had a conflict connected directly with Alexander Korzhakov, the head of the SBR, and Mikhail Barsukov, who later became the head of the FSB.

Career decline and prison

Not having time to enjoy his fame, Dmitry Yakubovsky at one moment lost everything. In the winter of 1994, he was arrested at Kresty on suspicion of embezzlement of valuable literature from the St. Petersburg National Library. During the detention, the young and hot lawyer again had a conflict with one of his cellmates, for which he received an additional four-year term in a general regime colony. During his arrest, he stayed in a special-purpose zone intended for the detention of former police officers and special services. Four years later, all charges were dropped from him, and he was finally released. Next, we will talk about how Dmitry Yakubovsky and his wives spent their free time. Photos of these happy moments can be seen below.

Work as a promising lawyer

After imprisonment Dmitry Yakubovsky reconsidered his views on life and decided to re-climb the career ladder. This time his choice fell on advocacy. From that moment on, he became a defense and support for many businessmen, authoritative and wealthy people. For example, one of his wards at that time was the wife of the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg - L. B. Narusov. Then he represented the interests of a large and well-known businessman A. Spivakovsky, and also became famous thanks to a high-profile case between Alfa-Bank and its shareholders.

Business vein of Yakubovsky

Despite the fact that Dmitry Yakubovsky (a photo of him can be seen in our article) held many different leadership positions, this did not prevent him from actively developing as a businessman. So, he managed to get in partners one of the largest subsidiaries of the country, such as AFK Sistema, headed at that time by Vladimir Yevtushenkov.

In 2009, Yakubovsky entered into a mutually beneficial partnership agreement with VTB, an influential banking organization. Later, he sold his block of shares and organized the joint production of domestic cars at KAMAZ-Termishin LLC, and also promoted the Thermission patented European technology.

Currently, Dmitry Yakubovsky (a Russian lawyer) is one of the richest people in Switzerland, and his fortune is estimated at an average of 700-800 million francs per year.

“If I were a Sultan, I would have had three wives”

In addition to his excellent organizational skills and excellent grip, businessman Yakubovsky also had a certain gift to attract the opposite sex. During communication with the “guru of domestic jurisprudence”, many ladies simply lost their heads. And, to tell the truth, the businessman himself often fell in love, although his hobbies were temporary. Here it is - he is windy and unstable - Dmitry Yakubovsky. And his wives marked "ex" confirm all of the above. Some of them call him “Blue Beard”. Others say that the song about the Sultan and his numerous harem is written about him.

At the moment, a talented lawyer is already married to the twelfth lady. And, according to his inner circle, no one knows how long this marriage will last. However, despite numerous partings and scandals associated with them, Dmitry still manages to maintain friendly and peaceful relations with almost all former spouses. Yes, this is not surprising, because as a moral compensation, almost every lady of the heart with the unpromising prefix "ex" received money, yachts, real estate and expensive cars from Dmitry.


Dmitry Yakubovsky and his wives: photos

About his first wife, Yakubovsky speaks with a tight smile on his lips. He was only 21 years old then. Her name was Larisa, and she worked with Dmitry. Yes, yes, it was a short, but very beautiful office romance, which ended in a bright wedding.

Immediately after the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds threw things in their suitcases and rushed on a romantic trip together. However, instead of enjoying the rest and, of course, with each other, the young people realized that they had become very excited. According to the lawyer, this marriage was destined to last two months by force. After that, the couple broke up and officially divorced. True, Dmitry immediately had to start looking for a new job, since he did not want to meet with his ex-wife regularly.

"Helen candy"

“Then there was Lena, ” says Dmitry Yakubovsky, and his wives confirm these words. She was not just a wife, but "a girl with a rich and influential dad." Actually, that's why the enterprising lawyer married her. However, Lena's father timely recognized the insidious plan of the Moscow "Casanova" and flatly refused to help in any way.

Dmitry did not waste time, continuing to make acquaintances on the side. His loving wife saw this, but tolerated and did not say a single word to him in reproach. In the end, the businessman got tired of playing the “cat and mouse” game, and he filed for divorce. A little later he was informed about the child whom, as it turned out, was waiting for Lena. At the moment, the daughter continues to maintain a warm relationship with her father, although she does not live with him under one roof, says Dmitry Yakubovsky. The businessman’s wives also regularly receive some help from him.



The next woman, who also entered the “club of abandoned wives, ” was Svetlana. Unlike previous passions, this lady had to be "stormed". Such a hobby, again at the workplace, almost cost the businessman and the womanizer a career. Then there was a gorgeous wedding, a memorable trip to Rome and a meeting with the pontiff. However, despite the blessing received from the Pope, this relationship was also short-lived. The marriage lasted about two years. After the divorce, Dmitry gave his ex-wife a dozen red roses and a chic sports car.

Fatal meeting with Marina Krasner

Dmitry Yakubovsky and Marina Krasner met in Toronto. According to the lawyer, Marina had an ideal model appearance, which simply drove him crazy. On the first day of their acquaintance, the businessman fell in love like a boy, and as a sign of his admiration he presented the chosen one a Mercedes worth $ 150, 000. Then he presented her with a huge country house, the price of which amounted to about $ 5 million, and they got married.

During family life, Dmitry literally bombarded his lady with diamonds, presented expensive gifts, flowers, and valuables. However, this marriage did not last long. Yakubovsky was arrested and put in “Crosses”. At this time, his charming wife found herself another influential patron and hastened to file for divorce. After the breakup, Marina got a lot of valuable, including movable and immovable property. At the moment, the ex-wife of "General Dima" with his daughter lives in a chic mansion in Canada.


"Galatea" Irina and the prison romance

“A long bachelor’s life is not mine!” Said Dmitry Yakubovsky. His biography clearly demonstrates this. While still in custody, our Romeo started a prison romance with his lawyer, Irina. Moreover, the point here was not at all reckless love and beauty.

According to Dmitry, he wanted to "fashion" from his random companion that ideal image that he loved in the marina. For this, he did not spare money and time, and Irina, who was in love, agreed to all the experiments and even boldly laid down under the surgeon’s knife. In 1998, they finally got married. Then began a series of betrayals by Yakubovsky. His fire and excitement died out, so this, we are not afraid to say, strange marriage broke up.

However, after a while they met again and got married again. They lived for three years and divorced again. In memory of the pleasant moments spent during family life, the lawyer gave Irina an apartment and a Lexus of red color.
