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Aphorisms about women: quotes from famous people

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Aphorisms about women: quotes from famous people
Aphorisms about women: quotes from famous people



Most disagreements between representatives of different sexes arise when aphorisms about women begin to be discussed. Why is this happening? Probably because aphorisms about women are not always true, which many women do not like. Actually, any dogma is ever refuted by anyone. We will deal with this issue.

Aphorisms about women: are they always accurate?

Even in antiquity, one sage expressed the idea: “Any rule has exceptions. And a woman, like this rule: she is exceptional, correct, but sometimes she goes beyond these very rules. ”

It’s hard for men to understand women. And that is easy to explain. After all, the psychology of heterogeneous people is different. It is no less difficult for a woman to understand a man. However, due to some natural obstinacy, most ladies will never admit it.

From here arise aphorisms about women, where they are represented devoid of logic, strange creatures. But this is a myth: the logic of women is often much smarter than men's. And every lady's oddity can be explained. Another thing is that the ladies themselves use this myth in order to justify their thoughtless or incorrect, erroneous acts.

Is it possible to argue a woman?


The fact that women are stubborn and impossible to argue with was noted by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. He informed the world about this in his epigram.

To shame a liar, make fun of a fool

And arguing with a woman is the same

What to draw water with a sieve:

Deliver us from these three, God!..

Not all the names of the authors of the aphorisms have come down to us, but from this the winged wise sayings have not lost their significance.

  • The best end to the argument with your wife is to pretend to be dead.

  • In a dispute between spouses, one is always right, and the second … husband!

In fact, the reason here lies in the fact that the vocabulary of women is many times greater than that of men. Yes, and patience to dispute too. Therefore, many men, even if they are confident in their innocence, it is easier to agree with the lady or leave the battlefield silently, keeping their opinion in themselves.

Is birthday a holiday?

The worst thing for every woman is the approach of old age, the loss of external attractiveness. It's funny, but men are also prone to the same phobia to no lesser extent. Just a strong sex diligently hides this weakness. However, in plastic surgery centers, men are not much smaller than women. And they are buying up cosmetics at the same speed as the ladies.

It is clear that representatives of both sexes want to look younger. And the fact that they hide their age in righteous and unrighteous ways is no secret to anyone. That's why birthday aphorisms are so often born.

  • A woman after thirty turns twenty-nine every year.

  • This thirty-five-year-old lady, like all women on Earth, was only twenty-eight years old.

  • Girl, girl, young woman … Young woman, young woman, young woman … And now - the old woman died!

  • The ideal husband always remembers the date of birth of his wife, but does not know how old she is.

Even great people often came up with catchphrases about a woman’s birthday. For example, Joseph Kossman, a famous American entrepreneur, once said this: “There is no safer way to remember a wife’s birthday than forget at least once about him!”


And again about the birthday

Some winged phrases contain a slight irony over how much effort a lady spends on preparing a feast. Sometimes the holiday itself is no longer a holiday for her. And birthday aphorisms are dedicated to this.

  • A woman’s birthday is as difficult as a gypsy horse’s wedding: the head is in flowers, and the whole thing is in soap!

  • Why on a birthday all around wish health, but they themselves make the liver and heart suffer, loading the body with alcohol?

  • What does a man who invented to celebrate a woman’s birthday deserve? Death is not enough for him - this is a fact!

The strength of a woman is in her weakness

Short aphorisms about strong women are very popular in the modern world. This is because today they have to solve too many worries and problems. But everyone understands that this is the wrong approach to life. Necessarily next to the woman should be the one who at a difficult moment will substitute his shoulder. Yes, and in any other too …

  • Next to a woman should always be the man who at any time will solve all her problems and never create her new ones.

  • In real men, the woman they love is always happy. And only among losers and lazy people she is strong …

Aphorisms developed about strong women even in the past years. Let us recall at least the phrase from Nekrasov’s poem about a Russian woman who was the first to break into a burning house, not even coward before a horse rushing forward.


And the ditty, written during the Great Patriotic War?

Me and the horse, me and the bull

I am a woman and a man!

In fact, the inner strength of a woman, her patience, perseverance often surpass even male qualities. But, as mentioned above, this is rather not a rule, but an exception. A woman cannot be constantly strong. In her nature lies the need for affection, tenderness, care. And therefore, "periodically even a very strong woman gets tired of being a man."

Does a woman look like a cat?

Many men tend to compare lovely ladies with some animals. In a positive embodiment, such are fallow deer, bees, fish, cats, birds, bunnies and others. Probably, such a desire arises because these animals cause a feeling of tenderness or admiration.


