
Actor Anatoly Ravikovich: biography, filmography, family

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Actor Anatoly Ravikovich: biography, filmography, family
Actor Anatoly Ravikovich: biography, filmography, family

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Viewers know this actor primarily for the legendary comic role of the idiot and henpecked Khobotov in the film "Pokrovsky Gates". Anatoly Ravikovich became widely known after the legendary film by Mikhail Kozakov. However, by the time of filming, he already had several roles in the movie and almost twenty years of work in the theater. This article is devoted to the biography of an outstanding actor and his difficult professional fate.


Childhood memories

In difficult times, Anatoly Ravikovich was born. The biography of this actor covers difficult stages in Soviet history, which could not but affect his fate. Ravikovich was born in Leningrad in 1936. The actor’s parents survived the Civil War, the instability of the NEP period, hunger and poverty. They only had the strength to feed and shod the children. In his youth, the actor was shy of their ignorance and Jewish accent. But later, recalling this, Anatoly Ravikovich felt an acute guilt before his parents. Unfortunately, turning back the clock is impossible.

Ravikovichi lived in one of the unremarkable areas of Leningrad, where artisans and poor officials were once located. But even during the childhood of the actor, only rich people lived on his native Spinning Street. The family huddled in one of the four rooms of the communal apartment. The situation in this dwelling, of course, was bad. Every week I had to visit the bathhouse, because if there was a bathtub in the apartment, then, apparently, before the revolution. When, many years later, Anatoly Ravikovich answered the journalists' question about whether his yearning for life in a communal apartment visits him, where, according to the film Pokrovsky Gates, there is always fun and the atmosphere is very sincere, he said: “I don’t miss! Damn it! ”



In the summer, the Ravikovich family went to relatives in Glukhovo. So it was in the forty-first year. Only a father remained in Leningrad. From what he saw that summer, Anatoly Ravikovich recalled the huge flows of people who were heading from Western Ukraine eastward. After some discussion, the mother and relatives decided to leave, to save themselves and their children.

Ravikovich was then only four years old, but he forever remembered the strange plane in the sky, and how adults discuss whose he is ours or German. He also clearly remembered that after the machine-gun fire it became clear that this aircraft was “not ours”. After long wanderings and misadventures, among which there was a loss of only luggage, a huge Jewish family nevertheless reached Saratov.

During his recollections of the war years, Anatoly Ravikovich said more than once that during all this time he had not seen a single person who would not first of all think of himself and his family. Everyone tried to survive. Sentimental patriotic thoughts did not arise among those who surrounded the future actor. In Saratov, Anatoly lived with his mother, sisters and brothers until the age of forty-four.

Return to Leningrad

After returning to his hometown, it was necessary to continue his studies. Anatoly Ravikovich spoke of the school as follows: “Ten years thrown into nowhere.” In this biography, the actor described this period as a time when he completely lacked the desire to receive knowledge. Ravikovich’s interest in history and even many exact sciences was already awakened when he was in college. What can not be said about acting talent.


The emergence of acting talent

After another visit to the cinema, Anatoly entertained his comrades by portraying famous movie characters. In this, he was such a resounding success that his mother, always in theatrical art with reverence, took her son to the House of Pioneers, in a circle of artistic words. Since then, literature and theater have occupied the main place in the life of Anatoly.


In the graduation class, Anatoly Ravikovich was faced with a sharp question: what to do next? He was unrealistic to get into prestigious universities. Firstly, he was far from an excellent student. Secondly, the fifth paragraph in the questionnaire closed all the doors to the temple of science in front of him. There were pedagogical universities that were not in great demand. But this was not what Anatoly Ravikovich dreamed of. Returning to an unloved school again, but in a different role, was not part of his plans.

It should be said that, despite his regular visits to the drama club, he did not dream of becoming an actor. And when the head offered to try to enter the theater school, this was a surprise for Anatoly.

Hiding his intentions from his parents, he submitted documents to the Leningrad Theater Institute. And, I must say, I would have failed them miserably, because even before the entrance examinations had become a victim of the evil jokes of students of this university. Once in the temple of art Anatoly met two young men who introduced themselves as teachers. Not only that, they forced the future applicant to read the Chekhov story right in the lobby, where students and real teachers scurried back and forth. But they were also able to convince him that the heroic courageous image suits him the most.

As a result, the monologue of Taras Bulba was read before the selection committee. The examiners were not enthusiastic about the young man who was trying by all means to portray the formidable hard father. But when the applicant in addition sang a very patriotic song, without falling into tonality and howling louder and louder, his last name was included in the happy list. But only with the condition that he will further develop the makings of an actor-comedian.


Lensovet Theater

After graduation, Anatoly Ravikovich was sent to a remote provincial city, in which acting was not particularly appreciated. Locals were far from high art. The actor Anatoly Ravikovich overcame many difficulties. His biography includes periods so difficult that, faced with similar ones, perhaps almost every aspiring actor would give up and put an end to his profession. But Ravikovich did not do this, and soon luck smiled at him. Thanks to a happy occasion, he fell into the troupe of I. Vladimirov in the Lensovet Theater, where he worked for more than twenty-five years. Here Ravikovich played Marmeladov, Sancho Panza and many other classic heroes.

The performances were incredible success with the audience. People stood in long lines to get to the production of Crime and Punishment, Dulcinea of ​​Tobos, Left-Handed, Pygmalion and others. In this theater, the most striking figure was Alice Freindlich, who, however, despite her talent, always behaved extremely tactfully and intelligently. Ravikovich maintained warm friendly relations with her throughout his life. And within the walls of this theater, actor Anatoly Ravikovich also found his personal happiness.

"Baby and Carlson"

The future wife of Anatoly Ravikovich was twenty years younger than him. He played with her in the play "Baby and Carlson." The actor married Irina Mazurkevich in 1980. Ravikovich was already married. And Irina at the time of their acquaintance was already married. But mutual feeling conquered all obstacles and conventions. Ravikovich left a spacious apartment and moved to a small room with his young wife. And since then they have not parted. And eight years after the wedding, the actors went to work in a comedy theater, where over time they took a leading position. But people far from theatrical art, still did not say such a name as Anatoly Ravikovich.



The actor first appeared on the screen in 1974. Then in the historical film played an insignificant role Anatoly Ravikovich. His filmography in the following years was a very mean list of roles. But, fortunately, in 1982, the director M. Kozakov invited him to take part in the filming of the Pokrovsky Gate. The film was not immediately appreciated by critics and viewers. By some misunderstanding, they did not pay attention to her. And only after years, this film became a cult, and the statements of the heroes turned into catchphrases.

For a long time, the image of a nonsense was entrusted to Ravikovich thanks to the role of Khobotov. However, in life, the actor was different - more rigid, decisive and practical. The only thing that related Anatoly Yuryevich with his popular film character is love for a young woman. For her sake, he once, like a hero, went, it would seem, to reckless actions. After the success of Pokrovsky Gates, Anatoly Yurievich Ravikovich played a lot of roles in the movie.



The actor was busy in more than forty films. The most famous films in the filming of which he took part include the following:

  • The Hound of the Baskervilles.

  • "This crank Andersen."

  • "The Pokrovsky Gate".

  • "Prokhindiada, or Running in place."

  • "Daughter."

  • "Balcony".

  • "Rest of the Wanderers."

  • Wandering Stars.

  • "Bee".

  • "Hammer and sickle".

  • "Streets of Broken Lights-1."

  • "Little Johnny".

  • "House of Hope."

  • "Not the same."

  • "Stored by fate."