But aphorisms about cats and women do not always arise from positive emotions.

  • Baba is a cat, purrs to everyone who strokes her.

  • Do not believe a woman when she purrs: at any moment she can release her claws.

  • A cat, like a woman, can be caressed and touched by her returning purr. But it is impossible to get either one or the other to carry out your commands if they have no mood.

  • A woman is a cat that will always walk on its own and return to you when she needs it.

Family and love - the main thing in the female understanding of happiness

Aphorisms about a woman’s happiness say a lot. Even the most confident ladies in their hearts dream of leaning against a stronger man and forgetting that they are self-sufficient and successful. These are aphorisms about a happy woman composed by the people themselves.

  • The success of a business woman with her own airplane and villa in the Canary Islands costs nothing in comparison with the quiet happiness of her beloved wife, who cooks breakfast in the morning for her husband and children.

  • When a woman has problems, she only needs to hug her child: having felt that he is healthy, he is nearby, she will realize that she is happy, that now she has no problems, and all that worries her is only the little things in life.

Who is the most important in the family?

It is said that a wise woman is not the one who knows everything and knows everything, but the one who has everything and her husband knows everything. This is probably the case. No wonder everyone knows such aphorisms about wise women.

  • A woman is only a neck. And the husband is the head! It is up to him. And the woman only has to turn this head in the right direction …

  • The wisdom of a woman is to be able to remove pink glasses in time and shake off noodles from her ears.

And there is a popular belief that the weather in the house always depends on the woman. And this is partly true. You cannot build a family alone. And a lot depends on the man.

  • The wife of a bad spouse is always a quarrelsome fool and unskillful. And for good, for some reason, a beauty and a clever girl.

  • A fool scolds his wife, a smart one - teaches how to live. And only the wise loves what it is!

  • A real man will never be offended by his chosen one. He just waits for her to calm down and continues to love her further.

When there is no agreement in the family …

The worst thing is the turmoil between the spouses. With years lived together, somewhere in an unknown direction flows away, it happens, and former love, delight in his other half. And such aphorisms appear here.

They often say about offended women who are dissatisfied with her husband, they say, they saw eyes whom she led in the registry office …

They also make fun of both spouses, who, after several years of marriage, begin to express their negative attitude towards marriage.

  • You shouldn’t cut an innocent goose on your wedding anniversary - the one who introduced the two unfortunate people is to blame …

  • In every woman there is a witch, a fool, a bitch, an angel and a beautiful princess. The husband’s task is to awaken in his wife the one whom he deserves.

  • An ideal family: she calls him to drink vodka, and he asks to wait until the floor is home …

  • An absurd phrase: all women are the same. And why then do men all run and run from one to another?

The greatest that God created is a woman!

This beautiful and wise saying often causes a storm of indignation on the part of some “shtannosetsele”. They fall upon women with a stream of dirty and vulgar aphorisms, which are teeming with current social networks. Among them, “a chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a man!” - most kind.

Probably, these elements were embittered by all the fair sex because of their failures on the love front. But, not being able to see their mistakes, they went along the simplest path: they began to blame all women at once, not thinking that the only one who gave birth to them, cherished and loved, also belongs to this half of humanity, which they mercilessly reproach.

In this sense, such a popular saying may be interesting: “One can never believe the abominations told to a woman. They come either from a man who failed to conquer her, or from a woman envious of her! ” That is, successful men who have met a worthy woman on their way and managed to win her heart, friendship and devotion will never go so low as to speak badly of all the fair sex, including their chosen one.


Meanwhile, even the great Solomon used to say in the distant past: "A woman is sweeter than life and worse than death." With this phrase, he emphasizes the ambiguous attitude towards a woman. When everything is successful between the two, there is nothing more beautiful in the world! But there was a contention, a quarrel - and no worse than this test …

Coco Chanel also spoke of love: “Like it or not, there is only one woman in the life of every man, and the rest are only her shadows.”


Friendship between a man and a woman - does it exist?

Everyone knows everything about love - at least they think so. But there are disagreements about diverse friendships. That's why aphorisms about the friendship between a man and a woman exist in the opposite sense.

  • There can be no friendship between a man and a woman, because in this case one of them is surely in love with his “friend”.

  • The friendship of a woman with a man is love, postponed to a later date.

  • The friendship between a woman and a man greatly weakens at nightfall.

  • If a woman is friends with a man, this means that one of them would like, but cannot achieve more.